Chapter 11

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The falcon was still descending at lightspeed. the dyad couple were still seated on their ship's chairs, they were ruminating and excited to find out why they were chosen to be Dyads.

Ben looked over at Rey romantically, he was sure that the force chose them to be Dyads because they are each other's soulmates for an eternity. Most importantly, he was more than euphoric to be with Rey forever.

"Rey" spoke Ben calling his partner's name as he put his hands on her shoulder, "What do you guess that will happen when we meet the goddess who created the force?"

"She probably calls us by our first name, Ben" Rey answered, "It makes sense that I feel like that kind of thing will happen.

"I agree dear,"  said Ben as he began to stroke Rey's smooth silky shoulder-length hair. "Your hair, Rey" whispered Ben, "It's so soft and beautiful, I'm amazed at how it moves and flows through my fingers".

"Heh, you too," Rey smirked then stroked his silky jet-black hair smoothly like how his mother did when he was a baby and a young child, "I wish I can nibble on your large ear flaps too, handsome".

"Oh no, you're not going to," Ben said with his voice teasing as he tried to dodge Rey grabbing his jawline.

"C'mere, my handsome Banta" Rey beamed teasingly, trying to grab her sweetheart's face once again. Eventually, Rey succeeds in doing so and clasps her pearly whites right into Ben's cartilage ear flaps, nibbling it joyfully.

"Oh my God, that tickles" exclaimed Ben as his flawless face turned hot pink, "Stop it or I'm gonna wet myself soon".

"Okay alright!"  Rey giggled, breaking her teeth away from Ben's ears, "You know that you adore being toyed with since everybody has a tickle spot.

"Ah, that gives me an idea!" acknowledged Ben, "Now it's my turn to tickle you, dear".

Ben's hand reached for his gal's armpit and began to play amusingly to it, tickling it wildly. Rey couldn't stop laughing at all, his tickling sensation practically made her broke wind.

"Okay okay that's enough for now," mumbled Rey while grinning and poking Ben away from her body, "I like how you are a better tickler than me, but you did a great job, Ben. I almost wet myself."

Ben broke out in uncontrollable laughter, "You almost wet yourself?" he asked humorously, "Seems like I did a great job on you!"

"Well, you did" acknowledged Rey, "Now let's see if we are almost at our destination".

Rey looked down at the coordinates on the screen. Sure enough, they were nearly there, just 15 minutes away. Then Rey spotted something in the navigation system.

"Ben, I think I found a nebula in our path," she spoke out, "We might have to go around it, to avoid the Falcon ceasing to function".

"Okay, my love" Ben approved as he and Rey stop the ship's lightspeed. The ship slows down to normal and in their very sight, they see a blood-red nebula in the direction they were heading.

"That's the nebula I was talking about, Ben", Rey told him to give him an idea of what she saw on the navigation systems, "Alright, I know that this will take longer than expected, but this is the hard way that we have to maneuver".

Both the pair drove the ship around the supposedly dangerous nebula, at the end they sighed in relief that they drove the falcon without breaking it down.

"Imagine if I broke my Dad's ship, completely", Ben indicated, knowing how furious Han would be since he won the Falcon from Lando long ago.

"That makes sense, he would perhaps scold you painfully until your brain explodes" Rey suggested then shrugging, "We should be grateful that we have the fastest ship in the galaxy and that I bet that lots of people are jealous of us".

"Yeah, exactly sweetheart" replied Ben placing his large hands on Rey's shoulders again, " Remember this ship can run the Kessel in less than 12 parsecs".

Soon, their destination loomed in front of their eyes from inside the ship. The planet was a lovely blue-green jewel colour with wispy clouds just like they saw on their amulet.

Ben started up the falcon's descent into the planet's atmosphere. They were hit by thick fog the lower they went, reducing visibility to near whiteout conditions like in a snowstorm on Hoth.

"Ben!", Rey shouted by calling his first name, "Be careful not to make a crash landing straight into the deep ocean or the mountainous fjords".

"Rey, I'm trying", Ben consoled her, "No worries, Rey". Right after what he said, an enormous slab of rock hovered right in front of the cockpit in their very eyes. They were flying directly to it at high speed.

"WHOA, WHOA!" Rey shrieked as her heart was battering against her chest in dismay and burden, "BACKUP! BACKUP!".

Ben jerked the Falcon sharply away from the mountain at a 45-degree angle. He then made an immediate land on the beach due to hazardous visibility conditions that almost killed them. The ship was already on the ground, and both the duo sighed in relief that they finally made it.

"That was scary, sweetheart", Ben uttered, still shaking from that near-death experience, "I'm so glad that we walked away without any sort of collision or scratches".

"By the way, let's make a plan now", He began again, "Immediately now we make our journey by walking towards the cave. I dunno how long it will take but be honest, the cave in the fjord could be farther than expected".

"Your right", replied Rey as she began to unload some equipment from the smuggling compartments, "We might have to spend a night under the stars as a break".

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