2.6K 67 1
  • Dedicated to all my amazing readers!!!

Hey my lovelies!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

I know not all of you celebrate it because you live in the UK or somewhere else, but still! I know it's like midnight here so it's not thanksgiving anymore but whatever xD

I know I should've wrote this earlier but I was busy like all day

Not just eating food lol

I did actually do stuff xD like watch the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade in my pjs



Moving on

Oh my goodness guys, my story almost has 1 million reads!!! It's like at 94K right now, this seriously blows my mind

You guys are awesome!



Yesterday, I woke up at like 6:50ish because of Good morning America the show that comes on, usually a lot of celeberties go on there, but ANYWAYS I was watching it because of dancing with the stars, all the finalists were on there, sadly the season is over :( I was rooting for Sadie Robertson from duck dynasty and also Bethany Mota, she got voted off last minute, like literally -_- but Sadie won second place!!!! And this guy from the fresh Prince of bel air won first place! I was so happy for Sadie

Sorry for my rambling xD

But anyways back to why I'm telling you this

The people who host good morning America asked us to tweet questions to the couple's from dancing with the stars and MY TWEET WAS THE FIRST ONE THAT POPPED UP ON THE SCREEN, LIKE TOTAL FAN GIRL MOMENT, my tweet was to Sadie and her partner Mark. No whether they saw it was beyond me but hey my tweet was shown live!!! Ahhhhhh okay I'm done fan girling xD

So what are you guys thankful for?

I'm thankful for, of course my readers, A.K.A. you guys! If you didn't encourage me to keep going my story wouldn't be far as it is now. Also I am thankful for you guys because you guys always know how to make me smile, and always encourage me and stand up for me. Seriously I love you guys, you're amazing. I wouldn't be here without you all.

Also I'm thankful for the almighty God. Gosh, if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be where I stand today. My relationship and faith with him is so strong and if I didn't have that I would be a total mess. He loves me just as I am, and I am forever grateful for that.

I'm thankful for my family(you guys are my wattpad family) because without them, I wouldn't be as confident, I wouldn't have a safe and loving home as much as I do. I'm so privileged to have them because a lot of people don't. It breaks my heart

And lastly I am so very thankful for my best friend Destinee. She has been in my life since the 4th grade. She is the one who keeps me strong when I want to give up. She has always been here for me, and I literally could not imagine my life without her. I would not be as strong as I am today. She would do absolutely anything for me, and of course I would do anything for her. She means the absolute world to me. I swear we're attached to the hip sometimes lol but I haven't seen my best friend in a long time because of school :( but the semester ends soon thank goodness. She is there to pick me, hold me, hug me, and just let me cry when I need to. I love you Destinee thank you for being such an amazing best friend. I know you can't see this and probably won't see this unless you stalk me secretly xD I will find out missy, I know where you live >:)

That's supposed to be an evil smiley face but it don't look anything like an evil smiley face xD

Oh well lol


So comment down below, I want to know what you're thankful for :D

I love you guys, you're the best!!!

- Hannah x

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