Chapter 9

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Simon looked into Wilhelm's eyes...trying to find that 16 year old boy he fall for...

"Or At least that's what you said after the video. I get it,you-"

Wilhelm didn't let him finish his sentence..

"I tried, So many fucking times Simon.I wanted to be with you so fucking badly. She covered it up. Every single time. You know how much footage got deleted? How many fucking interviewers she paid off? I wasn't allowed to want you the way I did, and I'm not allowed to want you the way I do now, It's not fair to anyone. But I just want you to know I tried."

Wilhelm had, so many interviews that ended up deleted, so many arguments that ended up one sided, leaving wilhelm ignored.

"That doesn't make up for the fact
you left me completely alone in it. It
went from us being in the video, to
just fucking me!"

"I know, I'm so sorry. I was sad and
confused and everyone was expecting
me to fill in for Erik."

"Maybe it was for the better, that this
didn't work."

"It wasn't, Simon. I know that you're
fine now, but I'm still really fucking

"You only have yourself to blame."

"That's what I hate the most, I know
it's my fault. And I can't even change
it cuz it's too late"

"Why is it too late?!"

"You are moved on"

"You really think I'm fine?"

Simon asked, Wilhelm nodded, of
course Simon was fine.

"I'm not fine, fuck, Wilhelm. I'm not
even remotely okay! You know how
bad it hurt after the video? The night  I lost you, I cried until I couldn't breathe. I had to have someone sit with me to make sure I kept breathing. That's how much I cried"

"I know, I felt it too. But Im not the one that moved on and hate me"

"So you're jealous? It's been however
many fucking years, why are you
jealous now? And I don't hate you! And I didn't move on"

"I'm so sorry I wasn't allowed to love not keep you a secret..."

"You think I'm glad you weren't able
to? I loved you too, you know. I also
wasn't allowed to love you."

"You loved me?!"

"Wrong...i I still love you...and I think I always will.. i think we're missing the point.. nothing in highschool lasts forever"

Wilhelm didn't say anything...

"You never answered...why did you leave?!"

"Mother said it was too risky with you around..I begged her to let me stay...but...she did what she always...when I went to Norway I thought I was healing, truth is, I just stopped feeling..when I got back mother met me Veronica...we started dating...I was so uncomfortable..then we got married because Veronica was pregnant...I want to forget the way that she got pregnant...I had to drink till I was drunk and I took was the only way to do it without disgust myself...I'm not saying I don't love my son...I love him more than anything in that place...but...what did you do when you found out?!"

Simon looked straight...

"I went to your was empty...your stuff wasn't there...I sat on your bed thinking...was this really the end?! That was it?!...I looked over at you pillow...I saw something shining...I took it in my hands..and from that day I haven't take it off..."

Wilhelm looked confused...Simon looked at him...letting out a sigh directing his hand on his neck taking the necklace above the shirt revealing it...

"My necklace.."

Wilhelm was shocked...his silver cross...he must have lost it in his sleep and he didn't realise it...He looked down...

"Your daughter is beautiful by the way..."

"Thank you..."

"The eyes are from her other dad?!"

" not in any relationship wilhelm...a friend of mine carried her for's her eyes...but I could say the same for your son...he was beautiful from the day he was born"

" do you know how he looked?! We revealed his face after the first month..."

"My daughter's bday is 20 July 2027"

"The same as-"

"Dominic's...I know..."

He laughed a lil...then he looked at Wilhelm...

"When my friend gave birth to Isabella after a half hour Veronica gave to Dominic...before you made it to the hospital my friend,Veronica and I were at the same room...I went in to take Isabella and my friend home...I talked to Veronica...I told her how beautiful his son is...and I wish happiness into their life's...and then I left...when I got into the car I saw you walking into the hospital...but you never saw me..."

Simon got up ready to leave...

Wilhelm didn't know what to say..

"I tried to stop loving you
so I built walls around my heart
and found other names to whisper in the night. But you carved yourself into my veins whether you meant to or not.
And sometimes I wonder if you remember the way we looked at each other or maybe you just forgot."

Wilhelm admitted..Simon stayed in silence

"And I swear to you,
If I had a time machine right now
I'd go back And walk in the opposite direction"

He got up too he stant in front of Simon..

"Because I love you Simon...I love you even more now than nine years ago..."

Wilhelm took a step towards him,
Simon didn't move backwards.

"Let's not do this anymore, pretending like we don't miss each other like crazy and acting like we don't love each other these past years have
been the worst without you and I can't explain how much I miss you"

Simon wasn't moving..

"You hurt me-"

The man's voice broke..and his eyes began to tearing up...till one tear left his eye rolling down his cheek...and then another...Wilhelm took another pace forward, testing to see if Simon would move he was right in front of Simon...he placed his hand on Simon's cheek whipping the tears away...Simon closed his eyes on the touch...

"I know that,I cant apologize for the family I was born into, but I can apologize for not fighting hard enough."

He whispered...Simon opened his eyes and looked into Wilhelm's and he saw him...the boy he fall for...

"But I can do it now...I can fight now..."

Wilhelm said with a sweet smile looking right into Simon's eyes..Simon placed his hand above Wilhelm's pulling it away from his face...and looked away from his eyes..

"No wilhelm, I can't be your secret I-"

Wilhelm now placed both his hands on Simon's face...

"Who said anything about secrets?! Veronica knows about us..."


Simon placed his one hand above Wilhelm's

"she supports us...she helped me..and when you come to the palace I can take a divorce with Veronica,it was her idea...because we are not in love with each other and Veronica are friends...please simon..."

Simon teared up...

"I love you..."

He said laughing and crying while hugged wilhelm..Wilhelm hugged him back tightly...

"I love you wille..."

Wilhelm broke the hug and looked into Simon's eyes...put his hands on Simon's face whipped his tears away...he went closer...and then he kissed him...the kiss was different...nothing like before...both of them had missed each other's taste...the feeling of their lips together...their love..

"I love you Simon Eriksson"

To be continued

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