Chapter 11

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When they got into Simon's house in Stockholm Isabella ran to her room and then came back with a teddy bear

"I thought I lost it!"

They all laughed..

"it's pretty late so let's go to sleep okay?!"

"But we want to play moreee"

Isabella said upset because she wanted to play more with her new friend...

"I know..but you can play tomorrow it's time for some sleep okay?!"


Simon grabbed their hands and went to Isabella's room which had two beds...he put them to sleep and left the room closing the door and the lights...he went in his bedroom...Wilhelm wasn't there...he went back to the living room finding him staring the view from the window...Simon hugged him from behind...Wilhelm jumped a little because he had zoomed out...

"Is everything okay?!"

Simon asked worried because he could see that something was bothering Wilhelm...

"Yeah..are they asleep?!"

"Yes..aren't you going to come with me?! In the bedroom?!"

"Yeah sorry.."


Wilhelm turned around and Simon put his hands on Wilhelm's face looking him into his eyes..

"I want you to be sure of what you're going to do...I don't want you to hurry things up...I've waited nine years...I can wait a little longer..don't worry okay?! I'm not going to leave If you don't do it now...I'm here..I'm not leaving okay?!"

Wilhelm just nodded and hugged him..

"Thank you..."

He said almost whispering...

When they let go the went in the bedroom..Simon got undressed leaving himself only with the underwear..he looked over at Wilhelm who was stoned..

"I-I'm sorry,does it bother you or make you nervous?!"

"N-No ofc not, I just forgot how beautiful your body is.."

Simon blushed to the comment..

"Do you want me to find you a pair of pants or anything?!"

"No I can stay with the underwear if that's okay with you.."

"Whatever makes you feel comfortable"

He said smiling while getting on the bed laying down...Wilhelm undressed himself just like Simon and then lay on the bed next to him...Simon went closer putting his head on Wilhelm's bare chest...Wilhelm kissed his head putting his hand on Simon's curls and started playing with them..

"Are you sure Veronica is okay!"

Simon asked quietly...

"Why do you care se much?!"

Wilhelm asked sweetly..

"Because I don't want to be the reason the royal family got divorced.."

"Veronica is totally fine with it...don't worry..."

"What about Dominic?! She will leave and her child will be apart from her.."

"I'm not going to forbid her to see him..she can do it whenever she wants"

"Okay...but..I don't want to hurry...I want to take it slow..I want you to be sure.."

"I promise.."

Simon looked up to him and wilhelm kissed him...Then his phone started was Veronica..and it was FaceTime...he accepted the call..

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