28;; My boyfriend

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28;;  My boyfriend

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Riki came home that night with an unusual feeling bubbling in his stomach, taking in a deep breath before he knocked on the door. He held his knuckles a mere inch from the white door, unsure of why he was so hesitant to go through with his action instead of standing outside like an Idiot.

He chuckled, retracting his hand. Maybe it was the fact that Jake finally could have some family time and that he was afraid to give him back his reality, or maybe it was just that. The reality. The reality of his unsaid words and thumping heart, wanting so badly to just burst and reach Jake's.

All he could think about was the conversation with Sunoo, Jay and Jungwon – especially what Jay had said.

He'd never been in a relationship, which was quite ironic. He knew having a boyfriend wasn't as beautiful as those romcoms and dramas played it out to be, even before he began matchmaking – he wasn't that naïve. He knew how it worked, how it went downhill and how people could make them work- he just wasn't sure if he was one of them.

They were so hard, complicated and had so many variables and factors you had to take into consideration. A friendship wasn't like a relationship. He guessed they were similar, yet so different. Things were bound to go wrong in both it was just more fragile since you were piling more and more trust in your partner.

If everyone else could do it, then why couldn't he? Riki thought to himself but even so, his thoughts were racing a mile a minute and his train of thought couldn't keep up. He cared and liked Jake so much he didn't even know how to describe it, even if he searched with a clear mind and a million dictionaries, there wasn't a single word that could truly explain the way he felt for the older.

In fact, the way he felt around Jake was too good to be describable.

His heart and all the butterflies went crazy at the idea of starting a relationship. They were the best of friends for he couldn't remember the last time he doubted their friendship, and they had already blurred the lines between a romantic and platonic relationship. At that, he chuckled.

Every kiss, every hug, every touch and every moment his body just couldn't leave his side - he knew that they would work out. They comforted his worries and made the ideas in his head a tangible scenario, everything seeming to work out how he'd imagined.

Everything made sense around Jake.

Even before this summer and the matchmaking, he always knew what he was thinking without any words. Indulging in the comforting silence, pinkies intertwined, staring at the ceiling, and unknowingly lost himself in the crumbs of contact.

He already knew there was something, something more, and he guessed his whim was right.

Maybe it would work out.

Instead of knocking, he fished around for the key Jake had given him in case no one was home. He smiled at how excited Jake had made the present seem even though it was just a key to his house – his words replaying like a broken record he wasn't sure if he wanted to fix.

"It's a key to my home, and hopefully your home!" "...like how you're my home."

He squeezed his fist tighter, heart thumping at the memory and he laughed at himself. The euphoric bliss was such an often occurrence, but his body still couldn't function around it. He shook his head and twisted his key, pushing open the door, teeth capturing his bottom lip to avoid breaking out into a foolish smile when Jake smiled at him.

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