Chapter 13: Photo shoot

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Hello my snowflakes c: I can't believe how far this story has come. I don't usually take them this far because no one reads them but WOW you guys are incredible. Thank you SO SO SO much for the 25K reads like ahhh it's amazing and it blows my mind. Thank you again. Okay here's chapter 13, enjoy!

Oh and by the way this chapter is dedicated to lilac_micheal because she made me my new cover :D and she is awesome. Okay that is all lol


The next morning...

(Niall's point of view)

I woke up to a still sound a sleep 3 year old. Today was our photo shoot and we had to be there by 12:30.

It was almost 10 o'clock now so we had to get ready.

Me: baby girl time to get up we have to get going

Hannah: -mummbles-where daddy?

Me: we have a photo shoot today. It's where people are going to be taking pretty pictures of us

Hannah: otay

I got Hannah a bowl of cereal, her favorite of course and gave her chocolate milk. After she finished, I helped her pick out an outfit. We picked out a simple blue top that said princess with a crown on it and a skirt to go with it. I brushed out her hair and then went to go get ready myself ready. I put Hannah in front of the telly so she wouldn't get bored.

Almost two hours later we were all ready to go. I grabbed Hannah's bag with her teddy and a few other things just in case. We got into the limo that they brought for us and went on our way.

-skip car ride-

Lou: ello boys, Ello Hannah

Hannah: hi...

Us: Ello!

Lou: alright so I'll take you guys back so you can be ready for the photo shoot. And get this little one ready too she said smiling at Hannah

Hannah smiled back at her.

Lou got me ready first since I had Hannah.

Lou: alright Ni so all of you guys will be wearing tuxs to match. And little Hannah here can wear a pretty dress, how does that sound Hannah?

Hannah: otay! She said happily

(Hannah's point of view)

Ms.Lou took me and daddy back first so we could get ready for the photos. Everything was so big, and flashy.

Daddy wore a black suit with a white shirt and a tie. And then Ms.Lou put me in this pretty white dress with purple flowers going around at the end of it.

Ms.Lou did daddy's hair and make up while I watched. And then it was my turn

Lou: alright this might tickle a little but try to stay still okay?

Me: otay

Ms.Lou used this brush thingy that had pink stuff on it and brushed it all over my face while I closed my eyes. I giggled it did tickle

Lou: tickles?

I nodded giggling.

Lou: just hang tight I'm almost done

After she finished, she did my hair. She brushed my hair and then did little curls at the ends of my hair.

Lou: there all done cutie

Me: tank you

Daddy: you look beautiful princess

Me: tank you daddy

After my uncle's got ready it was time for the photo shoot

Photographer: hello boys, my name is zach I will be your photographer for today. Who is this cutie?

Daddy: this is Hannah. I adopted her a few weeks back.

Zach: she's adorable! Alrighty then let's get started. Boys I want to to sort of lean up against eachother, yes just like that now. Hannah darling I'm gonna need you to step aside alright?

I nodded my head and toddled off to the side. The photo person took a few pictures of just daddy and my uncles. They were making funny faces which made me giggle

Zach: alright Niall, now you get your daughter and I just want all of you to act like you're playing together as a family. PERFECT! Stay like that

The photo person took lots of pictures of us playing.

Zach: okay now I want you guys to pose with Hannah. Niall you carry her for these photos. Okay now I want each of you with Hannah by yourselves. First Niall of course.

The photo guy took a lot of pictures of just me and daddy. We did serious ones and then we did daddy daughter ones. Daddy kept making me giggle which made the photo guy even happier. Then it was me with Uncle Liam,then Zayn,Louis, and last harry.

And then it was just the daddy and the boys by themselves one at a time.

-two hours and many photos later-

Me: daddddddyyy

Daddy: what is it baby

Me: I tired...I want to go home

Daddy: we'll be able to go home soon okay? I promise

Me: otay...

Zach: Hannah love, I'm gonna need to get pictures of you by yourself okay?

Me: otay

First I had an outfit on that was blue and a dress with long sleeves. There was a couple of serious pictures and then of me smiling.

Zach: alright darling, your daddy is gonna bring you your teddy bear and you'll play with that next okay?

Me: otay

After we were done with that outfit I changed into a more summery outfit and the photo guy gave me flowers and told me to smile. I did as I was told and then got changed into another summer outfit.

Zach: alright love I need you to turn your head and pretend to look out the window

After a couple shots of that I changed into my last outfit.

Zach: alright love I want you to turn your head and tilt it slightly. Okay perfect! Stay right there.

After that we were all done and we could go home. FINALLY

We got into the limo, daddy buckled me in and smiled at me. I smiled back

Daddy: you did awesome baby. I'm proud of you and so are the boys

Me: tank you daddy

I layed there in my car seat feeling sleepier and sleepier. My eyes soon gave up and remained closed as I slowly fell into a deep sleep.

(Niall's point of view)

Hannah fell asleep almost instantly. It was getting late

Liam: it's been a long day. I say we just get some rest.

We all agreed to just be lazy the rest of the day. More was yes to come on this tour.


Hey my snowflakes!

I know this is crap. I'm litterally trying to keep my eyes open right now. I hope you guys liked it. It was more of a filler because I'm really tired. And the picture's of Hannah's pictures should be on the side

So yea good night


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