authors note important

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Hey guys....

I'm sorry I haven't been on much -.- school has gotten busier

And I'm going to be doing this field placement thing where I teach kids. It's really cool. So I'm gonna be even busier.

Yea but anyways.....

I just found out I have 4 NF(Neurofibromatosis) bumps on my head :( I had my mom look and she said they were pretty big....I'm really worried and quite scared tbh with you. I literally cried for like 20 minutes...

Luckily I'm going to the doctors tomorrow so I'll find out for sure and what I'll need to do

I'm like really scared guys


Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers, I'm gonna really need it :/

On the positive side I'm going to Nandos still tomorrow

I'm excited

But I'm also getting sick again :(

Everything is wrong with me I guess...

Well that's it


Love you guys

-Hannah x

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