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Diana steps into the Dark Arts classroom about to make a beeline for the table with Draco sat at but a hand grabs hers and she spots Hermione. Diana looks to Draco who gives her a thumbs up and makes a shooing motion.

Diana grins at Hermione, sitting down next to her new friend and receives a wide smile in return.

"So," Hermione clears her throat. "I was reading about the Triwizard Tournament and there's a thing called the Yule Ball and Harry told me you enjoyed making clothes-"

"Of course, I'll make you a dress Hermione," Diana says, ideas already swirling around her head as she pulls out a small notebook.

The cover was a light blue with a snowflake on the front and there were pieces of fabric and paper poking out of the top, side, and bottom.

Diana opens to a blank page and begins sketching a female figure on the page. Hermione watches in surprise at how quick the design was coming together.

When the familiar thud of Moody fills the room, Diana quickly places her book back into her bag before staring straight down at the desk.

"So," Moody says. "Last lesson, you learnt about all of the Unforgivable Curses and today I will be placing the Imperius Curse on you"

"Dumbledore wants you taught what it feels like," Moody says as if it was a tickling charm he was going to be performing. "If you'd rather learn the hard way, when someone's putting it on you so they can control you completely, fine by me. You're excused. Off you go."

Hermione shrinks in her seat and Moody nods, pleased that he had subdued the girl.

"Form a line!" Moody barks.

Diana watches as her peers are placed under the Imperius Curse. Dean Thomas had hopped three times around the room, singing the national anthem. Lavender Brown had imitated a squirrel. Neville performed a series of quite astonishing gymnastics he would certainly not have been capable of in his normal state.

Not one of them seemed to be able to fight off the curse, and each of them recovered only when Moody had removed it.

"Lovegood," Moody growls and Diana steps forward on shaky legs. "Imperio!"

A feeling of relaxation washes over Diana like stepping into a warm shower.

Let go of your control

Diana's eyes widen as an icy chill sweeps the room. She closes her eyes and focuses on reigning her power in, rather than pushing her powers onto the condensation on the window, she pulls it away.

"Impressive Lovegood,"

Diana feels the spell lift and stumbles back, her face completely drained of colour. She was exhausted, never before had she absorbed water and now, she could feel the magic coursing through her veins, seeking to escape. It was agony as she holds it in, not wanting to turn her peers into icicles.

Diana clutches onto the desk to keep herself upright as she begins to sweat from the pressure her body was under.

"Lovegood take a walk, you look terrible," Moody says.

Diana takes a step towards her desk before white spots begin to dance in her vision. The witch sways on her feet before her body hits the concrete ground.

"Potter, go and get Madam Pomfrey," Moody says. "Granger, get McGonagall"

The two students sprint out of the classroom as Moody ends the class early, all of the students filing out except for four Slytherin students who refused to leave their friend.

Madam Pomfrey is the first to arrive with a panting Harry Potter behind her, the boy wondering how an elderly woman could move so quickly. Professor McGonagall arrived not long after with Professor Dumbledore and Hermione in tow.

"Students, I know you are concerned for Miss Lovegood," Dumbledore says. "But most of you know exactly why you need to leave"

"Come on Harry," Hermione says. "We'll talk to her later"

"Diana, sweetheart?" Madam Pomfrey asks softly, placing a hand on her forehead before snatching her hand back. "She's so cold, it burnt me touching her"

"Her powers are growing quicker than her body is," Dumbledore says gravely. "We need new gloves"

"Albus, the girl needs help!" McGonagall snaps. "Not just another cover up"

"First, she needs to expel some of the power storing in her body," Madam Pomfrey says. "We need to get her to the Shrieking Shack, it's the safest place for her"

"She'll be there overnight?" McGonagall asks and receives a small nod. "Oh, the poor girl"

 "Oh, the poor girl"

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