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Hello I am back with another chapter

Two weeks have passed, Reyan comes home to meet me and Papa

I mean he is coming everyday litterly
I don't have any problem but it's just he feel so attractive that I can't stop gwaking at him and bad thing is that he always notice and tease me I hate that.
  But I can't deny that I love to spend time with him but I think he is only doing his work don't upset kia only focus on him no no not him focus on you work work right do it.
I am writing a song and when I am writing it I think about him so actually I think I should dedicate this song to him when he complete the wish I will sing this for him I know it's cheesy and weird but I want to I feel at peace and I know when I sing this song I feel happy that's all matter.

My phone buzzz it's a text from Milly my friend

: 'Hey kia what are you doing let's go some where clubbing something'

I hate clubbing I don't like to go club and all
:: 'No I am not going you know I hate clubs '

:'I know kia you hate but for me please pretty please'

She is the one person I have that I can't say no to her
::'Ok fine I'll come Which time'

:'10 bye kia love you'

::'Love you too'  she is a party animal complete opposite to me I think that's make us friend.
Suddenly a voice came behind my back

"Whom are you texting are you cheating on me"

Reyan how did he come to my room my front door is locked.

"How did you enter in my room reyan."

"Kia I have some powers remember"

Ya how you forget kia I sigh at his answer

"What are you doing here"

"First answer my question are you cheating on me kia"

"What are you talking  and if I had someone that doesn't concern you."

"It concern me than its call cheating you said that we have to loyal each other it's doesn't matter it's fake or real"

He is right I said that but is he jealous

"Reyan are you jealous"

"Why am I don't talk bullshit"

"Why are you angry reyan"

I said to him why he is so furious at me

"Because you didn't give answer whom you saying I love you"

Did he read my text I sigh it's better to give him answer then arguing.

"It's Milly my friend she is asking for me to go to club with her."

"Ohhh" he  reply stupid jinnie

I am sitting in the corner of my bed then I asked him why is he here he didn't reply to me
Then he start come to my side

"Why reyan and any progress on dad" I asked him with concern.

"Yes little bit"

he is walking towards me then he trip on matt and fall on me
Now he is above on me our eyes met we are staring each other like if we close our eyes we can't see each other again.
His eyes is so beautiful like chocolate he is staring at me like he had something to say or he had something for me but now I realize one thing I don't know about him but but..
I like him I like him
  you like him kia don't you.......

Hello I really like music that's why I choose kia's hobby and dream to be musician.
In this journey I am going to recommend so many song to you guys for me music has no language I listen songs in so many language hope you like my music recommendation.
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