Chapter 1

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One year after the events of the rise of skywalker aboard the resistance base. The galaxy was getting ready to celebrate the fall of the First Order.

Inside one of the base's dorms, Ben was waiting for Rey to finish her showering and said this to her. "Rey you've been in there for half an hour already!" He said impatiently sitting on their queen-size bed.

A voice comes from inside the bathroom replies to Ben. "Ben I'm almost done please be patient" Rey reassured him.

Soon after, Rey was finished and she came out in the beautiful evening gown that Ben bought for her.

"Hello, my beautiful Rey" exclaimed Ben as he walked over to her and kissed Rey.

Rey blushes deeply about it and chuckles "You look handsome too Ben like you always been" she whispered into his ear "I'm so sorry that I made you wait so long".

"It's okay dear, by the way, I have a surprise for you, Rey," Ben said in a gentle tone of his voice " We are going on vacation to Naboo"

Rey couldn't believe in her ears what Ben was saying to her. She then jumped up in happiness and wrapped her arms around him.

"Oh Ben I would love to!" she squealed as she gazed into Ben's needy eyes again.

As the pair walked out of their dorm holding their hands tightly, they were greeted by their Resistance friends and droids who came to wish them good luck.

"Good luck on your trip and may the force be with you," said Finn and Rose while hugging Ben and Rey.

"I love you guys so much you two are the sweetest pairings I've met" exclaimed Poe and Zorri including Jannah and Lando who also went to hug the couple.

"Omg, I don't need that much affection from the Resistance," said Ben "You guys are too nice".

"Whatever handsome" replied Rose "Now have fun on your trip".

After those words were spoken by Rose, Ben and Rey made their way to the falcon and waved goodbye as the whole Resistance cheered them on.

Soon the falcon sped away from the base "Hey Rey, hit for that lightspeed" called Ben as his partner cranked the lever.

The ship moved at an intense speed of light, whereas the happy couple laughed and scream in joy at the speed of light.

The trip took less than 15 minutes to arrive on Naboo and landed at the capital, Theed.

Ben then walked out of the ship followed by Rey to see the sunrise in the early morning hours of the city.

"We got here on time Rey," Ben told his girlfriend and headed to their nearby hotel.

Once they arrived at their room, all they could do was collapse themselves onto the bed with a heavy sigh.

"Whew! Today is the day that her Majesty the Queen hosts a party of the end of the First Order" Ben announced, "Are you excited, my girl?".

Rey turns to Ben's side "Yes my Benny-Penny, obviously" she said in a cute tone of voice to him.

Ben's face turned red like a Tatooine binary sun, he surely loved what Rey called him.

"Call me Benny-Penny again" He grinned sweetly then started to cover his soulful eyes.

Rey called him the same name that she previously called Ben. This time, Ben hid under the blanket while being flirted.

"You're so cute, Ben" Rey told him and began to tickle his adorable ears cheerfully.

All Ben could do was smile with his teeth to it. He was content with what Rey was doing.

"Now Rey", Ben said clearing his throat "That's enough tickling, I'll tell you that gonna happen today at the planet-wide party".

"Okay", replied Rey then turning to full attention at Ben.

"Today, the queen is going to host a dance party plus there is a performance by the Backstreet Banta girls", explained Ben "But first we can go have a picnic at the Lake County and talk. Does sound good to you my love?"

Rey glanced at Ben for a while before making her decision. "I do" she replied "We can stare at the Lovely waterfall as an example".

"Great" Ben replied to her "I'm grateful that you are willing to accept my idea of having a peaceful romantic picnic by the meadow"

"We can also dip our feet into the lake and feel the trickle of water flow on us" Rey proposed "Maybe you can also pick my favourite flowers for me, that's what a true gentleman would do definitely"

Ben winked at Rey, she then winked at him back of her satisfaction. They were content with what they were gonna do.

"Now that the sun had fully risen from the horizon," said Ben "Let's go before the party starts in the evening"

They soon packed up their food for their picnic then headed out for the day.

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