~Chapter 2: Meet Tokoyami~

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Shoji's POV:
I was walking around when I bumped into someone. It was a girl. "Oh, sorry, I wasn't looking". "It's okay" I replied. She then looked at me, she has e/c eyes and h/c hair. She seem's pretty, but I can't be thinking about that, I'm already dating someone else. "I'm Mezo Shoji, but call me Shoji". I said breaking the silence. "I'm Y/n L/n, but call me N/n". She replied with a warm smile. "Hey, I've never seen you here before. Are you new here?" I asked.  "Actually I'm just a visitor... Well I got to go, it was nice meeting you Shoji~kun". she said as she left. After that I sometimes kept thinking about her.

Y/n POV: 
Let's just say that you explained to your family that your staying for high school at UA. And they are absolutely excited about it.


I  decided to take a stroll, just to get to know the building's better and get some fresh air. Dad said that I will introduce myself tomorrow at my dad's class, he also said not to call him or papa by that and call them Mr aizawa or Aizawa sensei and Present Mic. He said to do so, so no student will know that their my parents.

As I was walking, I kept thinking about the boy I bumped into a few moments ago. His name was Shoji. He seem's nice......and...cute. But I can't take my chance's. Ever since that 'thing' happened to my life.

After walking for a while I saw a big tree nearby, I decided to sit under it cause, it's been a very tiring day.

"Hey" I heard someone say a few minutes after I sat down. "Huh?" "Up here". I look up and saw a boy up siting on the tree. He has a bird head with black feather's and a human body. He seem's kinda... Cute, if I'm being honest to myself. "Oh, uh.. Hey" you said. "What are you doing here?" He ask with a dark voice (which is his normal voice). "Oh, I'm a visitor here" you lied as you didn't want to let other's know that your going to school there. "Hmm... I see, my name is Fumikage Tokoyami, but you can just call me Tokoyami". He said looking at me in the eyes. "I'm Y/n L/n, but just call me N/n". You said smiling at him after.

"Hey, Tokoyami-kun, mind if I ask what's your quirk?" You asked, hoping it's not a personal thing. "Ofcourse, dark shadow" he called out, and soon after a shadow bird figure came out of his body. "This is Dark Shadow, he's my quirk". "Hello" he said, the shadow seem very nice. "Wow... He seem's nice". You replied with a smile. "He is, but can be very annoying sometimes". He replied, and which made Dark Shadow mas at the fact he was called 'annoying'. You laughed at the sight.

The both of you then talked, but then you saw what time it was. "Oh my.. well, I gotta go. My dad, will be looking for me of I don't get home, it was nice meeting you Tokoyami-kun". You said as you got up. "It was nice meeting you too Y/n" He said. "See you next time Tokoyami-kun" you waved goodbye. "Bye Y/n" he said waving back.
Ava (a.k.a writer):
Hey... Sorry if it's bad, it's practically my first time doing this, so hope you guys enjoy it. I will probably be posting once every few days, if I haven't post for a week or so, it means I'm on break.

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