(SE) Forever in your heart.

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April 28, long after the ritual, things seem to be pretty normal after Brian's death but inside Toby's heart will never be the same. It is his birthday today and most of the mansion settlers did not care about it nor even thought about it until someone told them, they could've just shrugged it off and went on with their day, or some actually said happy birthday, of course Sally did and Jeff- I'd assume Clockwork is planning to tell him later on when the time is right. ... Toby was in the living room with a few others, sharpening his hatchets and cleaning his goggles, minding his business while everyone else was watching TV or reading a book, or messing around with each other like criminals. "Saw you falling off the tree this morning from my window." EJ said to Toby smirking underneath his mask. "We don't talk about it." Toby said shaking his head with a smile. "Okay, can we talk about the other day then? you did the same thing." EJ replied. "My guy, if you see me do it again- no you didn't." Toby said laughing a little. EJ chuckled and turned back to the TV shaking his leg. Toby went back to cleaning his goggles, looking up and through them seeing if they're clean enough, then suddenly he saw someone walking up to him through the goggles, he puts them down revealing Clockwork standing there. "Toby come help me with the tool shed outside, it's cluttered and BEN won't help me because of his stupid streaming." Clock said as she gestured him to go help her outside, Toby sighed and slid his goggles on his head and sets his hatchets aside, getting up from the side of the couch and followed her down to the lounge and out the main entrance. "So, how you been?" Clock asked, trying to spark a conversation. "I've been okay, i mean shit is still hard but i'm managing the best i can, me and EJ been getting close lately, i like his company." Toby replied, staring at the scar on her shoulder which was peaking from the side of her tank top strap. "how you been..Clock?" Toby asked as they walked up to the tool shed, watching Clock unlock it with keys and removing the wood planked blocking the door. "I've been better, getting through every day as always." Clock said opening the tool shed and walking in. "Hopefully better than me." Toby followed up. Clockwork pouted, chuckling. "what's that supposed to mean?" Clock glanced at him as she said, heading into the shed switching the light on which was above her head. "Well i mean with my loss and getting back into shape..you know?" Toby said as he stepped in behind her, looking down at the axes and shovels beside his legs. Clockwork turned to Toby and said "Toby no.. this isn't a competition, battle between who got it worse. we both need to get better as is. Brian was also my friend and so are you." Clockwork said all while Toby was cutting into it saying "Yeah no it's not- i-i swear i know- I know, he was your friend..." but stopped when he heard Clockwork calling him, her friend. Clockwork sighed and looked him in the eye. "I care about you a lot Toby, i know things haven't been so great between us..and the way you.. d-don't feel the same for me. i swear to zalgo i care about you." Clockworks breathe shuddered a little, looking away from Toby here and there from nervousness. Toby looked down halfways through her talking and tightened his jaw and talked through his teeth but made sure she don't notice it. "Yeah..i'm sorry, i wish i was a better friend towards you. I hope you can forgive me and we can be friends." Toby said and glanced up at her. Clockwork smiled and felt relief for talking things through with him. "For sure Toby. I forgive you and I'll be here for you always." Clockwork was very genuine, Toby doesn't know how much love she has for him, but for sure she knows Toby loves her back. "So, we should get started." Clockwork said and pointed at the stuff around them. "Y-yeah, uh i'll start with the rugs over her and put them outside-" Toby said and got himself moving, Clockwork nodded and started over moving boxes around and the farm tools.

After awhile of working through the tool shed and out of it, It was evening and before supper, EJ was the one cooking for the evening, he was one of the best cooks there, most would think. Toby stepped out of the shed holding wires and an old car battery, almost falling over because of being unbalanced by the weight of the battery, he sets it down on the ground and looks up at the sky, it was dark and cloudy, which means it'll be springs first rain fall. "Clocky, it's about to rain, we've been at this for awhile, id say we continue tomorrow." Toby said looking back into the shed and at Clockwork. "Sure, just about done dusting off the preserved specimen jars here." Clockwork said as she was seen with a bandana as a mask and mitts for protection, moving the jars around. "I'm always wondering about those things, who the hell is collecting them?" Toby said leaning against the door frame. "Uh maybe Sally, she's been getting into dead animals recently." Clockwork replied taking off the mitts and bandana, setting them aside and walking up to Toby. Toby nodding and making room for her to get through, then placing the wires he still had inside on a nail, hanging it on the wall and then shutting the shed door, with the wooden plank and locking the lock. "You got the key right?" Toby asked. "Yeah it's in my back pocket." Clock replied walking down the path back to the mansion with Toby following her, they were talking more along the way, entering the back door of the mansion and switching their shoes to the slippers, of course some other would just walk in the mansion and slender would get so mad about that every time. Toby and Clockwork worked their way to the dining hall and saw mostly everyone there. EJ was there at the table eating a plate of whatever he made, watching Sally and BEN play around on the other side of the table. Toby sat beside EJ while Clockwork went to go get two plates of the food for herself and Toby. "Hey LJ, throw me a bottle of water" Toby called out from his table to LJs, LJ was sitting beside the case of water which is why Toby asked him. LJ chuckled and grabbed and bottle and threw it over, Toby caught it almost missing it. "Yeah thanks." Toby said and over back to EJ. "Me and Clockwork talked about the elephant, and also mentioned the part where she had feelings for me, so forget how awkward that was." Toby blabbed. EJ gulped at the part where he said Clockwork liked him. "...Well closure is good. glad y'all talked about it." EJ said and looked back at his food. Toby nodded and looked up at Clock who just came around them and sat beside Toby, giving him his food and began eating hers, Toby followed along and talked to her at the same time, including EJ into it too. "Happy Birthday by the way." Clockwork said. "Thanks, i forgot it was even my day." Toby said and laughed.
EJ looked at them with those eyes where he was feeling things, he doesn't know it yet but...he thinks they're for Toby, he was confused.

anyways what's up y'all, we're just gon go with disappearing for a few years and all a sudden coming back with another part and doing it all again, lmao 😂 but 2023 y'all, and i still feel like i'd write this forever at this point. so who's up to be 30 and still reading this? joking, but moving on!!!,!, continuing this throughout the year!!!!

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