Chapter 8

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"Kisaki...? Hanma? I thought today was the day you did your plan?"

"Already done. Let's go out."

"...What if you two enter instead? My parents are busy with work and my siblings are at their friend's house. There's...too much food I had to finish by myself."

Hanma and Kisaki stare at the boy before Hanma enters the house happily. Hey, who wouldn't be happy for a free meal on Christmas anyways. Kisaki followed Hanma and they went to the kitchen. The meals are indeed too much for one person to finish. They all sat down and started to eat.

"Damn, Manzo. Your mom is a great cook."

"...This is from the neighbour."

"Oh f*ck. Then, you should marry your neighbour."

"...No thanks."

When they finished eating, Hanma went ahead to walk out first but before Kisaki could walk out too, Manzo pulled his hand. The guy is holding a box that was wrapped nicely. Seems like it's a christmas gift for Kisaki.

"I don't want it."

" can give it to Hanma. I actually don't use this at all."

Kisaki took the gift and walked out. When Hanma saw Kisaki finally catch up with him, the first thing he talked about was the gift in Kisaki's hand.

"Want me to throw that away? You don't seem like you're liking it." Hanma tried to take the gift.

"Don't touch it."

"Aw, how cruel."


"Kisaki Tetta."


"You're fired."

Manzo could see that Kisaki is pretty shocked about the news. Manzo is also shocked because it seems like Kisaki's plan failed yet again. What even happened on that Christmas night? If he was there, he would've helped him so that he wouldn't get fired like this.

"Kisaki got fired?"

"For real?"

"Huh? But why?"

"I dunno."

Everyone was talking about it while the high up were just listening silently. Then, Kisaki nervously asked Mikey about it since the people around them are talking about it.

"What are you saying, Mikey? You're joking, right?"

"I'm not joking here. You're fired."

Kisaki was too surprised to even ask more. Hanma decides to step in to try saving Kisaki's place in Toman.

"Whoa, whoa. Hold the phone, Mikey. If you fire Kisaki, then I'm out too. Which means, of the 450 total members of Toman, the 50 former members of Moebius, and the 300 former members of Valhalla will all leave.

And Toman will shrivel to a mere 100.

You sure about this?"

Well, based on what Manzo sees, Mikey seems pretty sure about it.

"I don't care. Toman's getting too big, anyway."

Manzo cursed at himself for being true. Hanma is now speechless and Kisaki tries to talk with Mikey to get himself to stay. But suddenly, Mikey mentions the event between Black Dragon and Kisaki's plan. If Manzo knew, he would've taken Kisaki's place to give Yuzuha the knife instead.

Kisaki tried to approach Mikey but was blocked by Draken. Well, knowing Hanma who's pretty loyal to Kisaki right now, he helped Kisaki to approach Mikey was useless. The meeting ended there and Kisaki finally had to use another strategy.

"Kurokawa Izana?"

"We're no longer in Toman. This time...we will create our own Toman."

Kisaki leaves with Hanma while Manzo froze in his place. After one, gang to another...sometimes, he is questioning how Kisaki is not tired. The reason for him doing all of this must be a strong reason.


"You, go with whoever you want. I don't care."

"Then, can I go with you-"

"No. I am going to meet 'Takemitchy' so don't follow me."

Manzo watches as Kisaki hop on Hanma's motorcycle and they slowly disappear from his point of view. He decided to go home instead. Like heck he would follow random guys he doesn't know. When he reached his home, his brother saw him in Tenjiku's uniform and sighed.

"What kind of gang is it this time?"

"Dunno. I just joined it for fun."

He entered his room and removed the uniform. Finally he had his sweet time with his manga. The BL manga that he bought the first time was wholesome and so, he got a second one with yet another girl's help.

Of course, Kisaki wouldn't let him read in peace because right after that, he got a call from his lord.

"Oi. I didn't see you anywhere. You're supposed to go back to the base after following them beating Toman's a*ses."

"Oh. I didn't follow anyone and went home instead."

There's a long silence before Kisaki decides to lecture Manzo.

"Do you think my plan is a joke? Do you want to get kicked out from this gang?"

"Ah, no. Sorry. I will go there right now."

"Don't. The meeting has already ended."

Manzo still went to wear his uniform and leave his house. But when he's outside, he sees Kisaki standing in front of him while watching Hanma who's riding away from the scene. Seems like Hanma dropped Kisaki off in front of his house.


"Manzo. Let's go."



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