Chapter II - Waiting for you

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"I am home" I yell as I open the door to my house.  Silent. My mom is obviously away and my dad just doesn't care. I am not usually announcing my arrival, but I was in a pretty good mood today. I immediately run to my room where I throw away my backpack. My room isn't big but it isn't small either. It's just perfect for me, in the corner next to the door on the right side is my bed, opposite the bed is my wardrobe and on the other side of the room is my computer. The room is decorated with several bookshelves becuase reading can always make me feel better. And on one of those shelves there is quite old gramophone along with my vinyl collection. I don't like when it's quiet becase I have to deal with my feelings, so I grab one of the vinyls and let it play.

I didn't really pay attention to which vinyl I chose, but when I've heard Gerards Way voice, I was satisfied. I lay on my bed and let my mind work. I can't stop thinking about those gorgeous blue eyes and devilish smirk. He's my teacher and I shouldn't be thinking about him in this way, but that's the reason why it turns me on even more. I was always kinda rebel. I see tree and I don't care, but tell me that I am not allowed to climb that tree and here I am, up in the branches.

I am gonna do it, I am gonna ask Mr. Biersack for extra classes. Not that I want to be the best math student, but spending some time with him and actually not failing my class sounds good to me. I find the note he gave me earlier in my pocket. There is an email adress and a phone number. Being the little anxious and shy bitch I am I've decided to just write an email. I stand up and slowly walk to my computer, turning it on while still listening to "Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge" 'hell yeah Gerard, sing it baby' .

I am suddenly feeling nervous and excited at the same time. I stare for a while at the blank space waiting to be filled with my message for Mr. Biersack. I sigh as I am trying not to sound too cheesy. After what seemed like and hour, but actually couldn't be more than 15 minutes I was done. 'Good evening Mr. Biersack, I've considered our previous talk and I've figured out that I actually can't afford failing my class, so I would be more than thankful If you could give me extra classes. Looking forward to your answer, Lucy Smith' and send.

It gave me shivers but I felt good about it. Maybe even my parents will be happy for my sudden interest in maths.

I hate waiting. I've decided to take a shower and then see if he responded. I made my way to the bathroom and I slid off my clothes. Hot water is so refreshing. Thoughts about Mr. Biersack are still floating in my mind as hot drops of the water soak into my soft skin. I can't wait till I hear his voice again, I can melt under that sound. It's not just about his appearance, but he actually cares about me?I mean, I am not the only one failing maths. Maybe he's offered extra classes to all failing students? I sigh at this thought, I am gonna end it soon if there are more people. I hate people. But it would make sense. He's just a kind treacher trying his best at his job, not some lover boy for you Lucy.

My mood wasn't really great when I stepped from the shower changing to my pyjamas, but at least I felt relaxed. When I opened the door to my room I noticed little red icon on my computer screen signaling I've got a new email. I felt excitement running down my body again. 'Hi Lucy, we don't have to be so formal, I think you will learn much more if you take me as a friend :)' okay, I am definitely not blushing, 'I am glad that you've decided this way and I'll do my best to educate you. I hope tommorow after lunch in clasroom 15 is fine with you, see you there. -Andrew Biersack'

Wait, was that only friendly or flirty? I've caught a smile  creeping on my face and my whole body is shaking. I feel like a twelve years old meeting Justin Bieber. I am so excited I might not sleep today. I play computer games instead, I am pretty good at Osu when I am happy, so I got really into in not aware about the time.

'Shit' I am late. I've slept for 3 hours and I am going to be late to school. Again. I do my morning routine such as bathroom and clothing. Black clothes wins everyday. Today I'll go with ripped skinny jeans and oversized "Black Parade" T-shirt. I am such a weirdo, I know thankyouverymuch. I don't use a lot of make-up, thanksgod for that, at least this will save me some time. Just a mascara and think eye lines. I check myself in the mirror for the last time and I hate those dark circles under my eyes giving me the racoon look. 'Whatever Lucy, it's your fault' I shurg and step out of the door.

School's boring, but at least I can rest and not actually pay attention. The only lesson I am trying not to fall asleep is math of course. But I guess I am failing, because Mr. Biersack is peeking on me time to time with pitiful look and sadness in his eyes. I tried to smile at him when the class ended and he actually returned me a little shy smile, I am not gonna lie, that made my entire day better. I am so looking forward to meeting him after lunch.

Finally, it's there. I am heading to class 15 and I feel butterflies in my stomach. I knock on the door and open them, hesitating. He's sitting on a desk in the front row in his suit. Out teachers don't have to wear suits, but I am so glad he does, because hands down, he looks amazing in it. I smile when I see no other students. Just us, perfect. He made and eyes contact and we greeted each other with waves. "Let's begin, shall we?" 


Hi! I know, more like a filler chapter, but you know it's gonna get interestning in the next one! :P

I am listening to MCR righ now, maybe that's why so many references, sorry not sorry.

Also, I am seeing Palaye Royale in a month and I am so excited! So yeah, get ready for fanfic about them :P <3

Love you guys <3 -Katie out

Irredeemable (TeacherxStudent) Andy BiersackWhere stories live. Discover now