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After a lot of boring and insignificant walking montages, the bunch finally made it to the interesting train station!

"This is a train station," Bad informed them just in case cuz they're them. "It was made by IShowSpeed!"

"MAN SPEED IS SO COOL!" Dream wored his mask with the smile, but he was blob form so it was just like weird what the heck.

The professional minecraft gamers (and goodboyhalo) went into the station. "can someone get a ticket for us im kinda nervous O_o" Bad asked politely. Everyone looked at each other, cuz lets be honest who wants to do that like ever. "Fine, I'll-"

"I CAN DO IT!" Skeppy pumped up, running to the counter. "HEY THERE, COULD YOU PLEASE GET ME AND MY FRIENDS SOME TICKE-"

Skeppy, in the middle of his sentence, fell asleep, faceplanting onto the ground. BITCH WAS FUCKKNG TIRED!!! badboyhalo laughed lmaomaomaoly and picked up his blocky man (cuz badboyhalo is tall and buff and not bald at all OK!?!?!).

"yeah, we need tickets!" Bad finished what Skeppeh was saying.

"yes," an unidentifiable dog wearing an eyepatch with some anime protag esque scar looked up from his newspaper, giving them tickets. "ho hoh ho."

"THANK YOU DOG!" Bad smileded, yoinking dream and good and Boomer's corpse before anyone could say that stupid fuckng WHAT THE DOG DOIN thing, thank you badboyhalo.

"WOah! This train is so fancy!" Dream noticed.

"yeah ID COMMTI FUCKNIG VANDALISM IF I WAS SWAGGER!!!!!!!!!" Good yelled cuz he's a bad person, or at least i think he's supposed to be... hell if i can tell anymore with YALLS HEADCANONS DO THIS BITCH OWN A GLOCK OR AN ASSAULT RIFLE? BOTH? CMOOONONNN!!!!!!!

Anyways, they waited for the train to go to the epic stop so they could save the swaggy BoomerNA!



And so, Dream sluggishly laid on his scarlet train seat, observing the frog that was literally actually quite frankly that whole ass bitch named Boomer, laying dead on the table in front of him. Dream really wished he didnt have to wait so long for the stupid train to stop, cuz this shit gets boring! LIKE REALLY BORING!

"Does anyone else miss... Not being here?" Dream inquired of the group. Bad replied with a meh, whilst Skeppy's sleeping body snored. On the other hand, Good, who was right next to Dream, had his crestfallen face turn sour upon hearing the question.

"Fucking hell, I just really..." Good then paused, thinking and rethinking his word choice. He stared out the window, the lava's light grazing his pale white skin, as he heavily contemplated. "...Miss someone, you know?"

"Who is it?" Dream asked with better intentions, not quite realizing the gravity of Good's feelings. Good looked down for a second, clenching the plaid cloth on the table.

"I miss Jef, okay?" He blurted out, releasing the cloth from his grip. "Soooo fucking much. Sure, we're mortal AND immortal enemies, but at the same time, we're best friends, and I... This is getting fucking stupid," Good sighed, beginning to hyperventilate from shame. "I'll just shut the fuck up already-"

"Dude, it's cool," Dream looked up at Good, his little blob smile calming Good down. "I miss someone too, I understand how it feels. I'm glad you told us." Dreamy weamy then thoughted about the goggy.... uwu

"Yeah Good, if you ever want to talk about it more, I'll be right here for you," Bad gave him a smile. Skeppy snored loudly. "...And Skeppy will too!" Bad grasped Skeppy's arm, and made him wonkily wave at Good. The small gesture lifted Good's spirits by a slight margin, even if it felt a little too saccharine.