Chapter 10

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As soon as Ben and Rey got back, it was already night and Poe and their friends were waiting for them. "I have very bad news to tell you," Poe said looking kind of sad "Maz is dying".

Ben and Rey looked at each other briefly. They were shocked and near tears.

"Poe, how is she dying?" Ben asked sharply, "Until about a day ago she was perfectly fine, how is this happening?"

"Well while you guys were gone, Maz collapsed to the ground and went into a cardiac arrest" Poe explained, "We took her to her deathbed, she was finally able to wake up, but unfortunately she only has a few hours left to survive and she wants to see you now".

Ben and Rey did what Poe asked for, while they made their way to Maz's deathbed, Rey became skeptical about why Ben didn't tell her about Maz.

"Why didn't you tell me about Maz?" Rey questioned him, "You knew that she was dying through the force!"

Ben rolled his eyes like he didn't want to tell her the truth. "I didn't want to scare you, sweetheart," he told Rey "I'm sorry if that upset you".

Soon the pair arrived at Maz's dorm Maz was lying on her deathbed, having noisy laboured breathing. Her eyes were blurry. Therefore, she could not see more than 2 feet away.

Everyone near her was weeping and in mourning including Ben and Rey too. A silent tear began to fall from both of their eyes, they knew that this was her demise.

"Maz?" whispered Ben as he wiped tears running down his cheeks, "Please don't die now, the Resistance needs you and your knowledge".

"Here I can pull some of my life force into you, but I'm not gonna give it all" he continued, placing his large hands on Maz's.

"No," Maz said weakly with a cough as she pulled Ben's life force away from her, "Don't do that, Ben, you will die if you do that. It was very kind of what you did, but use your force healing only to heal your loved ones".

After what Ben heard from Maz, tears started to fall from his eyes like a waterfall rapidly. He even got more upset that Maz didn't want him to save her life.

"Why are you doing this?" Ben whispered in frustration, "You don't understand that I'm trying to be kind!"

"I get that you're trying to be kindhearted, Ben" replied Maz, "It's time that I become one with the force".

"So, go you Dyads" she continued weakly in a quiet voice then reached for her pocket, handing out a small sphere-shaped force Wayfinder to Ben and Rey, "When you find the Goddess in the force temple in the cave adjacent to the ocean in the fjord. You insist to her that you are here to find out why you and Rey are a Dyad in the force".

"I can't leave you, Maz" sobbed Ben as he gazed into Maz's eyes.

"There is nothing you can do, but I'll always be with you and Rey through the force" replied Maz.

Ben took a step back slowly, carrying the way-finder in his hands as Maz weakly coaxed him to go on the journey. Ben and Rey both ran from Maz's dorm to theirs to prepare supplies for their falcon.

They loaded the falcon's smuggling compartments with food and other things like a toolbox just in case the ship breaks down. They were ready to depart for their journey the very next morning.

As soon as they were finished loading the supplies into the compartments, Ben and Rey immediately head off to bed, still grieving and knowing that Maz wouldn't make it by tomorrow.

As the pair slept, Ben dreamt about his parents comforting him that Maz will be with them in the force, always watching over them.

The next morning, when the Dyad couple woke up, Poe was at their door, bawling his eyes out pretty hard. As predicted, it turns out that Maz succumbed to the force and became one with it while Ben and Rey were sound asleep.

"Hey love Porgs," Poe said sadly and quietly at the same time, "As guaranteed, Maz perished as soon as you fell asleep. After that, Zorri and I and the rest of the Resistance were deeply in mourning her death, Maz will be with us always."

Ben and Rey started crying again, they had always known that from yesterday that Maz will not survive definitely. "You dyads, would you like to leave bouquets for her at her funeral" Poe suggested then wiping tears off his face, "She would be so happy for your kindness if you were kind enough".

Ben and Rey looked at each other, and they both hugged each other in sorrow as they cried silently together. Therefore, they agreed with Poe that they will go to the forest and pick some wildflowers for Maz and then leave for their expedition.

When they finally chose the right flowers for Maz, the pair headed back to Maz's dorm to pay vigil for her. Ben and his lady were still crying, "Rest in peace Maz, you will be deeply missed!" he and Rey said quietly while staring at the deserted bed that Maz left to become one with the force.

Soon, it was time for the dyad couple to embark on their journey to the planet. They had double-checked everything they had for the supplies they packed including extra clothing too.

Ben and Rey waved goodbye to the Resistance before they shut the Falcon's door. All the Resistance members waved back from afar, happily.

As soon as Ben got to the cockpit with Rey, the pair plugged the way-finder into the Falcon's navigation system. Immediately, the navigation system pulled up the exact coordinates for the destination.

After that, the Dyad flew the ship out of the planet's atmosphere to prepare for travelling at light speed. "Hit that hyperdrive dear," asked Ben as he and Rey pulled the lever together, causing the ship to fly at the speed of light.

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