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🚨 Ready for part two of this fuckery 😂. I'm not ready.🚨


Lauren: I messed up
Clara: Want me to talk to her
Lauren: No it's fine
Clara: Okay *leaves*
Lauren: *looks at a picture of her and Alex and starts crying* (🚨 that was your fault stupid 🚨)
*2 weeks later*
Lauren: *packing*
Taylor: Dad said we'll be leaving in a few
Lauren: Okay
Taylor: *leaves*
Lauren: *picks up a picture* (🚨how many fucking pictures this bitch got 🚨)
*Lauren's Phone Rings*
Lauren: *answers it*Hello
Alex: Hey Lauren
Lauren: Hey Alex
Alex: I was calling to say good luck at your audition and I hope you get 4 yeses (🚨pretty sure yeses isn't a word 🚨)
Lauren: Thanks
Alex: Welcome
Lauren: Um thanks for calling
Alex: No problem um see you when you get back
Lauren: Okay
*They hang up*
Lauren: *starts crying* (🚨 pussy 🚨)
*14 hours later*
Mike: You nervous
Lauren: Yes of course
Mike: Okay you're gonna be great
Staff: The judges are ready for you
Lauren: Okay *goes with the staff*
*Lauren does her audition*
Simon: L.A
L.A: Yes
Simon: Britney
Britney: Yes
Simon: Demi
Demi: Yes
Simon: Lauren you got 4 yeses
Lauren: Thank you so much *goes off stage*
Mike: *crying*
Lauren: *hugs her dad*
Mike: *hugs back*
Clara: Oh my gosh *hugs Lauren*
Alex: Congrats Lauren (🚨the fuck you come from 🚨)
Lauren: Oh my gosh Alex *hugs her*
Alex: *chuckles and hugs back*
Lauren: What are you doing here?
Alex: I came to see you audition
Lauren: You're the best
Alex: I know
Alex and Lauren: *making out*
Lauren's POV:
Mmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm. I can't believe Alex came here. I missed her so much and I'm glad that we talked (🚨 I-😂🤦🏾‍♀️ 🚨)
End of POV
Alex: *takes off Lauren's shirt*
Lauren: *puts her hands on Alex's face*
Alex: What?
Lauren: Nothing I'm really glad that we're back together
Alex: Me too*smiles*
Lauren: *smiles back*
Alex: *kisses her*
Lauren: *kisses back*
Alex: *takes off Lauren's bra*
*3 weeks later at School*
Lisa: Lauren did you see this video
Lauren: What video
Lisa: It's a group called AC3 also known as Art Compilation 3
Lauren: Okay
Lisa: One of them go to this school
Lauren: And
Lisa: They just did a cover of Chloe by Emblem3
Lauren: And
Lisa: One of the members looks exactly like Alex
Lauren: Let me see that
Lisa: *starts the video*
*5 minutes later*
Alex: *reading a book*
Lisa, Lauren, Sarah, and Selena: *sits down smiling and staring at Alex*
Alex: Why are ya'll smiling and staring at me
Selena: Are you in a group called AC3
Alex: No
Lisa: Well they did a cover of Chloe by Emblem3 and one of the members looks like you
Alex: Okay so I have a look alike
Sarah: Sing for us
Alex: No
Lauren: Why
Alex: Because I can't sing
Sarah: Come on sing
Alex: I'm leaving now *gets up and walks away*
Lisa: One song please
Alex: No cause I'm not a singer *leaves*
Selena: Plan B
Lauren: What's Plan B?
Lisa: Spy on her
Lauren: After school
Lisa, Selena, and Sarah: Okay *leaves*
*With Alex after school*
Alex: Hey Sam
Sam: Hey Alex
Alex: So what are we doing today?
Sam: Wanna do a cover
Alex: Sure what song
Sam: Titanium (David Guetta/Sia)
Alex: I love that song
*They go to the garage*
Lisa, Selena, Sarah, and Lauren: Whoa
*Alex's Phone Rings*
Alex: *answers it*Hello
Lauren: Hey
Alex: Hey what's up?
Lauren: Meet me at the school
Alex: Why
Lauren: I got a surprise and bring Sam
Alex: Okay?
Lauren: Bye *hangs-up*
Alex: Hey Sam
Sam: Yeah
Alex: Lauren said to meet her at my school
Sam: Why
Alex: I don't know she said she had a surprise for us
Sam: Okay?
Alex: Sounds fishy
Sam: Yeah but that's your girlfriend
Alex: I know that's what I love about her
*They leave*
*With the girls*
Lauren: Are you sure this is gonna work
Sarah: I hope so
Lauren: Me too
Alex: *comes in laughing with Sam*
Sam: Hey guys
Lauren and Sarah: Hey
Alex: So what's our surprise?
Lauren and Sarah: *looks at each other and smile*Girls!
Girls: *screams and runs to Alex and Sam*
Sam: This is our surprise girls
Sarah: Fans
Alex: *gets tackled by a girl*
Sam: Some fans we got
Girl: I love you Alex
Alex: *fake smiles*I love you to now can you get off of me
Girl: Never I'm never letting you go
Alex: *fake laughs*Help!
*Then a lot of girls get on top of Alex*
Lauren: Okay that's not supposed to happen
Sam: Should we help
Girls: *throws Alex*
Alex: *stands up*my underwear is gone (🚨 🤦🏾‍♀️ 🚨)
Alex: *watching TV with Lauren*
Lauren: You okay
Alex: Yeah why
Lauren: You seem sad
Alex: Would you like me like this *tickles her*
Lauren: *laughing*
Alex: *laughing*
Lauren: Stop Alex stop
Alex: Nope *still tickling her*
Lauren: *kisses her*
Alex: *kisses back*
Lauren: *deepens it*
Alex: *kisses her neck*
Lauren: *bites her lip*
Alex: *kisses her collarbone*
Lauren: *moans*
Alex: *unhooks her bra*
Lauren: *takes it off*
Alex: *kisses the base of her breast* (🚨 here goes the bullshit 💀 🚨)
Lauren: *moans*
Alex: *kisses the nub*
Lauren: *moans*Alex *has her fingers in her hair*
Alex: *kisses her*
Lauren: *kisses back*
Alex: *takes off Lauren's pants and underwear*
Lauren: *kisses her*
Alex: *kisses back*
Lauren: *deepens it*
Alex: *takes off her shirt*
Lauren: *smiles and unbuttons Alex's pants*
Alex: *kisses her*
Lauren: *kisses back*
Alex: *traces her clit*
Lauren: *gasps and moans in her mouth*
Alex: *rubs her clit*
Lauren: *moans*Alex
Alex: *rubs faster*
Lauren: *moans loudly*
Alex: *rubs faster*
Lauren: *squeezes the sheets and screams*Alex (🚨 I wanna shoot myself 🚨)
*Lauren's Phone Rings*
Alex: *kisses Lauren*
Lauren: *kisses back*
*Lauren's Phone Rings again*
Alex: Are you gonna get that
Lauren: I guess *answers it*Hello
Simon: Hello Lauren its Simon
Lauren: Hey Simon what's up
Simon: I want you to meet me at the carnival on Main Ave
Lauren: Sure okay meet you there
Simon: Good
*They hang-up*
Lauren: I have to go
Alex: Where?
Lauren: To the carnival on Main Ave to meet Simon
Alex: Oh okay
Lauren: I'll be back later okay
Alex: Yeah okay
Lauren: What's wrong?
Alex: Nothing
Lauren: You sure
Alex: Yes I'm fine
Lauren: Okay *puts her clothes on and does her makeup*See you later babe
Alex: Bye
Lauren: *kisses her and leaves*
Alex: *walking around*Whoa *sees people dancing and goes to the front*
Person: *pushes Alex into the floor*
Alex: Um
Chad: *turns around*
Boy: The skinny kid
Alex: Me? *dances*
Simon, Lauren, Ally, Normani, Dinah, and Camila: *saw the whole thing*Whoa
Everybody: Skinny Kid! Skinny Kid! Skinny Kid!
Chad: I challenge you to another battle
Alex: *sighs*what the hell why not
Everybody: *cheers and claps*
Chad: But this time with your crew
Alex: I don't have a crew
Chad: Well sorry Skinny Kid *leaves*
Everybody: Boo!
Alex: it's okay everybody I'll be back
Lauren: Girls this is my girlfriend Alex, Alex meet Normani, Camila, Dinah, and Ally
Alex: Hello
Girls: Hey
Lauren: Is it okay if I spend the rest of the day with the girls
Alex: Sure I don't mind I might take a tour around the city
Lauren: Okay *kisses her and leaves with the girls*
Alex: *walks into a Tattoo shop*
Worker: Hi so what would you like?
Alex: *gives him a picture*
Worker: Okay
*25 minutes later*
Alex: Thanks man
Worker: No problem that we be $100
Alex: *gives him $100 and then leaves*Sweet my first Tattoo *sees a jewelry store and goes inside*Whoa awesome *sees a necklace that says "Lauren and Alex Together Forever"*Hey how much is this necklace*
Woman: $300
Alex: Here you go *gives her $300*
Woman: Here *gives her the necklace*
Alex: Thanks *leaves*
Alex: *watching TV*
Lauren: *comes in*Hey babe
Alex: Hey
Lauren: What's that on your arm?
Alex: A Tattoo
Lauren: Of what
Alex: Nothing
Lauren: Alex let me see
Alex: *shakes her head no*
Lauren: Alex
Alex: *sighs*Fine *shows her the Tattoo*
Lauren: *sees the Tattoo*Oh my gosh
Alex: Yeah it hurts but it was worth it
Lauren: I love you so much
Alex: I love you to
Lauren: *kisses her*
Alex: *kisses back*
*2 days later*
Lauren: Do you have to go back?
Alex: Yes my grandma and grandpa are coming and I have to take care of them
Lauren: I don't want you to go
Alex: I know but I will be watching you on the X Factor
Lauren: And I will be watching you do covers of songs on YouTube
Alex: Okay
Person: Flight 1238 is now boarding to Miami Florida
Alex: That's my flight
Lauren: Be careful okay
Alex: I will
*They kiss*
Alex: Bye girls good luck on the X Factor
Girls: Thanks bye Alex
Alex: Bye Lauren
Lauren: Bye Alex call me when you land
Alex: Okay *waves goodbye and leaves*
Lauren: *starts tearing up and watches Alex leave*
*18 hours later*
Alex: *calls Lauren*
Lauren: Hey
Alex: Hey I just landed
Lauren: Okay *voice breaks*
Alex: You okay
Lauren: I miss you so much already
Alex: I miss you to
Lauren: I can't stand being so far from you
Alex: Me neither but hey we can make this work okay
Lauren: Okay
Alex: What are you doing?
Lauren: Watching Twilight with the girls
Alex: Twilight really
Lauren: Dinah picked the movie
Alex: I gotta go okay I'll call you tomorrow okay
Lauren: Okay I love you
Alex: Love you to
*They hang-up*
Alex: *sighs and leaves*
*The Next Day*
Alex: *waiting for her grandma and grandpa*
Grandpa: Alex!
Alex: Grandma! Grandpa!
*They hug*
Grandma: Look honey she's getting bigger than ever
Grandpa: And older
Alex: Yep not a baby anymore
Grandma: You're still our baby
Alex: *laughs*
Alex: *asleep*
Grandma and Grandpa: *asleep*
*2 days later*
Alex: *watching the X Factor*
Lauren: *sings a solo*
Alex: *cheers and claps*
Grandma: You know her
Alex: Yeah she's my girlfriend
Grandma: Lucky you
Alex: I know
Grandma: And really pretty
Alex: *smiles*Yep she's beautiful
*Next Day*
Alex: *walking home*
Sean: Alex
Alex: *turns around*Dad?
Sean: *shoots Alex 3 times* (🚨 why tho 🚨)
Alex: *falls to the ground*
Sean: *runs away*
Grandpa: *comes out*
*A week later* (🚨 A WEEK!?!? 🚨)
Staff: Lauren someone is on the phone for you
Lauren: Hello
Clara: Hey honey
Lauren: Hey mom what's up?
Clara: Um it's about Alex
Lauren: Is everything okay
Clara: No she got shot 3 times
Lauren: What?
Clara: And they say she may not make it
Lauren: *drops the phone and starts sobbing*
Ally: Lauren? Are you okay
Lauren: Alex got shot 3 times and they say she may not make it
Ally: Oh my gosh *hugs her*
Lauren: *cries into her shoulder*
Camila, Normani, and Dinah: What's going on?
Ally: Alex got shot 3 times and they say she may not make it
Camila: Oh my gosh who shot her
Ally: I don't know
Staff: You're on in 10
Dinah: Do you want to go on
Lauren: Yeah because that's what Alex would want me to do and I don't want to let Simon down
Normani: Okay
Girls: *goes on stage*
Camila: *holds Lauren's hand*
L.A: Lauren I heard about Alex I hope she makes it
Lauren: I hope so to
L.A: And that was your best performance I really felt everybody's pain including your Lauren
Everybody: *claps and cheers*

🚨 I...I have no words. Words don't exist anymore ummmmmmm. I writing a book and it's not gonna be terrible like this one and I'm about to publish it. You know I'm actually proud that I progressed from this type of fuckery because I don't think I'll make it in life if I continued writing like this 🚨

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