Chapter 1

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The loud music and the melody of the song that hurts him the most started..
Without a second thought he started singing it..all lights and eyes on him...
Ironically that it's the song that hurts him but he still sings it..even tho it breaks his heart into a million pieces..makes his mind remember things..things he is trying to erase from his memory...but he can't...his mind begs him to do it...but his heart even in a million of pieces,still can't...refuses to forget the love he had..but unfortunately still has for this boy...the moments they had together...the kisses they shared..the dreams that never came true..

"Walking down 29th and Park
I saw you in another's arms..
It's been 9 years since we've been apart..
You look happier.."

He took a deep breath..ready to continue hurting himself of the sound of that song...

"Saw you walk inside a bar..
She said somethin' to make you laugh..
I saw that both your smiles were twice as wide as ours..
Yeah, you look happier, you do.."

His lips instead of the serious shape they had before now they had curled up into a sad smile full of nostalgia..

"Ain't nobody hurt you like I hurt you..
But ain't nobody love you like I do..
Promise that I will not take it personal, baby..
If you're movin' on with someone new.."

His eyes now ready to get wet his cold cheeks with hot salty tears...

" 'Cause baby you look happier, you do..
My friends told me one day I'll feel it too..
And until then I'll smile to hide the truth..
But I know I was happier with you.."

He put his hand on his chest..stroking a necklace underneath his shirt...and his hand stays there till the end of the song..

"Sat in the corner of the room..
Everything's reminding me of you..
Nursing an empty bottle..
And telling myself you're happier, aren't you?..
(Hey, yeah, hey, yeah, hey, yeah)..
Oh, ain't nobody hurt you like I hurt you (hey, yeah, hey, yeah)..
But ain't nobody need you like I do..(hey, yeah, hey, yeah)..
I know that there's others that deserve you (hey, yeah, hey, yeah)..
But my darlin', I am still in love with you.."

He was crying for good now...but that didn't stop him from taking this song till the end...he wanted to make it till the matter how it hurt him..he loved it even more...

"But I guess you look happier, you do..
My friends told me one day I'll feel it too..
I could try to smile to hide the truth...
But I know I was happier with you..
Hey, yeah, hey, yeah, hey, yeah..
Hey, yeah, hey, yeah, hey, yeah..
Hey, yeah, hey, yeah, hey, yeah..
Hey, yeah, hey, yeah, hey, yeah..
'Cause baby, you look happier, you do..
I knew one day you'd fall for someone new..
But if he breaks your heart like lovers do.."

He looked at the night sky...dark...full of beautiful...and so scary at the same time..

"Just know that I'll be waitin' here for you.."

(Song: Ed Sheeran~Happier)

Everyone was cheering...he smiled proudly...whipping his tears away and looking straight at every single one of them...

"So uhm...I just wanted to thank everyone for being here today...I really appreciate it and it means a lot,really..
Thank you so much for the support you're giving me these three whole years...I love you all so much and I wish I could meet every single one of you...this night came to its end it was amazing I really enjoyed it I hope you did too...but before I leave..I would like to say something to someone who isn't here with us today...but I think and hope so that he is watching us.."

He took a dead breath...his hands were shaking...

"I know you're watching this..checking in on me to see if I'm happier without always said I would said a lot of make me love you..."

"All the people are fake, their made out of metal...but I like you...and that is's not fake"

Those words came to his mind reminding him the person he loves...

"To make me hate you..."

"Crown Prince said it's not him in the video"

The memory of his best friend reading the news that broke him completely came back..

"I lost who I was trying to keep you..moving on doesn't mean I forgotten...doesn't erase what we just hurts less...when I remember..but yeah...I am happier...and ironically..that kinda makes me sad...because I know...that I was happier with you..."

He smiled...they all started yelling his name telling him that they love him...but the person he wanted to hear saying those words again..wasn't there anymore...but whatever the other man does.. wherever he goes..
people believe they can have a piece of a way they can..that's the sacrifice of being part of the royal belong to the people...

He sent a kiss to the crowed and left the stage...He went backstage...changed clothes ...Fans found him on his way back...Paparazzi too...

"Who is the secret lover?!"

"Do we know him?"

"Is it a boy or a girl?!"

He didn't answer...he just continued his way to the car...he got in and left...he cried on his way home...he missed him...he missed his voice...his kisses...his touch...his hugs...everything...he missed everything about him...but he couldn't be with him...He knew that...not after 9 years since they saw each other for the last time...not now that the other man is already married...

So..this is the new
Wilmon/young royals story I hope you liked the first chapter ,I will may change the cover later,comment if you have any questions,
and tell me your opinion!🥰

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