A/N: IMPORTANT please read

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Hey guys...I know alot of you probably thought this was an actual update...

I'm sorry for not updating in awhile

I've been like crazy busy-it's actually ridiculous lol

So today is the 3rd year anniversary of my friend Lincoln High's death. I can't believe 3 years have gone by so fast...I really miss him :( it still hurts to know that he is gone

But even tho this world lost a great friend, heaven gained an amazing angel. And I know Lincoln is smiling down on me...

But idk if I'm gonna update tonight guys :/ and I know I told someone the other day that I would update the other night(I apologize for not remembering your username) but I didn't because I got so busy :(

And now I'm doing this puppet show thing at this church up the street from me and we're practicing every Sunday until who knows when.

So definitely no updates then :( waaah I know I'm sorry

And I start school September 2nd, college yaaay....note my sarcasm....

So when that starts I have to be focused on my studies in order to get good grades and not have my dad get mad at me.....

Also I'll be working blah

I know I have like no free time guys I'm sorry

And next week,a week from tomorrow actually, I'm having surgery on my right side.

But I promise an update soon.

I don't know when, but I'm gonna shoot for Friday or Saturday...

I'm sorry again for like not updating since like when? Idk it was a long time ago lol

So yea x

And I would like to thank you ALL, my dedicated readers for all the sweet comments you have left me, seriously they put a huge smile on my face

Which I haven't done in a while

And also thank you all SO much for over 17 k reads!!! Like omg that's incredible. I never even thought that my story would even get that much. Like me? Why me? I'm nothing special. But seriously you guys are incredible.

I love you ALL so much

And if anyone hasn't told you this today, YOU are beautiful, you're here for a reason, you were made in God's eye's, you're his precious princess, his daughter.and HE loves you. And if you don't know him, HE wants you to know you, he already has forgiven all your sins, he died on the cross for you. And if anybody needs to talk or wants to accept Jesus as their lord and savior, feel free to talk to me (: you can dm me or my kik is liveyourdreams1234

Also listen to this song here for a reason by ashes remain, I love that song

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