Chapter 6

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The very next morning that the Resistance woke up to, almost everyone looked like a wrecked train because their mentalities were flooded by the excitement from the party yesterday.

Poe woke up at dawn from a restless night, he was still a little exhausted from last night's gathering. Ben and Rey soon woke up as the sun was in the atmosphere. Regardless, they surprisingly had a good slumber.

"How was last night for the two of you?" Poe asked Ben and Rey. "Best night ever" they responded as they sweetly smiled at each other romantically.

"I had a horrible night," told Poe "My Zorri keeps changing sleeping position constantly waking me up".

Suddenly, the two Dyad lovers burst into laughter from what Poe just told them. In fact, they did the deed but it must be kept a secret except for Maz.

"Now you go get some breakfast now you dyads" informed Poe "The cafeteria should be open".

"Great idea Poe, I'm hungry" uttered Ben after hearing his stomach growling "What's today's breakfast?"

"Porridge, stew and bread" explained Poe "I'm the leader here so I know everything that is carefully set up".

"Then after breakfast, I have a task for you, Ben" Poe continued "Today you get to fix one of the X-Wing hyperdrives".

"Wait Poe I have an exception for my girlfriend" interrupted Ben "Can she keep up reading the ancient Jedi texts so we can understand more about our Dyad origins instead?"

"Of course" Poe accepted Ben's suggestion "But you must remember to keep checking on her just in case she found anything intriguing".

"Okay General"  Ben answered back as he and Rey went to the cafeteria.

Soon, breakfast was served and the whole Resistance filled up all the dinner tables. Only the Dyad couple's companions settled with them on one of the tables they sat at while they enjoyed breakfast.

"So did your amulet activate last night?" Rose and Finn asked Ben and Rey.

"Yep, It actually did with the force by surprise" explained Ben "I guess it tells us that we are working our way to bring back balance to the force".

"So, my honorary nephew is gonna bring in peace with Rey," thought Lando "When you were a toddler, Ben you used to be a huge troublemaker and I felt like you will fall to the dark side which you did".

"And I gotta mention that Ben would throw a tantrum when I tried to change his diapers" he continued remembering Ben's chronology.

Ben's face became flushed in red "Ew Uncle Lando, that's embarrassing!" He shouted in embarrassment as he continued to chow down on his food.

"Ben try not to be ashamed like that" reassured Rose "You had an honorary uncle who gave a damn about you like your parents".

As the discussion went on, the droids rolled in accommodating BB-8, R-2, C3-PO.

"Hello droids" Ben greeted them as he petted class 2 unit droids "It's so nice to see you again".

"Heh me too," said Rey as she petted the droids the same way Ben did.

Soon after, breakfast ended and everyone went to their everyday work tasks. Since Ben was given a task to fix the X-Wing Fighters' hyperdrive directed by Poe while Rey was in her dorm reading ancient Jedi texts, he started instantly checking for any malfunction in the hyperdrive.

Then Ben began to sing with his voice bit while fixing. This attracted some cool Resistance chicks who were working short by including Rey's Girlfriends.

"Heyyyy Ben!" they greeted him "Whatcha doing handsome?!"

Ben smiled back at them "I'm repairing the hyperdrive of this X-Wing" he told the girls "I can also fix up a TIE fighter hyperdrive back when I was Supreme leader furthermore ".

"What brings you here?" he continued.

"We heard you singing and it sounds beautiful" the girls acknowledged "We just wanna say that most of us who don't have a boyfriend have a crush on you because you're so freaking gorgeous. please do not tell Rey".

Ben's face turned bright red again, this time he tried to hide it but unfortunately, the girls saw the entire thing. "I gotta get back to work before General Poe Dameron yells at me," Ben told the girls "You should too".

Immediately the girls did what Ben wanted for them and went back to their duties. At the same time, Poe went to do a wellness check on Ben as the girls were walking out.

"You doing okay Ben?" he asked politely. "Yeah I am, those Resistance young chicks who paid a visit called me gorgeous and I'm pretty content about it" Ben answered back "By the way for this Hyperdrive that I'm mending I think you need to order new parts from Coruscant".

Poe checks the hyperdrive and inspected it along with Ben. "Yeah, fella you're being honest, now the unfortunate part is that we need to replace it and ordering the parts could take 2 weeks," Poe notified Ben "Since so good at engineering like this you can help us fix the new giant Resistance ship that was recently donated to us later in the future".

"Okay General" replied Ben "I'll be happy to repair these hyperdrives anytime you wish to".

They both smiled at each other before resuming their assignments. After Ben was done repairing the hyperdrive, he went to check on Rey on her study of the days.

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