Chapter 8

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One week later, the dyad duo was getting ready to go on a date night on Coruscant. In addition to that, they just wanted to have some leisure for themselves.

Before the two sped off with the falcon together, they waved goodbye to all the Resistance workers who all cheered on for good luck.

After that, Ben closed the falcon door and he and Rey exited the planet's breathable atmosphere. "Hit for that hyperactive sweetheart" Ben instructed Rey who therefore pulled the hyperdrive lever, causing the ship to take off at the speed of light.

"Ever been to Coruscant before, dear?" asked Ben since it was his idea to go on a date with Rey on a 1 trillion strong population city-planet.

"No, never, I lived on Jakku for my whole life so, no", replied Rey "I heard you only been to Hosnian Prime before it got blown up by the First Order".

"Yeah also, I've never been to Coruscant too" Ben mentioned "Indeed, it's the first time".

"I wonder if the people there are even friendly and helpful enough if you are lost" he continued.

"I don't know, since I heard from Poe that the underworld level people are not quite nice as you believe because there is a lot of crime down that sunless void" imagined Rey "I hope that people on Coruscant don't recline their noses up and walk away when we ask for directions".

"Anyways Rey, when we rebuild the new Republic, its capital will be on Coruscant," Ben told Rey "That's another reason why I want you to understand what's it like there".

They continued to talk for more than half an hour until the ship approached Coruscant, with the city lights and other ships arriving that caught their very eyes.

At that moment, the voice of a person came onto the Falcon's radio, it was coming from the control tower on the planet that questions pilots about their reason for arriving at Coruscant.

"Sorry Rey," said Ben "I have to pick up this radio call from the tower it's a must".

Ben picked up the call. "Hello?" he mumbled on the radio, waiting for the other end of the line to respond.

Just then, the same person calling from the tower responded to Ben back with a hello. "Hi welcome to Coruscant," said the voice booming on the radio "What is your reason for coming to Coruscant today?"

"Whoa sir, you don't shout that loud as a Wookie" snapped Ben as his ears were ringing from that loud homily "By the way, I'm here to go on a date with my girlfriend and I repeat and my full name is Ben Solo".

"Roger that Ben!," replied the voice "You free to land".

Ben then docked the falcon near the entertainment corridor where everything was opening up since it was dawn and the sun was just peaking from the horizon.

Both Ben and Rey stared at the sunrise peacefully that reflected among the busy skyscrapers as they stepped out of the Falcon.

"Eventually sweetheart when the Republic gets restored to the galaxy, we most likely have to live on Coruscant as a part of the livelihood in the Resistance," told Ben while holding his girlfriend's hands, "I know and understand that the planet is pretty much polluted with smog".

Rey nodded her head yes to express her thoughts to Ben. "Now what should we do, Ben?" asked Rey "Can we get to the library first thing?"

"Okay as you wish" answered Ben, then he and Rey walked to the local library together. When they got there at the entrance, Ben had a really funny idea also.

"Hey, why don't I run and spin the spinning entrance door" suggested Ben while smirking. "Go ahead," replied Rey.

Ben did what he thought in his humorous mind, by spinning the door. Rey instantly cracked up, "You're so silly, handsome," she said while snickering.

Ben's silliness also caught the attention of the library security guards, they headed over to him and said, "Hey handsome, this is no place to fool around, you're disturbing the readers here".

Ben stopped immediately what he was doing, his face immediately shot up in embarrassment. "So sorry sir" he smirked and hung his head low, "I was trying to make my girlfriend laugh at my great sense of humour".

Both of the security guards peered at each other for a second. "Well if you want to read the books in the library, please behave yourself and don't fool around like a Banta," they declared then went back to their work.

Rey stared at Ben sternly. In Ben's mind, he was worried that she was gonna lash out at him for what he did. By surprise, Rey let out a laugh to acknowledge Ben's sense of humour.

"Wow, you're so funny when you are in trouble!" Rey exclaimed while laughing at Ben, "Let's just do what the security guards asked for".

They both went inside and were surrounded by books. There were even some books that contained information about planets from major systems of the galaxy.

Ben and Rey both read a few books together. After that, they went to a restaurant set inside the library.

Ultimately, the couple was able to get an outdoor patio table. This meant that they can romantically gaze beyond the Coruscant skyline filled with high-rises and bustling speeders passing by.

"So what do you want to order?" asked Ben while reading the menu "At this hour they only serve breakfast".

"Anything, Ben" replied Rey since she wasn't too hungry at this point.

The couple both requested blue milkshakes and deep-fried Nunya dummies. As soon as the food arrived, Ben began to hork his milkshake-like he didn't eat for a long time. Then he took off his shirt.

"What in the world are you doing, handsome?" Rey questioned him sharply "Are you doing that to tan yourself so you can look like me?"

Ben smiled sweetly back at Rey, "Yes I just want the tan like you, Rey" he explained, "I have a muscular build and an 8-pack but I feel like I don't look sexy enough".

"Man, you're so hard to get rid of, Ben Solo," Rey blurted while smirking, "I believe it's because of your rare personality and your cockiness that touches my heart".

"No, in my viewpoint I think you're just too irresistible," Ben suggested, trying to flirt with Rey.

Unexpectedly, Rey inches her face to Ben, eventually kissing him gently. Once she let go and smiled, Ben smiled at her back like he was at his happiest place.

"You have that same smile from our first kiss on Exegol" Rey reminded him as Ben shook his head rapidly to admit Rey's remembrance of that very moment.

Then a waitress came out of nowhere and cleared her throat. "Ahem" she spoke to Ben and Rey then looked down at Ben's muscular body, "Hey handsome, put your shirt back on, we won't serve you if you're half-naked like this at our restaurant".

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