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I have a meeting at sin club I feel delighted just thinking about kia I want to go to her and confess that how much I like her how much I like her smile her laugh her everything.
But this damn meeting which I can't avoid right now because they are one of the relative of our partner's I don't know why I need to meet the relative's of the partners.
Rose my secretary said that this meeting get out off hand if I didn't clam my self because she feel something is fishy

"What do you think about meeting rose" I asked her.

She replied "sir last time the meeting you had with mr.welson her daughter asked you for date and You denied ."

"Yes yes I remember so you think this matter is the same"

"Yes sir mr. James had a daughter and he is bringing her so I think it's the same."

"Can't we avoid it rose I don't wanna meet these types of people and you know I am not in to clubs ."

"Yes sir but our partners personally asked for the meeting if we denied him then that's disrespectful."

I sighed at her reply she is right I recently start a new project and the partnership is important I can't offend them it's not that I lack of money or people it's just that they have a entertainment company if I can join than its a great help to kia she didn't accept it but I am going to help her anyway.

"Sir it's the time to leave"
"Ok" I huffed and reach for my car .

After half n hour we reach at club
I can hear loud music and smell of alcohol.

"Sir this way" rose said and take me to the direction where they set.

"Hello Mr.Reyan I am waiting for you nice to meet you" that men greet me

I greet him back "plusure all mine ."

Besides him his daughter standing and giving me a lustful smile and that's confirm the reason of meeting
Nevertheless I asked anyway.

I sit on the sofa which is placed in front of them and asked.

"So can I know the reason of the meeting Mr.james"

"Yes first meet my daughter kara ."

She greet me "hello reyan it's really nice to meet you" I nodded at her greet.

"But it's a meeting why your daughter is here is she also take care of business."

James laugh neverously
"No Reyan she just want to come with me so I can't Deny my sweet daughter."

I sighed it's wast to asked him question .

"So why we are here for." I asked directly

"Ohh first let's order a drink." He called Waiter and order it .

Then he started his conversation in which I am not interested single bit.

"So reyan what about your dating life if you don't have anyone my daughter is suitable for you ."
Here we go again.

"Sorry mr. James I am here for meeting not for date and anyway I have a girlfriend so you are wasting time on me."

Rose giving me shocking look at my reply and that girl start blabring.

And then I see some one dancing on the stage kia that's kia but why she oooohh she said that she's going to club so this club
She is dancing with some girl I think her friend so many boys approaching her for dance and seeing her I want to kill every men right now but she denied everyone that's my girl ..My girl... go Reyan go for her approach her I built my moral.

"So meeting is off I think there is no reason to Carry on this meeting."

"But Mr. Reyan listen."

"Sir I think it's clear that I have a girlfriend and she is here right now so I need to go back to her."

Than suddenly the girl kara stand and said in anger.
"Where is the slut show me Reyan don't go to her these types of bichtes only need you money."

At her comment I lost my mind.

"What did you say slut you called her what" my eyes are red from anger I fist my palm How dare she to call her this.

She get scared at my yell "Reyan"

"Mr. James plz take your daughter away from me right now it's good for both of you."

Seeing my anger Mr. james took away her daughter.

"Sir calm down" rose said to me.

Then I turn and see my sweet flower my eye's soften at her appearance.

"Rose go back home and do not worry about me ."

Then I left and approach kia I pulled her by her hand seeing me there she get shock she looks beautiful I can't take my eyes of her she said something then she come close to I feel goosebumps in my whole body at this closeness.

Then she scream in my ear ohh got she is going to kill me I think

"Why are you here Reyan."

I didnt give her answer I dont want to talk about that shitty meeting.

I compliment her "You look beautiful and cute kia"

"Thank-you but in this dress I look cute to you." She asked me boldly.

Sometimes she is sweet and some time she is bold .

"You look so many things to me but if I said that didn't you mind sweetheart." I told her.

She blushed at my comment and answered
"No I don't mind."

Then I pull her towards me for this act I built so much courage and grab her weast with my right hand.
MY left hand playing with her hair which is on her forehead and siding them behind her ears. It feel so good to touch her and smell her this close.

Than I wispher in her ear
"You look hella hot and beautiful in this dress baby girl."

"Will you dance with me kia" I asked to her I am nervous that I'd get rejected but she did not reject me then I pulled her to balcony and we again stand in same position

Let's dance kia I said and she smile to me.

Its a long chapter and also not romantic because I didn't explain reyan pov
Hope this chapter you like it
And hope for next one next one.

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