Chapter 15

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Wilhelm's plan worked...the next day the internet had blown up with a articles like
"king wilhelm cheating on his wife,our princess Veronica, but not with some other woman,but with the famous singer Simon Eriksson! Take a look at those pics"

Wilhelm wasn't anxious about it,not even a bit. He knew he wanted Simon,he also knew he had regret denying his appearance in that video nine years ago,he was regretting it every day,feeling guilty about leaving Simon alone,behind him as he was walking towards his car not knowing he wasn't going to come back after that Christmas break,while simon had to deal the scandal alone,without his lover...

"You did it!"

Veronica said happy and proud of wilhelm...

"I..I did it.."

He said in disbelief,smiling and laughing..

"Are you ready to deal with it this time?! Are you ready to face it?!"

Veronica asked with a serious expression on her face only waiting a «yes» for an answer..and that exactly what she got..

"Of course I am, there's no going back now..I want to be with him and I will."

Wilhelm said smiling he hugged Veronica but suddenly let go because he phone started buzzing..

"Oh starts the war"

He accepted the call..he knew what was coming..

"Wilhelm come down to my office right now!"

His dad shouted at him through the phone..

He hanged up the phone and turned to Veronica..

"You know it's the first time in years I'm seeing you so sure about something..your soul is calm and you don't have anxiety..I can see go for got this and I'm here if you need anything.."

And it was true..Wilhelm was so sure about himself,about his relationship with Simon and above all about what he wanted and no one was going to stop him,not his dad,not the people and sure as hell not the monarchy.

He smiled at Veronica thanked her and went straight down who's dad's office.

"What is that wilhelm?!"

He showed him the article

"That is me with Simon kissing and taking a walk while eating ice cream in Stockholm?!"

Wilhelm say calmly looking at his dad

"Why wilhelm?! Just why?!"

"Because I love him dad! I am in love with him! I may be married with Veronica but Simon is the one that I love! I was silent for nine whole years you can't stop me now! I love him and I want to spend the rest of my life with him!"

Wilhelm was angry,he was angry with his father for not understanding him...

"Veronica wo-"

"Veronica knows everything! She is the one encouraging me the whole time!"

"What about Dominic?! Are you going to abandon him for a teenage crush?!"

"I would like to inform you that Dominic loves Simon! And I'm not going to kick him out! Dominic is staying here with me, Veronica is leaving and she can see her child whenever the hell she wants! And that's not even your business!"

"Oh it is my business! Dominic is heir! I'm not going to let anyone take he's place not simon neither his daughter or whatever the hell he has! He doesn't belong here!"

"The crown is mine! And when the time comes I'm going to pass it to whoever I want! Now accept the fact that I love simon and he is coming to live here in two days!"

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