Chapter 14

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We need to talk

Uh yeah sure,is everything okey?!

Just..come to the park we talked the other day...


In a hour


Wilhelm was wondering what Simon wanted to say...was he going to end things?! Was he mad?! Did he regret what happened?! As the time passed and it was finally time for wilhelm to go He left the palace without telling anyone where he was going...we made it to the park..he saw Simon..

"Hey,what happened? Is everything okay?!"

Wilhelm said anxiously...

"Calm down silly.."

Simon said kissing was more like a peck on the lips...

"Everything is fine..I just wanted to talk.."

They sat on a bench next to each other

"Talk about what?!"

"I thought about what we said the other day...what we did..what you promised..and honestly wille...I'm scared to trust again...not are lying or something..but because I don't want to get hurt again..."

Simon said..his voice soft..his eyes so shiny and innocent looking at wilhelm's who was panicking...

"So-so you want to break things up again?! Please sim-"

Simon cut him by grabbing his hand softly and saying..

"No I don't want that..."


"I want show me that I can trust you...I want you to earn my trust once again..."

"Okey..we'll that was kinda a relief.."

Wilhelm said laughing nervously..

"I will do it.."

He looked over at Simon...

"I love you.."

Simon felt the butterflies...the little chaos in his stomach..He smiled softly before answering..

"Hope you have a nice Christmas"

"You bitch!"

They both laughed till wilhelm pulled him into his arms..

"Wanna go for ice cream?!"


They bought some ice cream and went for a walk..

"So..when are you planning another tour?!"

"In two months.."



"Will you take Isabella with you?!"

"Probably..people love her...and I want to have some time with her..I spent so much time in studio and tours this year I bearly saw her..."

"Do you love her?!"

"Ofc I do..she is the reason which keeps me going..she and my mom.."

"How's Ayub and Rosh btw?!"

"They are fine..typical Ayub and Rosh.."

He they were walking they hands were almost touching..Simon really did wanted to hold the other man's hand...but he was afraid wilhelm didn't want when Wilhelm took a quick look at their hand and then looked straight up again..he softly held Simon hand interlocking it with his..that was the first move wilhelm did to earn Simons trust again...showing him that he doesn't care if anyone sees they
hand-in-hand,in public..

Simon smiled..he could felt his cheeks getting that red shade again...burning up...

"Can I try some of yours?!"

Wilhelm asked..

"What did you get?!"

"Chocolate with chocolate chips and banana. You?!"

"I got cookies and"

He gave him his cone so he could try the ice cream...

"It's good"

Wilhelm gave Simon with his spoon some of his ice cream because he didn't chose the cone...and he put it into the man's mouths he quickly removed the little plastic spoon,putting one of his hands on his cheek and pulling him in for a kiss...

Simon's eyes widened...he was surprised..He kissed back Ofc but he was still shocked..

"What was that?!"

Simon asked kinda laughing

"What?!I can't kiss my future husband?!"

And after the butterflies and the chaos  it's time for a rollercoaster in Simon's stomach...

"Your what?!"

"My.future.husband.  I will marry you one day..remember that..."

"Did you asked me,if I want to marry you?!"

"Do you want to marry me?!"


"Then you don't leave me another choice...kidnapping it is"

Simon laughed..

"I missed much..."

Simon said while looking over at Wilhelm...

"I love much..."

"Stop you're making me look like a tomato!!"

"You're a cute tomato.."

"Fuck you king Wilhelm!"

"Well fuck me Prince Simon what are you waiting for?!"

To be continued

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