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"Where am I??" Ant looked around, not really able to make things out, as he was incredibly disoriented. It appeared that he had landed in a workshop. There were many random stuff that you'd find in a workshop in this workshop. Man. This is just so god damn high quality. Just below the door was a slight shimmer of light, indicating life within the walls of the shop.

Ant, unaware of the status of his own safety, still chose to open the door.

"WHO THE FUCK-" Fundy turned around, dropping his screwdriver. "Oh! Hi Ant! I was working on making a end this stupid conflict that's annoying me mod!"

"Well, I need something that'll help with my own conflicts," Ant bargained to Fundy, handing him a stack of diamonds. "...I don't know where I got that, but could you make a tracker to help me find Velvet-"

"SAY NO MORE!" Fundy interrupted, instantly going back to work. "It'll be done in a jif- I mean... A word that won't get my head smashed in by Skeppy!"

Ant ignored Fundy's last remark, and stretched, waiting for Fundy to finish his work. "What's taking so long? Do you need help?"

"WHAT'D YOU SAY TO ME YOU LITTLE- No, I don't!" Fundy attempted to keep his composure. "Jeez, you're really something..."

"I am!" Ant snarkily agreed, leaning on the wall of the workshop.

After a while of Fundy doing whatever he was doing, he finally finished!

"Take this! Get out!" Fundy kept a smile. "Forever! Never come back!"


And so Ant walked out of the workshop, and began following the tracker. But... Like during all good moments; an explosion happened!

"fUCK MY MOD REALLY DID NOT WORK," Fundy whimpered as he was crushed under his own workshop. "Like it did the EXACT OPPOSITE of what I wanted!"

Ant looked at Fundy. Fundy was essentially dying under the weight of his own creations. Lmao. Antfrost decided to help, pulling Fundy out from
Under the rubble.

"Are you okay?" Ant asked Fundy. Fundy shook off all the soul soil and rocks that accumulated onto him.

"Yes I am!" Fundy faked a grin. "...No OF COURSE I'M NOT OKAY!"

"Well, I guess you have work to do now," Ant pointed out his destroyed base, ignoring Fundy's response yet again. "I'll just go-"

"No, no, I made that in five minutes," Fundy explained to Ant. "I don't care about it. But I do need that tracker back now..."

"I can give it to you, when I'm done finding Velvet, but I can give it," Ant stuffed the tracker in his pocket. "What coords should I meet you at-"

"Hell no I'm not waiting. FUCK IT I CAN JUST COME WITH YOU! Sound good? I have literally nothing else I could do right now!" Fundy frantically proposed, not even attempting to snatch the device back and booking it like a normal gamer. "Shut up narrator. I can hear you now!"

"Narrator? Whatever, just follow me," Ant sighed, turning towards the path the tracker set him towards. Fundy waltzed along.

And thus, the furry duo was born.

Meanwhile, TommyInnit.

"Do we have to find Velvet first?!" Tommy continued annoying Philza, using the most annoying voice ever conceived. "Why can't we just find Jef?! Who cares about Velvet? Not me! LETS FIND JEF!!"

"Tommy..." Philza groaned cuz this kid was getting fucking annoying. "Don't make me flip this ride over."

"NO DONT PULL A BBH HOLY SHIT," Tommy yelped, tightening his grip. "JUST PLEASE MAN!!! I need to find that MOTHERFUCKER JEF!"

To be fair, nobody there actually gave a shit about Velvet, and so there was no real reason to actually continue going for him. After some consideration, Philza finally considered Tommy's wishes.

"Yknow what Tommy, if you can give me a good reason to go for Jef first," Philza decided. "I'll do it."

"Well, he's kinda in fucking danger, and he got kidnapped by some angel fuckhead, and I need to give him something that I really think he needs?"

"Give him what?" Philza asked.

Tommy held out a bottle of Jif peanut butter. "It's the last one in fucking existence... I found it in the cafeteria of Awsamdude's hotel, and it was supposed to be a got damn gift! Also it probably might make him go super saiyan or some shit cuz that's how this bloody shit works!" Tommy explained to the Philzo. "Cmon man!"

"Oh shit, well then, let's go," Philza realized the severity of this situation, and turned right.

"How do you even know where they all are?!?!" Tommy wondered. Philza shrugged.

"PLOT ReasoNS," Technoplane called out from afar, giving the most definitive answer, as he did more sick tricks whilst following for no real reason.

After a long time of flying, they finally made it to the place where Jef was.

"Wow, it's a dirt shack?" Tommy noticed immediately.

"Even got the green top what the heck," Techno laughed at it's simple inferiority. Tommy got off of the crow plane, and began walking towards the shack.

"Hello? Anybody home?" Tommy looked around. He gasped. "HOLY SHIT!"

"hi :)" Jef said, by himself. There were no angsty angels in sight. Tommy felt somewhat relieved.

"Big J! WHAT HAPPENED?!" Tommy looked concerned cuz he was tbh.

"Good was being really rude :( so i went away from him :)" Jef explained to the Tommidy. "when he fell asleep i sneaked out of our house >:D"

"THATS MY MAN!" Tommy gave Jef a high five. "But what's wrong with him being rude? Isn't he always rude?"

"yeah but not abusive :( maybe it was the cursed amulet around his neck :z" Jef muttered. "or maybe he is always like this :("

"Jef," Tommy began, getting out a pair of wire cutters. "We're gonna get that ugly necklace thing off of him."

"we are? :0"

"Yes!" Tommy grinned. "Let's go! By the way, good on you for defending yourself like that back with Good! Take this Jif peanut butter bottle for later! FUCK SHIT ASS BITCH FUCK! Sorry, I didn't swear enough today." Tommy gave Jef the bottle.

"thanks :)" Jef replied, storing the Jif away while he followed behind Tommy.

"Well, this is our queue to leave," Philza shrugged. Technoplane readied his engines.

"oh my gosh :0 hi philza!" Jef called out. "wait a minute... if there is philza, where is mcyum? :z"

Philza panicked. "No, don't summon him-"

"ELLO," Mcyum spoke in doctors handwriting.


"There's always room for a Mcyum."

"Oh god," Philza sighed.