Chapter 3

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When the curly haired man got to the hotel he took a shower and lay down on the bed..his mom faced time him..he accepted the call..and when the camera opened he saw his little princess...

"Hello baby"

He said laughing because she was too close to the camera..


She said laughing and smiling leaving the phone on the table clapping her little hands together...then his mom showed up on the screen...

"Hey mi amor"

She left the phone on the table and took the little girl on her lap so Simon could see both of them...

"Hey mama! How are you?"

"We're good. We just ate our dinner and we miss you! How is Italy?!"

"I miss you dadda!"

The little girl said smiling looking at the screen...

"I miss you too! I hope you're a good girl Isabella! And it's pretty beautiful...people are nice"

"Tell your dadda how much Of a good girl you are! She actually helped me make cookies today!"

"Wow I want to try them!"

They all laughed..

"How was the performance?!"

"Good..I guess.."

He thought of what he said...he thought about the lyrics of that song..

"You were thinking of him again, weren't you?!"

His mother asked..she already knew the answer to that...and she couldn't keep watching her son suffering from love..

"Yeah...I know it's stupid...and that I'm just waisting my years..but it hurts hurts..."

"Why don't you contact with him?!"

"There's no way...he is married mom..he has a family...his wife and his son..."

"You can..try things out in a friendly way.."

"That would be even more painful...I can't look at him in the eyes and see a friend...when I look pictures of him I still see the sixteen year old boy that I once had the chance to have in my arms...but he left...and never came back...he never will...our story ended years ago,nine to be exact..."

"You never know...anyway..I'm going to leave you rest now...goodnight..say goodnight to dada"

"Goodnight dadda!!"

"Goodnight mama, goodnight princess"

He send a kiss to the screen and hanged up..he placed his hand on the silver necklace and closed his eyes...hoping he will see his prince in his dream...When he woke up the next day at 6:00am he packed his things and went to the airport he was going back to Sweden...he had a performance in Stockholm the next day...when he made it to the airport fans were waiting for him...but the weird thing is that they were only did they know he was going to be there?!

"Hey guys"

He said with a smile and hugged them all one by one he had forty five minutes till his flight...

"Oh! My! Gosh!"

A girl screamed and hugged him back...

"What are you doing here?! It's pretty early!"

Simon asked because he really wanted to know...

"We found out that you're leaving so we came to see you here knowing that not a lot of fans will be waiting and to say goodbye ofc!"

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