~Final Chapter~

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Years later

3rd Person's POV:
It's been years since that... War? Y/n, Tokoyami, Shoji now live together happily as a family with their kids Shoko, Tanomi, and Kanare. Shoko is the oldest male with a quirk called shadow limbs. Tanomi is the middle child male with with the quirk Shadow Glyph. And Kanare the youngest female still doesn't have a quirk yet.

Shoko is 13, Tanomi 11 and Kanare is almost 4. "Momma Up up!" little Kanare said as she tugged on her mother's apron. Y/n picked her up and carried her while cooking dinner. "What momma mwake?" The little girl asked. "momma's making pasta baby. How about you eat your apple slices while momma cook?" Y/n asked her daughter as she placed her on the living room floor with her apple slices.

"We're home" Tokoyami said as he and Shoji got in the house. "Papa! Dada!" Kanare ran up and hugged her dads. "Hey Kanare, how's our little girl doing?" Shoji said as he picked her up and tickled her while bringing her to the sofa. "Hello love... What are you making?" Tokoyami asked as he hugged his wife. "I'm making pasta Hun..." She said as she stirred the sauce for the pasta. "Is it done cooking?" Shoji asked. "No not yet, but almost" Y/n said.

It was quite for a minute until they heard a thud. "What was that?" Shoji asked. "Hm... I'm not sure... Could you two check on the boys? Especially Tanomi, he has a lot of tests coming up this semester" Y/n said as she continued cooking. "Sure I'll check on Shoko, Tokoyami you check on Tanomi" Shoji said as Tokoyami nodded and went upstairs to check on them.

Shoji's POV:
As I got to Shoko's room. I knocked on the door. "Shoko? Are you inside?" I asked as I opened the door seeing him on his phone on the bed. "Something wrong Papa?" He asked as I shook my head. "Nono nothing's wrong. Don't worry... Though me, Your mom and dad heard a thud. Was it from you?" I asked him. "Nope, I was on the bed the entire time" he said as he looked back on his phone smiling after receiving a text.

"Who are you texting?" I asked him. "Oh! It's just my friend Mia, we were assigned on a group project together" he said. "A girl?" I asked him as he nodded. "You're falling for her huh?" I said looking at him. He blushed possible at the thought. "What?! No... She's just my friend..." He said still blushing. "*Chuckles* alright then, your face says otherwise. Also, dinner's almost ready" I said as I got to the door and left.

Tokoyami's POV:
"Tanomi? Are you i-" I said as I opened the door to Tanomi's room. "Hey... uh... dad..." he said nervously. I saw him drawing simbols and a messy room looking as if something exploded. "Care to explain what's going on?" I asked as I crossed my arms, leaning on the door. "I was uh... I uh... Was just... Studying! Yes! Studying... There's so much to study for...." He said with an awkward smile. "Really? Cause, I can see your book full of unfinished drawing of simbols, and by the look of your face, something had blown up" I said questioning him.

"Ugh... Alright... You caught me.." he said. "Tanomi, you're on the very last semester of 6th grade.. you should be studying right now... There are a lot of tests..!" I said putting my hand on his shoulder. "*Sigh* alright dad..." He sighed. "After the tests, you have a full on month to do whatever you want... But for now... Just study first... Now, let's get you cleaned up and go downstairs... Dinner's almost ready.." I said as we went to the bathroom to get him cleaned up.

Timeskip at bedtime

Y/n's POV:
It was 10pm and the kids were already asleep. I went to my shared bedroom and sat beside my husbands. We talked about the day we've had and what that thud was. "Heh.. I... I never thought I'd have kids by now... But here I am.. living my life with the best husbands and 3 wonderful kids.." I said looking at them. "Neither would I... But we thank you Y/n, thank you for making us 3 wonderful children..." "It wouldn't have happened if it weren't for you being here..." Shoji and Tokoyami said. We then kissed good night and went to sleep.
And they lived happyly ever after...
The End~

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