Chapter 4

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Since Rey said yes to Ben's marriage proposal. Actually, Ben expected her to say no but to his surprise, she said yes.

In the crowd, Leia began weeping for her son now that he's getting married. "I'm so freaking happy for our only child" she sobbed "He had now found his true love".

"I know sis," said Luke who came into the conversation "I'm also pleased for my nephew too".

Soon the rest of the Skywalker family began to appear as force ghosts around Han and Leia to witness Ben's marriage proposal including Anakin and Padme too.

"They did it" said Anakin "I'm feeling the same as my two children whose my grandson is now tying the knot with Rey".

"Leia," said Padme calling her daughter's first name "You and Han should go give Ben and Rey a hug".

Han and Leia stormed up onto the stage to deliver a hug for the happy partners altogether. "I'm so proud of you Ben" Leia whispered into her son's ears and kissed him gently on the cheek "I'm so ready for myself to be a grandma".

"Mom! we hadn't talked about having kids yet" directed Ben "You're way too optimistic right now".

Like Han and Leia, who were nuzzling their son and his girlfriend tightly. The stage announcer who walked out from behind the stage concert, Qi'ra noticed a familiar face that she hadn't seen in 30+ years.

"Han?" spoke Qi'ra recognizing him immediately "Is that you?".

Han's eyes then widen in surprise while hugging Ben "Yeah it's me" he replied.

"Omg, it's you!" Qi'ra shouted in happiness "What happened to you all these years after I broke up with you?"

"Long story short, I met my wife, Leia who was a rebel spy during 0ABY then we tied the knot and had my son, Ben" explained Han "Then I died and came back as a Force ghost".

"Are you still with Crimson Dawn?" continued Han.

"I divorced with him" replied Qi'ra "He was pretty cold so that's why". "By the way is that handsome boy of yours is Ben"? She began again.

"Yep" Han told his ex "He was quite spoiled as a child".

"It's a pleasure to meet you Qi'ra" Ben greeted her them shaking her hands "You seem like a kind person".

Leia took one look at her husband's ex "I don't like her, I think she's a piece of a**hole" she told her son.

"Mom, don't judge her like that way," Ben told his mother "Not very nice of you".

The concert began again throughout the schedule. It ended at midnight with a closing song. Everyone started to head home at that point.

Just before Ben's parents went back to the netherworld. Ben then remembered something to say to his dad.

"Dad there is something I want to tell you" he quickly told Han and ran to hug him "I'm so sorry for slaughtering you on Starkiller base, I wished I shouldn't have done that" he apologized "And I want to say I love you, a lot".

"Oh, Ben, I accept your apology" answered Han "I truly understand that you suffer from a lot of anxiety and stress".

"Thanks, dad" whispered Ben as he started to cry silently "I love you so much, I get that you weren't the best dad in the galaxy but your unconditional love never failed me".

The pair both waved goodbye to Han and Leia before heading back to their hotel. Once the couple arrived back they slumped onto the bed in tiredness.

"That was the most fun time I had with you, Ben" Rey mentioned to her partner "Speaking of having fun, how did you buy the engagement ring?"

"It used to belong to my mom" explained Ben "While I was cleaning her dorm after she passed away I came across her other ring and she said it was okay for me to take it and propose to you on this very fateful night".

"It's beautiful, thank you" Rey thanked Ben "I love the colour especially".

"I knew you would like it" smiled Ben then took off his shirt "You now go get dressed in your nightgown and sleep okay?"

Soon after, they plopped their heads onto their pillows and prepared to sleep. "Good night my love" Rey whispered. "You too" replied Ben as both the pair fell fast asleep.

Throughout the night, Ben was constantly tossing and turning side to side. In the dream he was back to working for the First Order in the elevator to meet Snoke. When the elevator door slid empty, all Ben saw was his parents and his girlfriend were tied in chains and gagged close to death in the throne room.

"Why the hell you are doing this?!" Ben yelled at Snoke "You bastard!"

Snoke began to cackle "This is for your failure, young Solo," he said "Now you are gonna have a choice to either assassinate your parents or the love of your life first.

"And hurry up since you got 1 minute!!!" continued Snoke. Snoke pulled a timer from his pouch and immediately set it to his desired time.

Ben's head was ruminating with confusion. He knew that if he chose the wrong path it would haunt him for an eternity. "30 seconds!" Snoke yelled out to Ben.

Ben was now even struggling to make a decision, instead of pulling his lightsaber out, he said this in a painful tone. "I love you guys so much," he told his loved ones "I promise that we will someday reunite in the netherworld".

Then the timer rang. "You didn't make your options soon enough!" remembered Snoke "Now I'm gonna be the one to decide".

"Knights of Ren" he then called out "Kill his parents first then his partner!"

The knights of ren began their process of brutally beating Han and Leia with their weapons. They both cried out for their son which Ben was restrained by the guards as he watched in horror.

Once they finished their first job, they moved on to Rey. The knights then snatched Ben's lightsaber from his belt. Ben and Rey gazed at each other in sorrow "I love you so much" They said to each other in their heads through their dyad connection.

The knights then ignited Ben's lightsaber and stabbed Rey with it, fatally wounding her. "Nooooooo!!!" Ben screamed out loud. Then he blacked out.

Ben wakes up on a mattress full of sweat. He was breathing hard, his heart was also pounding fast too.

Suddenly he gets up and went to sit on a nearby couch. At the same time, Rey wakes up and knew what he has been through.

"Having a bad dream again?" she asked him then sitting beside him. "Yeah about my former master and those Stupid knights of ren killing you and my parents" Explained Ben.

"Tell me everything" replied Rey.

Ben goes on to tell her about his nightmare to her. Afterwards, they went back to sleep and left Naboo in the morning.

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