Chapter 7

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When wilhelm saw him he felt his anxiety coming...his hands were shaking..Simon looked away and went to take a drink...

"Hey felice"

"Oh hey wilhelm"

She hugged him..

"Beautiful as always"

"Thank you Wilhelm"

Wilhelm started talking to his old classmates...they were all different...they had changed...But that one curly boy was still the same...still an angel..The music was getting Louder and louder...the time passed...and after one and half hour they still hadn't talked..the song changed into a Spanish one...Simon got up to the bar and started dancing...his hips were moving like they were some kind of machine...they were doing the perfect moves...he was perfect... Wilhelm couldn't take his eyes off of him...a guy walked up to Simon and got up on the bar with him...they guy started moving his body against Simon's...Simon did the same...

"You're hot..."

Simon laughed..he wasn't drunk..he had drank a bit but not that much..he wasn't fully blacked out...

"Do you want to come to the bathroom with me?!"

The guy said smirking at Simon...Simon thought of wilhelm...

"No thanks"

"But I want"

The guy pulled Simon down with him...he kept pulling him into the crowed..he found a wall..and with one move he stuck Simon on that wall..he kissed him...and placed his arms on Simon's waist...

"Leave me the fuck alone.."

He kicked him on the balls and left...he went to the bar...

"A glass of whiskey please"

He gave it to him...Simon went outside...he sat down and started drinking his alcohol...he never liked alcohol..because of his dad...but right now..he didn't really care...Wilhelm was searching for Simon...he was nowhere to be found...he went out to take some fresh air...then he saw him...Sitting alone on a bench..


he went shyly and sat next to him...Simon didn't answer...he kept looking straight...they hadn't talked for years...the last time he heard Wilhelm's voice in person it was three words..«I love you»..

"Are you..are you okay?!"

Simon kept ignoring him...he was listening..he was dying for that voice...but he didn't answer..Wilhelm looked at him and stand up to leave...he started walking...he wasn't far enough..just one meter..or maybe less...


Wilhelm turned and looked at Simon...

"Why didn't you tell me you weren't coming back?!"

Wilhelm starting walking towards Simon slowly..

"Why? Did you even care?!Did you went to school the other day looking for me?!"

Wilhelm said laughing..he knew there wasn't a chance for Simon to have done something like that...


Simon looked into Wilhelm's eyes...Wilhelm stopped laughing...

"I don't believe it.."


"Because the last time we saw each were cold...I told you that I love you and you-"

Simon didn't let him finish his sentence...

"Fuck it..Fuck this! Wilhelm,What are we doing?! Pretend everything will be okay?! Like nothing ever happened?! After nine years?! Nine fucking years Wilhelm!"

Wilhelm was shocked he thought Simon wanted to be with him..the song...the things he said about love...maybe he was wrong...maybe there was another boy..

"Simon I-"

"No wilhelm...I can't do this..."

"Please Simon..I just don't know what to say"

"Then leave me alone"

"I can't!"

"You did it perfectly after the video!"

Wilhelm had to take a step back, that
physically hurt him to hear from

"I didn't mean to"

Wilhelm started..

"It doesn't matter,it never I'm sorry but I have to leave.."

Simon started walking away...he didn't know what got into him..what was wrong..he missed wilhelm..but he refused to listen to him..he didn't know why...he remembered when wilhelm asked him to meet after denying the video...he was scared that it would be the he left..he went inside the club paid for the drinks he had and went to Sara..

"I have to leave if you want to come back call me to come and pick you up"


He left...looked at Wilhelm while leaving...Wilhelm was ready to cry..but Simon didn't hesitate..he kept walking...was that the end?!..

To be continued

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