Chapter III - This isn't right

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He gave me one of his devilish smirks and pointed at the chair next to one he was sitting on. I swear to God, his smile is gonna be the death of me one day. His eyes were still on me, I could feel them on my body as I was walking closer to him blushing. As soon as I sit down I can feel his hand on my shoulder. I am trying not to look nervous, but honestly? I think my heart just left my body and I can't catch my breath. 'You're fine, don't make this awkward' I think to myself as I convinced myself to look at Mr. Biersack. He was still smiling.

"So let's begin with the last thing you actually could understand" he said in a friendly voice and I could't really concentrate on the meaning of those words, because his sweet voice is a hell of a distraction. I somehow managed to shake inappropriate thoughts out of my head and grab a book with paper. "Well, I guess I've got lost somewhere uhm..." my voice was shaking and I couldn't remember what we did in maths this year. I guess he's noticed. He looked into my eyes pretty confused and I tried to search for my notes. "Lucy wait" he grabbed my hand and he laughed.

What the hell is happenning? His hands are cold but I like his touch. I like his protruding knuckles and his slim fingers squeezing my hand. "Don't be so nervous, let's take this more like a two friends hanging out, okay? I know that you are struggling with maths and that obviously it's not a friend of yours. So let me be your friend and actually make it fun, how about that?" Okay, I definitely died 20 minutes ago and I somehow appeared in heaven.

I have to play it cool. "Yeah, okay. Thanks, I am just scared because I really don't even know what we were doing today in class to be honest" I smiled and let go of his hand taking my pen and waiting for him to respond. "Sure, try sleeping at night sometimes, might actually help, trust me" he said as he was still smiling at me. I felt a little bit ashamed, but this wasn't the right time to talk about this stuff so I just blushed and looked away. We agreed that we'll repeat last 3 weeks lessons, so he's explaining everything, but not like in class, he's using some funny examples and he swears sometimes. It makes me weak everytime he says 'fuck' but I am trying my best to actually pay attention so I won't dissapoint him.

After about half an hour later we're talking about geometry and he needs a blackboard to draw a big circle. He's walking to the blackboard grabbing chalk and I am definitely not staring at his perfectly round ass and those long legs. He turned so quicky it was impossible for me to direct my stare somewhere else. Fuck, he had to notice it and he'll never want to teach me again. I looked into his eyes nervously playing with the pen in my fingers, Did I see sparkles in his eyes? And did he blush? Or I am really just going insane?

"So now, when I've explained everything, why don't you come over here and show me what you've learned?" he's playing with me. I can say that from the joking tone in his voice. He is aware that he's freaking handsome and that every other girl is melting just seeing him. Fine, but this game is for two players and I love playing games for sure.

I stand up and slowly walk towards him swaying my hips. I take the chalk from him and I turn to the board. I am trying to remember what we were talking about earlier and actually write something right, but I know it doesn't matter since I could feel his desperate eyes on my body again. I let the chalk fall on the ground, completely accidentally of course with a clumsy "Whoops". I bend to pick it up making sure he has the best sight on my ass. I am not really self confident, but when it comes to my ass and not-so-small boobs, I am pretty proud. I can hear steps moving closer to me and when I stand up again, I feel his hands on my waist. I don't complain, I kinda lean on him so my ass brushes over his crotch.

He hisses at this point. His hands are no more cold, they are pleasantly warm. "You little..." he whispers in my ear, I can feel his hot breath on my skin and I am all his. My body is shaking and my knees are suddenly so weak. I want him right now right here no matter the consequences.

He turned me so we were standing face to face now and he pushed my back to the board pinning my slim hands above my head. I would let him do anything right now. I need his touch and his attention. I need him. He leaned into me and attacked my neck with his lips. It feels so good even if it is so wrong. He started slightly bitting my collarbones and I close my eyes at that pleasure. "Mr. Biersack..." I whined. I didn't want him to stop, just to make sure he is aware of what we're doing. And he really is, because all he says is: "Please, call me Andy. Unless you wanna call me daddy".


Really fast update, ya'll happy? ^^

It's finally starting to be interesting, so I hope you like it so far <3

-Katie out

Irredeemable (TeacherxStudent) Andy BiersackWhere stories live. Discover now