Chapter 13

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Their peaceful night seemed to last for an eternity, they slept for the whole night in the cool moist weather that didn't seem to bother them at all. Finally, it was dawn and the sun began to peek upwards on the horizon. The air was still cool, with droplets of water forming on plants. Ben and Rey were still sleeping, huddled together in a spoon position like the same as last night. Nothing seems to disturb them until.....

A loud rustling came from the bushes near them and jolted the dyad wide awake from their peaceful sleep. "Oh my god", Ben said, shivering as he reached for the lightsaber and blaster he was sleeping with, "Rey, get your weapons! Hurry!"

Rey quickly grabbed her lightsaber as she and Ben bounced up from their bed, rapidly igniting their lightsabers and aiming their blasters towards the bushes where the sound originated from. Their hearts pounded even faster when the sound of the rustling in the bushes became more violent and quicker, and they stepped back to protect themselves from being pounced on by an unknown creature that was about to attack them by surprise.

Finally, with a single final violent shake of the bushes, the creature jumped out, standing 2 meters away from Ben and Rey. The creature was a human not more than 16 years of age, also force-sensitive like Ben and Rey, she was wearing a tunic that design was similar to a Jedi's. Her hair was silvery white, tied up in a regal-looking design along with braids in her hair too. Not only that, but she was also with an older-looking man who looked like her father. Therefore, they were pointing their spears at Ben and Rey showing the anger in their stern-looking eyes.

"Who are you, barbarians?!", the angry girl shouted at the dyad who were as well distraught too, "Get off our island now, before we forcefully do it for you!". Ben shot a dirty look at the girl, he and Rey were offended by the way how the girl spoke and the treatment of them in the first place.

Unfortunately, the girl saw Ben's reaction to her demands, and she and her father became very angry as they both shouted swear words at the couple. However, their insults didn't solve the problem, and this caused Ben to start arguing back at the girl and her father.

"But we're here to-", Ben protested back, attempting to calm down the father and daughter from fighting with him even more. "No buts!!!" the father interrupted rudely at Ben, "Now you shut up and respect us since I'm the chief of this island".

Ben and Rey glanced at each other, they were surprised to hear that the father was all along with a chief. They had mixed feelings about arguing with the chief and his daughter, but for some reason, they had a hard time deciding whether or not to continue arguing.

Just before Ben and Rey could even say a single word, the chief gave a hidden signal with his fingers. Right away, his guards jumped out of the other bushes to attack Ben and Rey. Ben, using his lightsaber, swinging, to protect himself from the chief's guards. Unexpectedly, one of the guards grabbed Ben and Rey's lightsaber with the force, suspending it in mid-air before letting it pull to his hands. After that, the guards forcefully restrained the dyad as a team, then tied them up onto sticks and carried them off to their village.

Upon arriving at the gates, every villager in the village came to observe the enemy they just captured, they also began gossiping and spreading rumours about where Ben and Rey came from. The chief then escorted them into a hut, where he then again tied Ben and Rey up against the mast of the hut they were in. He told them that the village was gonna do a ritual killing tomorrow at dawn.

The chief left, leaving his guards to watch Ben and Rey. Ben tried his best to explain why they were here and how they were not interested in capturing their island, like what the chief accused them of, but was dismissed by the guards for explaining. Ben never gave up to make the guards listen, annoying them by talking nonstop. Finally, one of the guards gave up ignoring and decided to listen. Ben and Rey explained everything in every detail as they tried to, in the beginning, they even explained that they were a dyad in the force and they had a quest to find out the truth.

The guards thought hard for a long time but soon concluded that these Jedi were innocent after all. They went out to get the chief and told them everything that Ben and Rey just explained, the chief had instant regret about the way how he treated the couple poorly, he then walked back to the hut and offered the dyad an apology for his actions.

Ben and Rey forgave the chief immediately, in the chief's point of view, he thought that the pair were working for the empire and had flashbacks about the time when the empire raided their island. Ben reassured the chief that the empire was gone for 30 years already and that his village does not need to worry. In that response, the chief untied them and led them out to sit by the bonfire while providing them food.

"What's your name kid?" the chief asked Ben for his name. "My name is Ben Solo, I was the son of two war heroes who defeated the empire years ago", Ben introduced himself politely, "I was named after a famous Jedi of the old Republic who addressed himself by his nickname, Ben, but his real name was Obi-Wan Kenobi".

The chief's eyes widen in surprise, "Ben, aren't your parents Leia Organa and Han Solo?" he guessed, "I think I might have heard about them". Ben looked shocked for a moment, "OMG you know my parents?" he exclaimed in disbelief. "Yeah, I can tell from your last name since you adopted your father's", the chief told Ben.

"I was born on Chandrila, a city planet on the day the empire surrendered to the New Republic," Ben mentioned, "But for my girlfriend, she was born on Jakku, a desert planet near the core".

"Oh I see", the chief replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2022 ⏰

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