chapter 6: pool day!

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Hey guys! I know it's been like a million years since I've uploaded anything....i blame school for that...I promise I will try my very best to update this summer, but I might be getting a yea...but hope you guys enjoy!


The next morning....

(My point of view)

Uncle Harry: Hannah....Hannah wake up love

I slowly open my eyes to see uncle Harry stroking my hair, I sat up and smiled at him

Me: good morning uncle Harry

Uncle Harry: good morning princess. Ready to go eat some breakfast? Daddy has a surprise for you today

Me: yay! What is it?

Uncle Harry: I can't tell you silly, it's a surprise remember? He said with a goofy smile while tickling me

Me: awww otay...

Harry smiled at me and picked me up so we could go downstairs together. When we got downstairs, I saw daddy and I tried squirming out of uncle Harry's arms

Uncle Harry: okay okay munkchin hold your horses love he said while laughing at me

He finally let me down and I ran into daddy's arms.

Me: Daddy!

Niall: good morning baby girl! Did you sleep alright?

Me: yes! I said giggling

Niall: someone's happy this morning he said smiling. Do you want some cereal Hannah?

Me: yes please daddy

Daddy poured my usually cereal and put it down in front of me. I happily started eating my favorite cereal

Niall: guess what baby girl?

Me: what, what?

Niall: I have a surprise for you today! But you have to wait until we get there okay?

Me: yaay!!! But where are we going daddy?

Niall: I can't tell you silly! Now go with uncle Zayn and get dressed okay?

Me: okay daddy!

Uncle Zayn picked me up and carried me to my room

I picked out a simple shirt and shorts and uncle Zayn put my hair into pigtails

Uncle Zayn: ready to go love?

Me: yes!!

After everyone was ready, we headed out to the car. Daddy put something into a bag and into the back of the car. I was really curious where we were going but no one would tell me

Niall: Hannah, baby we will be there in about 10 minutes, so close your eyes and no peaking okay?

Me: otay daddy.

I closed my eyes and tried my hardest not peak..I don't even know how long 10 minutes but it felt like the longest 10 minutes of my life..even if I'm only 3

10 minutes and lots of boredom later...

Niall: Hannah we are here but no peaking until I get you out okay?

Me: otay daddy

Daddy came around to my side of the car as the rest of the boys got out from the other side.

Niall: okay love you can open your eyes now. We're at the pool!

Me: yaaaay! Can we go now daddy? I want to swimmmm

Niall: okay okay Hannah. First we gotta get you into your swim suit and floaties okay?

Me: otay

Daddy kept me on his hip while we went over to the changing room so I could get into my bathing suit. Daddy bought me a purple one with a little tutu on it with a pink bow on one strap. Then he put this white stuff all on me and it made me giggle.

Niall: tickles?

I shake my head and watch him rub it in.

Me: daddy what's that stuff that you're putting on me?

Niall: it's called sunscreen. It helps protect you from getting sunburn

After he was finished we went out to see that the other boys were finished as well. We all walked over to the gate and uncle Liam opened it for all of us.

Me: Thank you uncle Liam

Liam: you're welcome love

Daddy helped me put on my floaties, he said they would help me float in the water.

Daddy got in the water first and then I jumped in after him right into his arms. We played with the beach ball and had lots of fun.

(Nialls point of view)

I smiled as I watched Harry and Louis play with Hannah. It was nice being able to do stuff with Hannah and the boys.

Liam: hey mate do you think we should sign Hannah up for swimming class? I think it would be a good idea and she is already really good at swimming..

Me: I was thinking the same thing, it would be good for her. I'll ask her if she wants to do it.

Liam: good thinking mate

I watched as Liam got back into the pool to play with Hannah. I smiled, they all loved her...

I decided I was going to sneak up on Hannah to make her laugh. Her laugh is so cute.I quietly swam towards Hannah and picked her up by her waist, tickling her in the process. She let out the biggest squeal I've ever heard.

She turned around to see it was me, making her face light up.

Me: hey cutie having fun?

Hannah: yea daddy! I want to go every day!

Me: maybe you could if I signed you up for swimming lessons, how did that sound?

Hannah: what are swimming lessons daddy?

Me: it's were they help you learn how to swim, and it's lots of fun!

Hannah: I would love that daddy!

Me: alright love, now go play

Hannah: otay daddy

We stayed for a couple more hours until it was time to go. I dried Hannah off and got her dressed back into her clothes. She fell asleep instantly in my arms

Liam: seems like she had lots of fun, the poor darling is all worn out

Me: yea but they means it'll be easier to put her to bed

When we got home we just decided to eat pizza again and watch movies. Half way through the movie, I fell fast asleep with my precious girl in my arms...

To be continued!!


There you go :D hope you liked it, sorry if it was crappy and sorry I took so long to get this done...there was a giant thunder storm and I don't like thunder storms at all..... -.- but yea comment down below to tell me what you think (:

Thanks guys, love you!


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