Chapter 5

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Dominic and Isabella ⬆️

"Why did you go?! I thought that was over!! it's been nine years Wilhelm!"

"Veronica asked me to go! I didn't even know he was having a concert! And it's not like we talked I just saw him singing nothing more! I was with Veronica all the time, if you don't believe me go ask her yourself! What else could I do?! Walk up to him and say «hey you remember me?! The boy who made your life hell?!» are you out of your mind?!"

"You have your family! Let him out of it! He is not like us! And above all he is a boy! Forget him! He was just a teenage flirt! Nothing more!"

"Oh yeah?! Then let me tell you one thing...I love him..yes I still do...I don't care what you want father...I'm doing all this for Erik's sake...not mother's..not for and mother never cared about what I wills...never..the reputation was and still is above all...nine years now I live in silence...that ends now! It's my life and I'm going to meet whoever the hell I want okay?! And don't worry..I'm not going to destroy my family...I love my son and my wife...I care about them I may not be in love with Veronica but she is a good woman with an actual soul..she's not here for the fame the title...she cares about me and I know that..I'm not going to hurt let me live my life the way I lived it's my turn either you like it or with it"

He he was walking he felt like a weight was off his felt good...he went to his bedroom Veronica was there...she looked worried...

"Is everything okay?!"

Wilhelm asked...

"That's a question I should ask you...what happened?! I could hear your father till up here"

"It''s nothing,sorry..come here.."

He pulled her into his arms..and hugged her..but this time he didn't imagine the woman was Simon...

"Are you okay?!.."

"I mean...yeah..I'm fine..thanks.."

"For what?!"

"You know...when my mother told me about you...I thought you would be one of the other princesses.."

"Kind of a bitch?!"

They both laughed to that..

"Yeah...kind of a bitch...I thought you would come here date the crown prince just for that...because I was crown prince...for the fame and the title..."

"That's not true...I care about you..."

She smiled and kissed his cheek...

"You're a good person Veronica..and an amazing woman..."

"You know...I saw the way you were looking at him.."


" had that spark in your eyes...and you were kinda scared.."

"I..I'm sorry..I didn't mean to hurt you.."

" didn't hurt me.."

"Aren't you in love with me or something?!"

"Well I think if I was that would have hurt me and I would feel jealousy...but it didn't..I care about you Wilhelm and I love you...I'm just not in love with you...and now you will ask me..
«why are you saying those things when I'm your husband?!»...I know you feel the same way..."

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