Chapter 3

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They then both stop at a spot in the streets jointly waiting for the party to start. "We are gonna have the time of our lives, Rey!" Ben said excitedly "Cannot wait to dance with you dear!"

Shortly, the party came to be. The Queen then got up onto the stage with her security. "Hello Naboo" she greeted the crowd "Who's ready to party?!

The crowd screamed for the DJ to crank up the music up a notch. Soon the DJ turned up the music and everyone started to groove on their dance moves.

"Rey wanna dance?" asked Ben reaching his hand out for hers. "Okay then yes!" she replied then clasping her hand in his.

They both danced together for a few hours until they were drenched in sweat. "Whew!" sighed Ben "That was so fun!".

"I'm going to the restroom, you stay here and get us some blue milkshakes" continued Ben as he walked to the nearest one.

Inside the washroom stalls, as he rested there on the toilet, Ben took out his mother's engagement ring that he found in her Resistance dorm after her passing. He knew that he had to propose to Rey tonight at the right time.

"Oh my gawd" he whispered looking down at the glittery blue gem "I'm so nervous, what if she says no to the idea"

"She will Ben, she loves you very much dear," said a voice of Leia that echoed in Ben's ears.

"Mom?" Ben said quietly "How do you know?"

"I can sense it through the force" replied Leia "l know what's like for people like Rey to be in love with you"

"Mom I'm so nervous, what if she says no, I need your advice," told Ben then staring down at the ring.

"Have some courage and try it out" said Han who joined the conversation "When I proposed to your mom back on Endor, I admit that I was kinda nervous too!"

"C'mon we'll help you together" continued Han "Open the door and you'll see us standing in front of you, Ben".

Ben did what his father asked for, as guaranteed, his parents were standing there by him as Force ghosts. "Mom!" Ben whined quietly "Why would you appear in here,  this is the men's washroom!"

"Aw don't worry, son" Han reassured "Only you and Rey can see us".

"Okay" replied Ben feeling satisfied as he headed out of the washroom with his parents.

Rey had been waiting for Ben outside for a long time already and she was baffled about it. "What took you so long sweetie?" she said sharply to Ben " You were there for 10 minutes!"

"Uh I had constipation" replied Ben pretending he didn't actually. "Fine" groaned Rey rolling her eyes "The concert is about to start anyways".

Ben and Rey including Han and Leia made their way to the concert stage and stood behind 5m back so they could have a clearer view of the band that was gonna perform tonight.

Soon after, the concert officially commenced and an elderly woman with grey wavy hair and a revealing dress who was the concert host walked out from behind the stage.

"Oh no" whimpered Han. "Honey, what's wrong?" asked Leia noticing him quickly hiding behind her back. "It's my ex-girlfriend, Qi'ra" Han answered back to Leia quickly.

"Dad remember, nobody can see you except Rey and me" Ben reminded Han "I didn't know that you dated her, Dad"

"And shhhhh! She's talking" continued Ben.

"Good evening, Naboo!" announced Qi'ra "Let's give a warm welcome for the Backstreet Banta Girls and please give them a applause!"

As the girl group came out, the audience went crazy for them with screams and whistles. The girls then started to perform their first song of the night.

The Backstreet Banta Girls group was made of different races in Galaxy. Rita and Raina, twin Twi'lek girls with vibrant skin colours of blue and lavender. Hira on the other hand was a catgirl with a Pixie bob haircut. Lena was a Dathomir Zabark girl who had facial tattoos and long strawberry blonde hair. All the girls were wearing crop tops.

"Ben!" called Rey saying his name "their music is really great and fun".
"Huh?" replied Ben, not being able to hear her due to the loud music blasting over the speakers.

Han and Leia both danced wildly to the music, plus they can't hear each other talking also.

Suddenly, the girl group member wanted a volunteer to come up onto the stage too with them to test that volunteer's singing voice. "We need a single volunteer!" announced Rita "Who wants to participate?!"

Almost everyone raised their hands to seize the alternative they gave out. Regardless of that, Rita had a considerable choice to pick a random volunteer from the crowd.

"How about we pick that handsome dark-haired brooding emo standing by that woman wearing a navy blue halter gown?" she declared openly, pointing her finger at Ben while the spotlight shone in his face.

Ben's face was flushed in red colour, he was surprised that Rita would still pick him even though he didn't raise his hand to volunteer.

The audience was chanting for Ben to get up onto the stage. In Ben's mind, he had mixed feelings about doing it. His whole body also froze like ice, therefore he knew that he had stage fright.

"I can't move Rey!" Ben told Rey "I think I have stage fright!". "C'mon son you have the strength to do it we have faith in you" replied Han and Leia.

Slowly Ben walks himself onto the stage where the Backstreet Banta Girls were waiting for him as the crowd applauded for his deed.

"Hi handsome" Rita greeted Ben and saying it on the microphone out loud to the crowd,"What's your name?". Ben himself took a deep breath and replied "Hi Naboo, my name is Ben Solo and I'm a Jedi Knight veteran" he introduced himself to the crowd "I'm also a member of the Resistance too".

"You used to be a Jedi Knight? Wow!" Complimented Raina "Can you show us some of your lightsaber's skills?"

"Sorry, Raina I do have my lightsaber here but I don't want to accidentally kill anyone with it" replied Ben "I can start singing rather".

"Okay since your here to sing for us and test your voice, what song do you want to sing Ben?" Rita asked. "I have a really good song in mind to dedicate to Rey, can you bring out a piano for me?" Ben informed Rita.

Rita rolled her eyes and did what Ben asked for. Moments later a stage staff brought out a grand piano in front of Ben for him to play.

"Do you know how to play?" Rita asked him. "Nah, I can use the force instead to memorize music notes from the song" Ben replied to her back.

Immediately, Ben rapidly started fiddle the piano keys and started to sing along to it. As he piped, the crowd were stunned by his nasal-singing voice and were scratching their heads. Even his parents were shocked about his singing voice even though Ben never sang before.

When he finished, the crowd and the other performers were dead silent for a brief moment. Then a thunderous roar shrieked up from the audience to acknowledge his solo performance on stage.

Rey then ran up to the stage and smooched Ben as gratitude for her. "That was such a lovely singing you have there!" complimented Rey "Thank you".

When Rey wasn't looking, Ben kneeled on one knee and took out his engagement ring to propose to her. "Will you marry me, Rey?" he asked her as she turned around to see the surprise.

Multiple tears fell rapidly from Rey's eyes "Yes!" she replied to Ben's proposal for his marriage.

Hi, guys thanks for reading this chapter if you were wondering what song Ben sang for Rey the song is Just a dream by Christina Grimmie and Sam Tsui :)

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