cheating ii

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7 years later

"Alright buddy ready to go for our walk?" I ask my 7 month old son Jesse. I put his owl hat on him and put him in the stroller and leave.

After walking for a while we stop at the park and sit down the bench. I unbuckle him and sit him on my lap. He starts playing with the strings on my hoodie.

I feel someone sit next to me. "Aww he is so cute what's his name" I hear a familiar voice asks. I haven't heard that voice in 7 years.

It can't be.

"His name is Jesse" I say and turn around. I see the girl who broke my heart 7 years ago.

I hear her gasp and shock fills her eyes. "Y/N?" She shakily asks. "Lauren" I simply say. I place Jesse back in his stroller and buckle him in and give him a bottle.

"Long time no see" I say. "Yeah...its been a long time" She says.

We fall into an uncomfortable silence. I break it. "Well it was nice seeing you Lauren" I say and leave with Jesse.

After taking the long way home. Jesse and I arrive home. Jesse fell asleep on the way here. I take off his coat and shoes and place him in his room.

I take off my shoes and coat and go to the living room. I'm about to turn on the TV when the doorbell rings. I get up and open it and too my surprise its Lauren.

"Lauren what are you-" I get cut off by soft lips crashing into mine. I get butterflies in my stomach. I kiss back.

After a few seconds she pulls away and places her forehead on mines.

"I'm so sorry Y/N. I missed you so much" Lauren starts. "Can you please give me another chance? I wanna be there for you. Also Jesse. I know I'm not his mother but I wanna be there" Lauren says with tears in her eyes.

I stay quiet.

Should I take her back?



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