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Skeppy was absolutely pissed!!!! Like fr!!! He had hidden away in a nether wart bush, right next to a creek of lava. It was pretty uncomfortable... Obviously. He was upset, and with that being so, he really didn't wanna talk to any bad boys with a halo. In the time he'd spent there, he made friends with a kind frog. The frog was pretty cool but hey that my opinion

"SKEPPY! Where are you?!" Bad called out from afar, causing Skeppy to panic (since he seriously just wanted to be left alone, what the fuck bad it's called BOUNDARIES ya fuckin hoe!!! READ. THE. ROOM). Skeppy scrambled around before digging into the soulsoil around him, and placing the dirt onto the top of his diamond block ass head.

"THESE BITCHES CRAZY MAN," Skeppy """whispered""" loudly to his frog friend.

"What was that?" Bad questioned, because he had heard Skeppy's barely-even-a whisper. This spooked our blocky blue boy even more, causing him to plot more soil onto his head. "Skeppy?! I know you're here!"

"NO YOU DONT SHUT THE FUCK UP BAD," Skeppy loudly proclaimed, panicking his ass off. Bad ran straight to where he heard Skeppy.

" Bad screamed so loudly that it nearly killed Skeppy with the shockwave it produced (just like when ur mum steps foot outside LOL). Skeppy prayed that the dirt on his head would be convincing if he was found. He silently sat still, as his frog bro stayed by his side, cuz frogs a true gamer. Moments later, Skeppy's bitch face got picked up out of the bush by BadBoyMan. "AHAH!.... Wait."

"PLZ DONT HURRT ME," Skeppy cried, before noticing that Bad was having a bruh moment. Bad stared at the soulsoil on top of Skeppy's head.

"You're not Skeppy," Bad sighed, placing Skeppy back down. "Who are you? Have you seen any handsome men made of diamond near here?" Skeppy ahem'd, preparing to put on a voice.

"Uhmmmmm... I'm Souly!" Skeppy cringed at the dumb name. "And no, I haven't. BYE" he began to waltz away.

"Wait, you sound a lot like A6d's little brother," bad began to use his brain cells. "Wait! Wasn't that actually Skeppy using a voice changer?!"

"GOTTA GO NOW, BYE," Skeppy began to run, as Bad chased him (DUDDDEEE WHAT IS THIS?!?).

"YOU MUFFIN HEAD! GET BACK HERE," Bad yelled out, and then there was a whole ass chase sequence. Lmaooo

"WHY DO YOU HAVE TO DO THISS," Skeppy began to cry again, once he got fuckin cornered.

"Skeppy, we just," Bad tried to come up with an excuse (real reason is that he's a supa hoe). "We need to find the tomatoes, remember? Cmon Skeppy!"

"Oh yeah," Skeppy remembered. "But I don't care about that anymore."

"WHAT." Bad stepped back. Was this even Skeppy?

"No I mean, just not right now," Skeppy corrected, which let Bad calm his own ass down. "I just haven't slept in.. 3 days, and I can't even remember why," Skeppy admitted.

"There are beds back at the hospital," Bad said. "Here, hold my hand, let's go!"

"I'm not holding your hand," Skeppy said violently and homophobicly. "But sure, let's go back there... I guess."

So the duo happily walked back to the hospital. Not in a gay way though, not at all. "Wait, I forgot about frog!"

"Who's that?" Bad asked, before realizing that Skeppy had already dashed off. "SKEPPY NO!!!"