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🚨 BEFORE READING I WILL JUST LIKE TO CLEAR SOME THINGS UP! One, I was 11-13 writing this fuckery. Two, I was new fan of 5H so...yeah. Three, before growing smart brain cells I used to write my books in like play form so that's why it's gonna be like this. Four, uhhhhh there's like literally no fucking plot. Five, roast me plz. 🚨


My First Everything
Lauren: *walks in*
Teacher: Class we have a new student today
Claire: More like the new rug rat
Everyone: *laughs*
Teacher: Quiet
Alex: *looking at Lauren*
Lauren: *sees Alex staring at her and smiles*
Alex: *smiles back*
Teacher: What's your name?
Lauren: Lauren Jauregui
Teacher: Okay Lauren take a seat next to Alex
Lauren: *sits next to Alex*
Alex: By the way your zipper's down
Lauren: Oh my gosh could of told me that before *zips her zipper up*
Alex: I didn't want to embarrass you
Lauren: Thanks *smiles*
Alex: No problem *smiles back*
Lauren: I'm Lauren
Alex: Alex
Lauren: So what are we doing?
Alex: Uh learning how to use proper sex tools
Lauren: *laughs*
Alex: *laughs*
Claire: *staring at them jealous*
Alex: No we're learning about Atoms
Lauren: Oh didn't we learn that in grade school
Alex: Yeah but here they insist that everybody has to relearn the things from 5th grade to now right we're at 6th grade (🚨 HUH?! 🚨)
Lauren: That's stupid
Alex: Tell that to the Dean of the school
*Bell Rings*
Alex: So what brings you to this dump of a high school?
Lauren: I don't know maybe trying to find the right person
Alex: *smiles*you and me both so what class do you have next
Lauren: Uh art
Alex: Oh
Claire: Hey babe
Alex: How many times do I have to tell you Claire don't call me babe?
Claire: But you're my babe
Alex: Ex-babe
Claire: Ouch
Alex: Yeah ouch bye *leaves with Lauren*
*With Alex and Lauren*
Lauren: You dated her
Alex: Yeah
Lauren: What happened?
Alex: Cheated
Lauren: Oh
Lauren: *eating*
Alex: Hi
Lauren: Hello
Alex: So whatca doing
Lauren: I'm eating
Alex: Sweet *takes a French fry*
Lauren: Hey! That's my French fry
Alex: I'll take all of them
Lauren: Please don't
Alex: *laughs*
Lauren: *laughs*
*Alex's Phone goes off*
Alex: *sighs*
Lauren: What is it?
Alex: I have to take my pills
Lauren: Pills?
Alex: When I was 7 my mom was kidnapped and then six months later they found her arms and legs decapitated in a barn but they never found her body or head
Lauren: Oh I'm sorry
Alex: It's okay
Lauren: Why do you need pills?
Alex: Because if I don't take them I will have a panic attack and I have ADHD
Lauren: Oh
Alex: Crap and I'm all out I'll be right back
Lauren: Okay
Alex: *leaves*
*After school*
Lauren: Hey mom and dad
Mike and Clara: Hey honey
Mike: So how was your first day?
Lauren: It was good I made a friend
Clara: What's her name?
Lauren: Alex
*Doorbell rings*
Lauren: I got it *opens the door*Hey Alex
Alex: Hey you dropped your phone
Lauren: Thanks
Clara: Hello dear
Alex: Hi
Clara: You must be Alex
Alex: Yes
Clara: I'm Lauren's mother Clara
Alex: Hi Mrs. Clara
Clara: *whispers*you should date her
Lauren: Mom
Clara: Would you like to join us for dinner
Alex: Sure I would love to
Clara: Okay *goes in the kitchen*
Alex: This is my first time having dinner with another family that's not related to me
Lauren: Don't worry my parents are the best
Alex: They look cool
Lauren: I wanna show you my room
Alex: Okay
*They go to Lauren's room*

 ClaraClara: *whispers*you should date herLauren: MomClara: Would you like to join us for dinnerAlex: Sure I would love toClara: Okay *goes in the kitchen* Alex: This is my first time having dinner with another family that's not related to me Laur...

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