Chapter 8

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That night was a nightmare for wilhelm...after he said goodbye to everyone he went back to the palace...Veronica was asleep...he took his clothes off
(keeping that underwear ofc)
And lay down next to Veronica hugging her from behind,hands placed around her waist...she felt it and put her arm above Wilhelm's...

"What time is it?!"

She said with a sleepy voice..Wilhelm went closer and kissed her head...

"It's too late...sleep.."

She didn't respond back to that she just fall asleep again...Wilhelm felt comfortable with her after saying the truth...and whatever he did the hugs,the forehead and cheek kisses weren't an act...they were real...
Meanwhile when Simon got home he went to his room shaking because realization had just hit him...he didn't know what to do and the alcohol he had drank didn't really help...he sat on his bed thinking...after two hours he still hadn't been able to sleep...Sara called him drunk obviously, to pick them up...he got into the car and went there,felice was outside with them..Sara and James got into the car..Simon said goodbye to felice and went back home...they didn't really talk on the way home...James and Sara went to Simon's room and Simon went to Isabella's because he knew that if it was Sara or James Isabella would definitely wake up from their giggling...he lay next to her putting her into his hug...when the next morning came Isabella had woken up and staring at her dad...then Simon woke up..he looked at her and smiled...

"Goodnight princess.."

"Hey dadda.."

"Are you okay?!"

"Yes! You?!"

" head hurts a little bit..but it's going to be okay..."

Isabella sat on his belly...

"You're know that?!"

He said smiling at her...he tells her that she's pretty or beautiful every day ..he doesn't want her to forget it..never...


"And when you grow up everyone will wants to be with you..."

"But I only want you dadda!"

Simon laughed to that...Isabella Looked at him and laughed to...

"Are you hungry?!"

"I am veeeryyy hungry!!"

"Okay let's eat"

He got her in his arms and went to the kitchen...Linda was there..

"Hey mama"

"Good morning mi are you?!"

"I've been better..."

"What happened last night?!"

"A lot...we..talked.."

Simon told her everything...

"He wants to talk to you Simon..."

"Yeah but I'm scared...I know what he is going to say..and I don't want to hear will hurt...and I don't wanna hurt anymore.."

"I don't know what to say love him...after nine years you were finally able to talk to him..and you didn't manipulate the had a chance..."

"I know...I know.."

As Simon was talking to his mom about last night wilhelm had just woke up with Veronica in his arms...she was already awake...

"Hey..I didn't move..I didn't want to wake you up"

"It's okay.."

"You look tired..what happened last night?!"

"He...he hates me.."

"What?! What happened?!

Wilhelm told her everything...

"Text him..."


"Yes,you don't know for how long he is going to stay here and you need to talk before he goes on another tour"

She was right...Wilhelm looked at her and then grabbed his phone..he still remembered Simon's number...he opened the chat...

I'm sorry if I said something stupid
last night.
Do you still want to talk?

Simon didn't see it for an hour, and
didn't respond for another..Wilhelm lost hope...

I'd like to talk
When can you?

Anytime, how's now?

Now is fine.

They spoke for a while more,
choosing a meeting place, a small
park in Stockholm that not many
people would be at.

"Hey I have to go..if father asks where I am...say something please..."

"Yeah don't worry I have your back..."

Wilhelm Hugged her...

"Thank you...for everything..really..."

"I'm always go.."

He smiled at her and left the palace..he went to the park...after two minutes he saw Simon...


Simon took a deep breath...


The park was empty...noone was there so they could talk...they sat on a bench...just like last the begging there was silence...none of them were talking...They were thinking the same thing,
yet with completely different
emotions behind them, two
completely different perspectives.
And yet you'd think that would make
them think different thoughts, but it
doesn't..Simon took another deep breath and started...

"I said «I hope you have a nice Christmas»...and I know that it hurt you...I could see it in your eyes..but no matter how much I wanted to say it back...I couldn't was too much..."

"And then why were you looking for me after the break?!"

"Because I knew how you were feeling when you were at the palace...I knew you didn't have anyone by your side through Christmas..the first Christmas without your brother..I knew about your anxiety...and yes..I was cold..and I didn't say it back...not because I didn't feel that way..but because I knew that if I did..things would have been worse...and because I knew all that...I wanted to see you after Christmas see how you were...but instead of hearing you say how you were...I heard the principle saying you were transferred to another school.."

"I'm sorry.."

Simon shrugged his shoulders,
raising his eyebrows as if he was
expecting more words to follow,

"oh wow, what're you sorry for this time? I thought royals don't make mistakes...but..No need to made a new start and maybe that was the right thing to do..."

"Please don't say that, don't act like
we're strangers."

Wilhelm said, how could Simon be so cold? That's what wilhelm thought...He wasn't cold actually...he was scared...

"We are strangers"

To be continued

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