Chapter 9

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Ben looked up at the waitress who was giving him and Rey a dirty look in embarrassment. "Sorry madame," Ben asked for forgiveness even though seems like the waitress was doing her job, "I just wanted to tan myself so I can look sexy like my girlfriend cause the reason is that I'm so pale like wampa".

"Okay, handsome" replied the waitress still looking disappointed "I hate to tell you this but it's our restaurant policy that no shirt no shoes no service".

Ben's eyes widened in wonder, he and Rey had never been to a restaurant in their lives before they were surprised to hear this policy for the first time.

"Ok, madame I see," said Ben as he finally accepted that he shouldn't have broken the rules at the restaurant then quickly put his shirt back on.

As the waitress went back to work, Ben and Rey continued chowing down their meal. "I can't believe that we broke so many rules while on our date, Rey" smirked Ben "I just love making you laugh and smile from my rare personality".

"You're so kindhearted and loving, Ben!" Rey exclaimed, "I would say you are a person who is 1 in a million for personality".

They then snickered at each other before continuing to chow down on their meal. After that, they headed to an artificially-built park nearby with real grass in it.

Ben and Rey both lay on the warm scented lawn grass of the park while watching kids play around.

Ben looked again at the children playing around. He knew what he had to ask Rey as a question.

"Hey, Rey" Ben spoke calling his girlfriend's name "When we tie the knot shortly after, ever thought about having kids with me?"

"Yeah, kind of," Rey responded "I just want to enjoy life with you before".

"Plus, if you got me pregnant now, I won't be pleased with all" she continued, "But I know that you will be a good father once that happens".

Ben turned his head to Rey's side and smirked sweetly back at her. For real this time, he finally took off his shirt to suntan himself and then reassured Rey about what he is doing.

He lay there on the cool pasture for a while before being interrupted by a question made by Rey. "Ben" called Rey as she rose from her laying position on the grass and hovered over him, staring into his warm brown eyes.

"Can I tickle your plus-size nose?" asked Rey reaching for Ben's large nose, looking ready to honk it.

"Go ahead" replied Ben since he didn't mind what Rey was gonna do to his oversized nose, "Whatever you do, don't finger straight into my nostrils".

Rey began to tinker with Ben's nose joyfully while Ben smiled. "Your nose is so damn big, Ben!" Rey exclaimed, "Where did ya get that plus-size nose?"

"From my dad I guess," replied Ben "He had a pretty pointy big nose". As those words were spoken by Ben, Rey inched her face down to Ben's to kiss the tip of his nose. "Hey! That tickles!" grinned Ben then grabbed Rey's face to kiss her nose back.

Finally, Rey stopped tickling Ben then laid her head on Ben's chest and placed her hands on his shredded hard abs. Plus, she could smell the sweet scent of his cologne which Rey let the aroma seep through her nose.

"Rey there is something I want to confess to you since we met," Ben told Rey, "It's about how I feel about you during our relationship through time since we first met on the planet of Takadonna".

"Starting with our first meeting on that planet, I would rather say that it was love at first sight, for me". I had a feeling you were the most beautiful woman I had seen after my mom. Then when I kidnapped you to the interrogation room carrying you in a bridal carry manner, I wanted to treat you like you were my Princess. But at that point, I knew that you still disliked me a lot. When I discovered you had the force too, I instantly knew that I had to be with you and my expectations became true later on in our more fascinating discovery of our dyad. The first time I asked you to join me, you rejected me. I was falling in love faster than usual but certainly, I wanted to date you, Rey. Then a year later had past and I requested you to join me again to overthrow Palpatine's rule and take his throne. At that point, my love for you had peaked at its fullest level and I was so madly in love that I wanted to get hitched with you but unfortunately, you ran away before I could catch you. Fast forward to our first kiss, I was so happy you kissed me first, I wanted to kiss you back passionately but I vanished before I do it. During my time in the WBW, I realized that it was our duty as a dyad to be a soulmate and that we were betrothed by the force.  I knew I had to tell you about this once we finally reunited. And in the present day, I still love you very much more than anything in this galaxy, that's why I started being good in the bed for you" explained Ben finishing his unique story with a kiss on his girlfriend's forehead.

"Did you like what I confessed, Rey?" asked Ben, staring into Rey's eyes and waiting for her to respond.

All of a sudden, Rey let out a happy scream. "Yes!" she screamed and planted her kiss right on Ben's lips.

As Rey kissed him, Ben grabbed Rey's flawless neck to make sure that she doesn't let go. Therefore, they were delighted to be together.

Suddenly, Ben opened both of his eyes. He just had felt a disturbance in the force. He then let go of Rey's kissing and explained to her what he felt.

The force that Ben sensed was about Maz. She was in pain and suffering. Ben had no heart to tell Rey about this, so instead, he told Rey that they both had to return to the Resistance base immediately.

They quickly rushed back to their falcon and sped away from Coruscant.

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