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🚨 hello I'm back with another part, uhhh college is hard man. Anyway enjoy fuckery part five. Every time there's a 'sex' scene I'm just gonna put some lyrics to songs I'm listening 😂🚨


*With Lauren*
Lauren: *thinking of what just happened*
Lauren and Alex: *kissing*
Alex: *moves her hand up and down her body*
Lauren: *softly moans*
Alex: *kisses her way down* 🚨 you make it hard for me to see somebody else, I'm calling her your name 🚨
*End of Flashback*
*Lauren's Phone Rings*
Lauren: *answers it*Hello
Chad: Hey babe 🚨 ew 🚨
Lauren: What do you want Chad
Chad: I want us to get back together 🚨 that's tough sir 🚨
Lauren: I told you Chad we're not getting back together
Chad: Why because of that stupid lesbian chick
Lauren: Hey don't talk about her like that
Chad: Whatever
Lauren: What you gotta problem defending my girlfriend
Chad: Yep I'm gonna find her and I'm gonna beat her senseless 🚨 honestly what has Alex done to deserve her teeth being rearranged everyday 🚨
Lauren: Yeah okay
Chad: I'm twice the size of her
Lauren: But she's stronger than you
Chad: We'll see about that *hangs-up*
Lauren: *runs back to Alex*
*3 months later* 🚨 no epic fight scene damn past self you let me down 🚨
Ellen: I'm here with the lovely girl group Fifth Harmony
Girls: Hi
Crowd: *cheering*
*Half way into the interview*
Ellen: So Lauren how's everything been with Alex
Lauren: Everything's been great between us
Ellen: I heard she's on tour with the Janoskians
Lauren: Yep she says she living her dream and I'm living mines
Camila: Alex is so funny and fun
Normani: Yeah she is super nice and sweet
Ellen: Those of you who don't know Alex here she is
🚨 I refuse to put the picture I had for this 💀 🚨
Crowd: *cheers*Whoo!
Ellen: So we're gonna answer some Twitter questions
Girls: Yay!
Ellen: @AC3lover "Lauren since you and Alex have been dating for almost 3 years now what would you do if Alex proposed to you" 🚨 couldn't of sworn these bitches are only 15 🚨
Lauren: I would probably lose my mind and go crazy and then calm down and say yes
Alex: *quietly coming on stage* 🚨oh no 🤦🏾‍♀️🚨
Ellen: You know @AC3lover is me right 🚨 *sighs* 🚨
Lauren: It is
Ellen: Yep and someone very special to you is right behind you
Lauren: *turns around and sees Alex*Oh my gosh *hugs her*
Alex: *smiles and hugs her back*
Lauren: *pulls away*
Alex: Hey Ellen
Ellen: Hey Alex
*They hug*
Alex: Hey guys
Girls: Hey
Alex: *sits down*
Ellen: So Alex how've you been
Alex: I've been good
Ellen: You've grown so much since I saw you
Alex: Yeah
Ellen: How's the family
Alex: Fine everything's fine
*At the end of the Interview*
Ellen: Before we go Alex has a surprise for Lauren
Lauren: What?
Alex: I've been wanting to do this for a long time *gets on one knee* 🚨 I think past me didn't know a thing called AGE!!! 🚨
Crowd: *cheering*
Lauren: Oh my gosh! *starts tearing up*
Alex: Lauren I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you so Will you marry me
Lauren: Yes *nods*Yes I will *crying and hugs her*
Alex: *puts the ring on her finger* 🚨 yay congrats underage engaged couple 👏🏾🚨
Lauren: *kisses her*
Alex: *kisses back*
*2 months later*
Alex: *asleep*
Lauren: *asleep*
*Lauren's dream*
(7 years later)
Lauren: *comes in*Oh my gosh what a long day
Alex: Why
Lauren: I had to do 5 interviews and 2 concerts
Alex: Doesn't sound that long
Lauren: Easy for you to say
Alex: Come on want a massage
Lauren: *thinks*Yeah I love your massages
Alex: I love giving them to you
Lauren: *sits in front of Alex*
Alex: *starts massaging her shoulders*
Lauren: You're really amazing with your hands
Alex: Oh really I can do a lot with them
Lauren: *whispers in her ear*Like what
Lauren: *gasps*
Alex: That
*End of Dream*
Alex: Lauren, Lauren
Lauren: Huh
Alex: Uh your manager called and said you're late
Lauren: *shoots up*what time is it?
Alex: 4:00 in the afternoon
Lauren: What!? *gets up and goes in the bathroom*
Alex: What's wrong?
Lauren: Adam was taking me and the girls to Canada for a trip 🚨 adam? 🚨
Alex: Oh okay
Lauren: Alex can you pass me my stuff please
Alex: Okay *gives her, her stuff* 🚨 great grammar 🤦🏾‍♀️🚨
Lauren: Thanks
Alex: Yeah no problem
Lauren: You okay
Alex: Fine why
Lauren: Nothing
Alex: *video chatting with Sam*Hey Sam
Sam: What's up almost married pants? 🚨you give me headaches Sam 🚨
Alex: How you been
Sam: Fine just living oh hey your father stopped by 🚨so casual 🚨
Alex: What did he want?
Sam: He said he wants to talk to you about your relationship with him 🚨now this bitch wanna have a bonding experience get the fuck 😒🚨
Alex: I don't want to talk to him
Sam: Come on Alex that's your father 🚨😐🚨
Alex: Sam he had abused me numerous times, he had almost killed me twice, and now you except me to go crawling back to him no I'm not
Sam: Come on Alex what if I said please 🚨how about you suck a fart outta Alex's ass how bout that. Some friend 🚨
Alex: Nothing gonna change my mind
Sam: He wants to talk to you because he got 3 women pregnant 🚨sounds like a personal problem 🚨
Alex: Okay that's his fault he's just like Charlie Sheen
Sam: Now their husbands/boyfriends are after him and he knows that you can get him out of that
Alex: *sighs* 🚨 don't you fucking dare 🚨
Sam: Come on Alex he needs your help
Alex: I'll think about it
Sam: Alright
Lauren and the girls: *comes in*Hey Alex
Alex: Hey girls
Sam: Well aren't you gonna turn me around
Alex: Oh right *turns the computer around*
Sam: Hey girls *sees Camila and smiles at her*Hi
Camila: Hi
*Silence comes on them*
Alex: Well for a Sam to like Camila awkward silence is a good first impression 🚨damn he deserves that tho 🚨
Sam and Camila: What! What makes you think that we like each other?
Alex: Well first you're both blushing like crazy
Ally: Second you're both saying sentences at the same time
Lauren: Yeah when Camila like somebody her eyes get big
Dinah: So does yours Sam
Normani: To be honest its kinda creepy
Sam: Alex turn me back around
Alex: Okay *turns the computer back around*
Sam: Back to our conversation
Alex: I said I'll think about it
Sam: Come on Alex I know you hate your dad but it's your father 🚨 correction he just a sperm donor 🚨
Alex: Why what in this world has he done for me?
Sam: Gave your life 🚨 test tube baby 🚨
Alex: So did Jesus besides that
Sam: Uh
Alex: Exactly uh nothing and don't forget he killed my mother 🚨 did Alex ever go to the police about that 🚨
Everybody: What?!
Alex: *puts her hand over her mouth*
Sam: What did you say?
Alex: Nothing I didn't say anything
Camila: Yes you did
Lauren: What did you say Alex?
Alex: Nothing I didn't say anything
Lauren: *takes the computer*Sam, Alex will talk to you later
Sam: Okay *signs out*
Dinah: Us girls will see you later Lauren bye Alex
Girls: *leaves*
Alex: What are you doing?
Lauren: Nothing I just wanted know what you said
Alex: I didn't say anything
Alex's POV:
In 5 days is my mom's birthday I'm gonna go visit her tombstone tomorrow. I'm still thinking if I should help my dad or not. I'm also thinking if I should tell Lauren where I like hide and think. Maybe I'll tell her tonight.
End of POV
Lauren: Alex if you would run away where would run away to 🚨 yo puss- what? 😳🚨
Alex: I would run away to a barn that me and my mom would go and play in when I was little or her tombstone 🚨how much money does this family has, they got barns and shit 🚨
Lauren: Aw! So sweet
*Alex's Phone Rings*
Alex: *answers it*Hello
Mike: Hey Alex
Alex: Hi Mr. Jauregui what's up
Mike: Is Lauren with you
Alex: Yeah
Mike: Can I speak to her
Alex: Sure here it's your dad *gives her, her phone*
Lauren: Hi dad *gets up and goes in another room*
Alex: *gets up and gets the remote and turns around and gets hit in the head and gets knocked out*
*5 minutes later*
Lauren: Alex? *sees she's not there*Alex? *no answer*Alex stop playing around you know I get scared easily *no answer*Alex?! *sees blood on the floor and covers her mouth and calls 911* 🚨 so you're telling me- you know let's just move on 🚨
*Later with Alex*
Alex: *wakes up and is chained up and looks around*Where am I? 🚨the Underground Railroad 🚨
Chad: At a barn remember the one where your dad killed your mom
Alex: Chad? What the hell? Let me go
Chad: Oh no not until Lauren confesses her love for me plus there 5 people here that you might recognize *points to Camila, Dinah, Normani, Ally, and Sam* 🚨these bitches got superpowers 🚨
Alex: *eyes widen*
Chad: Oh yeah Lauren should be here in a few minutes
Alex: Leave them alone
Chad: No I'm gonna torture you until you beg for mercy
Alex: Well you gonna be torturing me for a very long time
Paul: Chad I got Lauren for you
Chad: Good bring her over here
Lauren: Let me...*sees Camila, Dinah, Normani, Ally, Sam, and Alex*Guys?
Chad: *chains Lauren up in front of Alex*
Alex: Lauren are you okay
Lauren: Yeah I'm fine is everybody okay
Everybody: Yeah
Alex: *thinking* 🚨mood 🚨
Lauren: Alex?
Alex: Yeah
Lauren: Are you okay
Alex: Yeah I'm fine I'm just thinking
Lauren: About what
Alex: Everything's that's happened. I mean just thinking how far we come together all of us we're 7 adults already me and you are about to get married. There's no way in hell I can make it without you so now excuse me I'm gonna cry now 🚨y'all not even 18 yet actually I don't even fucking know how old y'all are🚨
Everybody: *laughs*
Chad: *comes out and unchains Alex and chains her on a hook*
Paul: *unchains everybody else and puts them in a room*
Alex: What...
Chad: *punches her*
Alex: Should of guessed
Chad: *keeps beating her up*
*After 5 minutes*
Alex: *bloody and knocked out*
Chad: Paul!
Paul: Yeah!
Chad: Put her with the rest of them
Paul: Okay *picks up Alex and takes her to the room and throws her in there*
Lauren: Oh my gosh! Alex! *tries to wake her up*Alex! Alex!
Alex: *knocked out cold*
Camila: Put her on the bed
Sam: *puts her on the bed*
Everybody (except Lauren): *asleep*
Alex: *wakes up*
Lauren: Hey just rest
Alex: *breathing heavily*what happened?
Lauren: You got a beaten from Chad and he knocked you out
Alex: *sits up*  
Lauren: We need a plan
Alex: I know but I don't have one
Lauren: *sighs*
Alex: I'm sorry
Lauren: For what
Alex: For being a loser
Lauren: You're not a loser
Alex: Yes I am
Lauren: Hey look at me you're not a loser
Alex: Yeah okay
Lauren: Come on what makes you think you're a loser
Alex: When's the last time I took you on a date
Lauren: 3 days ago
Alex: No I didn't just face I'm a big fat loser *about to leave*
Lauren: Alex wait
Alex: *turns around*
Lauren: It doesn't matter if you take on dates or not okay everywhere we go together it feels like a date to me okay
Alex: Okay
Lauren: I love you for you not you always trying to impress me
Alex: *smiles*Thanks and I love you to
Lauren: *gets lost in Alex's eyes*
Alex: Hey you okay
Lauren: Yeah I'm good *still lost in her eyes*
Alex: Okay
*Lauren's POV:*
Kiss her already. No if I kiss her then it's gonna turn into something much pleasure. But you love it when her soft lips and pressed against yours and her hands exploring your body. Crap I can feel myself getting wet. When her hot lips kissing you neck and when her soft hands grab your wet pussy. 🚨 in front of my salad 🚨
End of POV
Lauren: *getting turned on and biting her lip*
Alex: Are you turned on
Lauren: Maybe why
Alex: Because you look sexy while doing it
Lauren: You're making me look sexy
Alex: *kisses her*
Lauren: *kisses back*
Alex: *lies down*
Lauren: *gets on top of her*
Alex: *kisses her*
Lauren: Wait what about Chad?
Alex: Don't worry about him okay I won't let him touch you
Lauren: Okay *kisses her*
Alex: *kisses back*
Lauren: *takes off Alex's shirt and sees her abs and bites her lip*
Alex: Like what you see
Lauren: Hell yeah
Alex: *smiles and kisses her*
Lauren: *kisses back*
Alex: *takes off Lauren's shirt and kisses her*
Lauren: *kisses back*
Alex: *flips them over without breaking the kiss*
*Lauren's POV:*
Soft lips and abs nobody is compared to Alex.
End of POV
Alex: *kisses her neck*
Lauren: *gasps*
Alex: *kisses it roughly*
Lauren: *moans*
Alex: *leaves a hickey and kisses her lips*
Lauren: *takes off her bra*
Alex: *takes off their pants and underwear*
Lauren: *takes off Alex's bra*
Alex: *kisses her way down*
Lauren: *moans*
Lauren: *bites her lip and arches her back and looks at the ceiling and sees a dead body*Holy shit Alex!
Alex: What?
Lauren: Look *points to the ceiling*
Alex: *sees a dead body*Holy shit
Lauren: *puts her clothes on*
Alex: *puts her clothes on*Guys
*No answer*
Alex: Guys
*No answer*
Alex: *sighs*Pizza  🚨 I want some pizza now, side note whoever puts pineapple on pizza is a psychopath and doesn't need to be around pizza at all 🚨
Everybody: *gets up*Where?
Alex: Guys come quick
Everybody: *groans and goes by Lauren and Alex*
Alex: Look up
Everybody: *looks up and sees a dead body and screams*
Camila: What the heck is that?
Normani: Obviously it's a dead body
Sam: No wonder it smelled like dead flesh in here
Ally: Do you know who it is?
Dinah: *gets a very long stick*let's find out 🚨where the fuck she get that from 🚨
Lauren: No don't do that
Dinah: Do you want to find out who it is?
Lauren: Yeah
Dinah: Okay then here goes nothing *pokes the body and it comes down*
Girls *except Alex of course*: *screams*
Alex: *slowly goes towards it*
Lauren: Babe be careful
Alex: *sees something she recognize*
Sam: *goes by Alex and sees a tattoo where it has Alex's name on it*Alex is that your mom
Alex: Yeah *eyes watering* 🚨but? I'm confuzzled 🚨
Sam: I'm so sorry
Alex: *angry*I'm gonna kill Chad
Lauren: Alex don't!
Alex: *takes the stick that Dinah had and bangs on the door*
Chad: What's going on in here*comes in*
Alex: *hits him in the head and knocks him out*
Paul: Hey! *runs towards Alex*
Alex: *hits him in the stomach and punches him*
Patrick and 2 other people: *runs towards her*
Alex: Let's do this*hits Patrick in the stomach and kicks him*
Jake: *takes the stick from Alex*
Alex: *punches him in the throat*
Chase: *grabs Alex from behind*
Alex: *head butts him and elbows him the stomach*
Chase: *stumbles back*
Alex: *punches him and knocks him out*
Everybody: *mouth open and eyes widen*
Alex: Planned found we fight our way out of here 🚨😐🚨
Lauren: Okay well we'll follow you
Alex: Yeah okay *leaves*
Lauren: *looks at Alex's mom and sees that she looks like her and leaves*
Lauren: Babe
Alex: Yeah
Lauren: You okay
Alex: Yeah I'm fine I'm not gonna kill anyone
Lauren: *grabs her hand and squeezes it lightly*
Alex: *squeezes it back lightly*
Lauren: *smiles*
Alex: *smiles*
Sam: Guys look up there's a vent in there
Alex: Okay Sam I'm gonna give you a boost up and you and everybody else find a way out
Camila: What about you?
Alex: Don't worry about me just go 🚨here goes the hero 😒🚨
Sam: Okay
Alex: *gives everybody a boost in the vent*
Lauren: Be careful *kisses her*
Alex: *kisses her back*
Lauren: *pulls away*I love you
Alex: I love you to
Lauren: Okay
Alex: *gives Lauren a boost in the vent*
Chad: I want Alex now!!!! Leave the others I'll deal with them later just find Alex!!!!!
Alex: Go
Lauren: Okay *leaves*
Alex: *hides*
*With the others*
Sam: Hey guys I think I see an exit
Camila: Well go
Sam: *crawls out of the exit and helps the others out*
Lauren: You guys go I'm gonna wait for Alex
Sam: I wouldn't do that if I was you
Lauren: Who's gonna stop me
Paul and 2 other people: Us
Everybody: *screams*
Sam: *grabs a stick*
Paul: *takes the stick and breaks it*
Sam: Run!
Everybody: *runs*
*With Alex*
Alex: *trying to find Lauren*Lauren!
Lauren: Help! Help!
Alex: *runs to her*
Paul: *About to rape her* 🚨whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hold on there I don't like this 🚨
Alex: *takes Paul off of Lauren*Lauren go and find the others now
Lauren: Okay *leaves quickly*
Paul: You're going down
Alex: Not really
Paul: *tackles Alex*
Alex: *punches him*
*With Lauren*
Lauren: *running*
Sam: *sees Lauren*Lauren!
Lauren: Guys!
Sam: Where's Alex?
Lauren: She's....
*They hear gun shots*
Lauren: No please no
Sam: Oh my gosh
Lauren: *runs to where she heard gun shots*
Sam and girls: Lauren come back *runs after her*
*With Alex*
Paul: *has a gun in his hand*
Alex: *spits out blood*
Paul: I told you, you was going down *shots her leg and leaves*
Lauren: Oh my gosh
*3 minutes later in a car*
Camila: Lauren keep pressure on it
Alex: *spits blood out*
Lauren: I'm trying it won't stop bleeding
Alex: Lauren...focus...on...m-me
Lauren: *focuses on Alex*
Normani: Now keep pressure
Lauren: *keeps pressure on her wounds*Okay
*Later at hospital*
Doctor: *comes out*
Lauren: Hey Doc is she alive 🚨OH MY GOSH CAN THIS BITCH DIE ALREADY 🚨
Doctor: Alex is alive
Lauren: Can we see her
Doctor: Yeah go ahead room 213
Lauren: Thanks
*2 weeks later*
Alex: *eating*
Lauren: *watching TV*
Alex: Hey you okay you've been down for 2 weeks
Lauren: Yeah I'm fine
Alex: Okay I'll be right back I'm going to the store
Lauren: Okay
Alex: *leaves*
Lauren's POV:
Okay so I'm not okay uh I never told anyone but I'm cutting myself and not eating. I know Alex is gonna find soon but not now I mean she just got out of the hospital. I just wish we had a perfect life without anyone ruining it.
End of POV


And that was the end of part five of this fuckery. Umm I'm writing a book called Back to Five and I like the way it's heading. It's an Fifth Harmony AU and the character is G!P. Don't worry it's nothing like that fuckery above I promise. I'm an adult and I'm college I can't be doing that shit anymore. But check out the summary tell your thoughts on it. Also tell me if I should publish it soon.

Jordyn Parker-Cortez, who goes by Parker, was a troubled young adult from the roughest part of The Bronx, New York. One afternoon, she was hanging out with her best friends, Emmett Hale, Hasan Kosey, Kosmo Elliotie, and Cristiano Rámon. Parker jokingly performs a song for her friends and it catches the attention of Simon Cowell. Simon thinks she's a perfect replacement for Camila in his most successful American girl group Fifth Harmony. What happens when he tracks down Parker and convinces her to be the replacement.

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