Chapter 10

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"But what about your bad?!"

"I don't care Simon...I love you and I want to be with you be my prince?!"

The Latino man was in shock...He didn't know what to say...What to do..

"I don't know..."

"Please Simon.."

"You will leave me again.."

" I won't..I promise you that..."

"But..then I will have to quit singing.."

"We will figure that out.."

"Can I think about it?!"


"Okay..see you around.."

He turned to leave but-



"When are you leaving again?!"

"I don't know for the next two months I have not been informed of anything"


Simon smiled and left...he was nervous..when he got home his mother was on the living room...

"Hey where were you?!"

"In Stockholm..with wilhelm..."

"What?! What happened?!"

"He...we..we talked...and he...he asked me to be in a real with him again..."


Simon explained everything...

"I don't know what to do mama..."

"Go for it..."

"Should I?!"


He hugged his mom..

"Do you think he could come over tomorrow?! Or should we go to my place?!"

"No he can come.."

"Okay..thank you.."

He went to his room..sat on his bed and opened his phone...


Oh hi

Do you think you could come over tomorrow?!

I uh yes ofc

Mom wants to see you so come to Bjärstad

Okay no problem

Bring Dominic with you..

Are you sure?!

Totally ❤️

Okay see you tomorrow❤️

See you❤️

Wilhelm told everything to Veronica and she was excited about the two of them..Sara and James had left the previous night...the day passed quickly...Simon was thinking about what wilhelm told him..everything...and he ended up making his decision...the next day woke up with an anxiety about later...Around 5pm Simon entered the kitchen his mom was cooking for the night...

"I really hope he likes it.."

"He will like it mom don't you want any help?!"

"No thank you mi amor..when is he coming?!"

"That's not the end of our story"Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum