Chapter XVII - Reality check

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We were watching TV and talking about unimportant stuff for hours and honestly, I could be doing just that for the rest of our days. There is something about Andy's presence that makes me feel so safe and secure. For a split second there, on his couch, still naked and holding his hand in mine, I completely forgot about the rest of the world. Everything faded. There was just me and him. And I couldn't stop smiling. Probably for the first time in my life I physically wasn't able to stop myself from smiling. Until...

"I should take you home." Andy stated quietly while looking at me. I refused to look back at him. I was staring blankly at the television in pure confusion. Home? What does that even mean?  "I've never felt more home ever in my life." I replied, voice shaking. It was the truth. I swear the lights dimmed the second those words left my lips, or at least a bit of glimmering hope inside my heart has just died. Andy sighed deeply, I can't tell for sure if from frustration or if he felt all the pain behind my words.

Maybe a little bit of both...

He squeezed my hand in an attempt to make me look at him into the eyes. I didn't want to. I knew I wouldn't resist them. I started thinking about what was probably happening back home. Since I hadn't had one missed call, I figured my parents either do not know that I got away or they simply don't care. That would be more suitable. They are not completely blind, they definitely figured out that I had run away. My father most likely didn't even get mad. Mom was confused for a while, I guess, but that was it, I bet. They had too much work with packing for vacation that they got happy when they realized their stupid kiddo wouldn't be making another scene.

I got so caught up in my own terrible thoughts that I didn't notice a tear rolling down my cheek. I finally looked at Andy, pale and scared. He seemed worried. He seemed like regretting only even thinking about the words that he had said. "What if-" I started, but my voice was so weak from my shaking that it came out more like a whisper. I caught my reflection in Andy's eyes and the pathetic look made me angry. My cheeks were now flaming red. I clenched my teeth and managed to finish my sentence: "What If they're better off without me?" I closed my eyes as more tears started rolling down.

I felt stupid for that. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes again. Andy gave me a sympathetic look and I remembered that I am not the only broken soul in this room. I didn't want to be a wimp. Another deep breath. I wanted to apologize but before I could say something I felt his soft lips on trembling mine. Andy gently stroked my cheek with his thumb, wiping my tears away and then pulled back, ending the short but strong kiss. I smiled and he nodded. We didn't need words anymore.

"I'll go get dressed." I smirked at him and his eyes started shining again. "Keep my shirt. You look gorgeous in it." he replied with a grin and a wave of familiar warmth washed over me. I tip-toed upstairs back to Andy's bedroom while smiling again. I felt like I owned Andy's heart and he owned mine. And that was all that mattered. Even when we're not gonna be close to each other, we're still gonna be together.

I did as Andy said and put on his white shirt, tugging it into my pants. I put my sleeve close to my face and smelled Andy's cologne. I closed my eyes for a second and a smile surprised me by appearing on my face. I blushed and opened my eyes when I realized that this was the reason he offered me his shirt. Not because I look spectacular beautiful in it or anything like that. Don't get me wrong - the shirt was really nice and I bet it was expensive, the material it was made of was very comfortable, but he didn't give it to me because of that. No. He knew that he can't be close to me all the time because we would be exposed and so he gifted to me a bit of his presence. 

I walked back downstairs and Andy was waiting on me, already dressed. He even managed to clean up after us, how long did it take me to get ready for fuck's sake? But he didn't say a word of complaint. He smiled and reached his hand to me. I accepted it and walked closer to him. Andy pulled me to his embrace, hugging me tightly and placing a sweet little kiss on my forehead. I smiled and blushed again, for the millionth time today. 'He's gonna miss me.' A nice thought flashed through my mind. And with this, I was ready to go.

We got into his car and Andy was driving towards the place he picked me up from yesterday. He was driving slowly and carefully, just like if he had his biggest treasure next to him. I couldn't be happier. We weren't really talking, we were just listening to unfamiliar tunes of pop music, that was coming to our ears from a radio. Andy placed his hand on my knee and I automatically placed my hand on the top of his. I loved how we didn't need words and permissions anymore. We would simply do whatever was comfortable with us.

I navigated him to my house and when I saw my parents' car in the driveway, my stomach did a quick flip. I hoped they would already be away. I sighed and Andy noticed my frustration. He gave me a sympathetic look which gave me enough courage to playfully smirk at him, asking: "How about we spend few more minutes together?" emphasizing the word 'together' and sliding my hand to his thigh and crotch. "Here?" he asked jokingly while looking around the car as if he was calculating whether we would fit there, I nodded, biting my bottom lip and gently squeezing the bulge that has appeared in his pants. "Let me drive somewhere more private." he then whispered with his eyes closed. I had him in my power. "Be quick." I demanded and bit his earlobe to fasten things up.


Hello there! ^^

I know, I am such a tease, sorry not sorry. But worry not, I am already writing another full smut chapter so there definitely is something to be looking forward to!

Thank you guys for everything, especially for your loving comments, those make me go 'aww' every time <3 You are the best!

- Katie out ^^

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