Chapter 16: DISNEY WORLD

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hello my lovelies! How are you? It's rainy and cold here I don't like it >.< so anyways, thank you so much for all the sweet comments, seriously you guys are incredible, I don't know what i would do without you guys. But here I am updating for all you lovely people :D because I got nothing to do at school and yea... but I hope you guys enjoy it, love you x


The next morning...

(Niall's POV)

Today we're going to Disney land!!! It's our day off so we thought it would be perfect to take Hannah to Disney land.

Me: Hannah darlin wake up

Hannah: hi daddy...

Me: good morning baby girl. Want some breakfast?

Hannah nodded her head as I placed her on my hip and walked into the kitchen

I poured her favourite cereal-lucky charms of course and set it down in front of her.

Me: today we're going to a very special place Hannah

Hannah: where??

Me: Disney world!

Hannah: what's dat?

Me: it's the most magical place on earth, it's a theme park with lots of rides and characters and princesses there

Hannah: I want to go!

Me: we will baby, we all have to get ready first

Hannah: otay

After Hannah finished her cereal, I got her dressed in a pretty dress with her hair up in a pony tail with a bow. I then took her over to the sitting room so she could watch blues clues

Me: I'll be back okay baby?

Hannah: otay

Soon everyone else was up and ready to go to Disney world

Liam was watching blues clues with Hannah, I chuckled at them talking back to the tv.

Me: really Liam?

Liam: yes really

I laughed and finished getting ready

Once everyone including 5SOS was ready we all went to the limo

Hannah crawled over to luke who smiled down at her

(Hannah's POV)

Once we got into the limo, I climbed over to Luke's lap



I giggled and cuddled into him

Me: daddy how much longer?

Daddy: 10 minutes baby, it won't be to much longer I promise

Me: otay

-skipping rest of the car ride because I'm too lazy to write anything else-

Soon I saw characters everywhere! It was Disney! I think

Daddy: we're here baby


After we parked we all got out of the car. Daddy put Sun screen on me and it tickled. I tried to stay still but it was really hard

Daddy: Hannah you gotta stay still for me baby

Me: but it ticklesssss

Daddy: i know but try to stay still for me okay?

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