Chapter 5

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Once the dyad couple got back to the Resistance base, It was already twilight at that point. Ben and Rey walked out of the Falcon, to realize that the base was abandoned in their sight.

"Where the heck is everyone?" Ben questioned along with Rey "Aren't they supposed to be working today?"

Within those statements, the whole Resistance crew broke out of their hiding spaces with loud cheering. "SURPRISE!!!" they all cried out eas confetti showered over the engaged couple.

"We saw you on live TV on Naboo getting engaged!" Poe told Ben "The news story was trending all over the galaxy!"

"So we decided to throw a surprise party for you love porgs" explained Rose "By the way congratulations!"

Then, the pair's colleagues hugged the happy couple. Even Lando came in and gave Ben the ultimate biggest hug he could imagine too.

"Okay uncle!" said Ben gasping for air "Your hug is too tight".

Soon after, the surprise party started and the DJ turned up the music. Everyone was dancing along wildly except Ben and Rey who were sitting by the table drinking wine and champagne.

Rose noticed that Ben and Rey weren't having fun with the gang at all so he proceeded along to ask them why. "Why aren't you enjoying the party you two?" she asked them "Is there something that is bothering you in your marbles ".

Ben looked at Rose with a frown, "Yeah I just don't want to have too much entertainment and only talk to Rey" he explained, "There is also something I want to talk to Maz about too".

"Okay handsome, I'll go tell her then" replied Rose "Meanwhile after your talk, you should try to enjoy this festivity like how Finn and Poe over there doing the floss dance".

Rose immediately went to Maz upon Ben's request. Immediately, Maz agreed and walked over to the couple.

"You want to ask me something is that right?" she asked.

"Yeah it's about our dyad," told Ben finishing his drink "I just wonder why we are chosen to be like that through the force".

"Ben, I knew the force for a very long time," Maz mentioned to him "The truth is that the force chose you because of the prophecy that you will bring balance to the force if you guys are intimate and close to one another as a solution.

"It doesn't matter if it's physical or emotional. The only thing is that if you guys are separated on both sides, the force will manifest something abnormal in you two" continued Maz.

"So does that mean I have to show signs of sexual tension and chemistry around Rey?" Asked Ben.

"Yes, I suggest you make out with her more then that way you're more likely to bring balance to the force" answered Maz.

Ben still feeling puzzled of what Maz explained, instead, asked her for more details about the dyad. Finally, Maz gave Ben and Rey an ancient Dyad amulet that is supposed to help them from an old box.

"Take it as your engagement gift," Maz told them "Use the force to activate the amulet tonight".

As Maz went back to her duties, both the couple glimpsed at their new amulet. The two amulets had different colours, blue and green like the colour of a classic lightsaber blade. furthermore, it had a beautiful craving for a symbol on the amulet too.

"It's beautiful" commented Rey "Like my unusual engagement ring".

"I agree with you" Ben referred "I think what Maz said is that force chose us to be star-crossed lovers forever to bring back balance".

As they were talking, General Poe comes in. "You guys got force dyad pendants as a gift from Maz?!" he clamoured "Man, I'm so jealous, I wish me and Zorri were like you fellas".

"Hey me too!" Rose said from the dance floor with her voice echoing "I wish Finn and I were too!"

"But Rose, you don't have the force" Ben prompted her. "I do actually, but it's very weak so I gave up" answered back Rose "Everyone has the force and the power depends on your midiclorians count.

"I recognize, but you should learn to use the force if you want to be like me and Rey, try to have some patience and think deeply," Ben told her "Then you will get it".

Rose nodded back to Ben then went back to the dance floor. At the same moment, Ben whispered an idea into Rey's ears to go back to the dorm. Rey agreed and the two quickly scampered to their dorm.

Ben and Rey's colleagues looked at them. "Where are they going seriously?" said Finn. "Maybe to do the deed?" guessed Leia as her force ghost silhouette arose to him. "That was not the answer I was foreseeing" Finn snapped back to Leia.

"Just wait and see tomorrow since I know what's in my son's head" replied Leia.

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