Hi I write too many of these

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hi guys

so no one messaged me about the contest so im just gonna cancel that. maybe I should have given you more of a heads up. but it's okay, it's whatever. I did start my own, not sure if its any good or not but whatever

and I just got an update from wattpad, saying that they changed the way that we update stories and write them and how they apparently made it simpler which honestly I don't like it cause im trying it right now and it's meh

anywho, for those who don't know I am putting this story on hold til further notice.

And yesterday I went to my doctors appointment which went well I guess besides the fact that they kept pressing on me >.> okay anyways so my surgery is scheduled for May 7th

For those who don't know what im having surgery done, im getting 3 neurofibromatosis bumps removed. 2 on my head and one on my upper side. I'm going under local anethesia which is just a shot(not a big fan of shots) in both places that I mentioned, which I'll be awake for both things.(also not so happy about)

please keep me in your prayers, I would really appreciate that.

okay byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Hannah x 

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