Chapter 13

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Ayub said while getting in Simon's room..

Simon was laying on his bed knees up to his chest and eyes closed..and eyes puffy and red with tears rolling down his red cheeks..

"Please if you came to criticise wilhelm or me or both of us...then please leave I'm not interested..."

He said almost whispering...Ayub sat on the bed next to Simon..

"I'm not here to criticise any of you...I'm here to talk.."

"Talk about what?!"

Simon wasn't angry with Ayub..or with Rosh...neither with wilhelm...he was angry with himself..and only himself...for acting like a fool..acting dumb...

"I love you're like a brother to me..The same goes for Rosh...she didn't mean to talk like that..or to criticise,as you're saying,any of you...she loves you and wants you to be happy..."

Simon turned around to face his best friend...

"I am happy with him.."

He voice tone was soft...

"I know...and I won't say to not be with him..but think about it first...make him trust you...and above all make him win your trust again...because I'm sure you're scared and you don't fully trust him...but that doesn't mean you have to act can love him...but act smart.."

"I know I acted I missed had been almost ten years since the last time I saw him..."

"Come here..."

Simon entered his friend's arms..

"Just don't trust him so easily...challenging him...and if you see he's worth your him..okay?!"

"Thank you..."

"About what?!"

"For not yelling at me..criticise me..."

"I'm always here for you..Rosh too..."

"I know but she's can be mean sometimes.."

"I know..but she regrets it after..."

Simon looked at him confused..

"She's out in the living room regretting that she kinda shout at you.."

"I'm going to talk to her..."

Simon got out of the bed and went to the living room...he saw Rosh sitting on the sofa...

"Look I'm sorry for-"

He hugged her not letting her finish her sentence...

"It's are right...I didn't think...I was missing him and I focused on that...yes I am scared..that he will regret it...that he won't tell the truth after all...but I've waited nine years to see him again..."

" careful...let him show you that you can trust him...and then do whatever you want..."

"Okay...I promise.."

Simon smiled at her and put a piece of hair behind her ear while looking at her...

"I love you.."

He said to his best friend...Rosh was like a big sister to him..even tho they had the same age she was smarter...braver...

"I know kiddo...I love you too"

When Wilhelm arrived to the palace he went to his room finding Veronica laying oh the bed..


Wilhelm said exhausted...

"Oh hey"

She said smiling at him..

"How are you?!"


"Are you sure?! How was your time with Simon?!"

"It was nice..."

Wilhelm didn't really have the motivation to talk..he lay down next to the woman

"Are you sure you're okay?!"

"Can we please...not talk about!"


Veronica knew something was wrong..she could see it...Wilhelm took her in his hug and closed his eyes...


He whispered..he really didn't have the motivation to even talk normally...

The next day came...Wilhelm woke up with a notification that made his morning...but he didn't know what will happen because of that notification...

To be continued..
I know the chapter is small but better things are coming <3

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