32;; The day

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32;; The day

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Today was the day.

The day of matchmaking.

It was strange, to say the least, Riki hadn't done something like this in what seemed like forever though it had only been a few weeks. He blushed at the sudden bursts of memories, shoving on his clothes which didn't seem to settle right around his figure. Maybe it was because of the brew winds becoming less and less reliving and instead of becoming more and more chilling, it was September now and Riki was already missing summer.

Sliding his phone off his nightstand, Riki flopped onto his bed, his uniform still rung around his room. He knew his dad wouldn't appreciate it, after all, he had just come back home. He smiled at the thought of his family being back together – in fact, it was just as if the two passing months were repeating again but in autumn and Jake was his boyfriend.

Gosh, everything just made him burn with colour lately, just like the changing colours of the leaves. Scrolling through his messages, before deciding he would rather call Jake than text him - he rarely texted anyone (besides his family and Jake.)

Picking himself off the duvet, Riki collected his discarded uniform, "Hello, it's a surprise you didn't call me first," He can't help the growing smile on his lips when he's met with Jake's laughter.

"I know, I know. I'm just a bit busy – you know what day it is," Of course, Riki knows what day it is, the thought rung around his head ever since morning dawned.

"Oh, and you think I'm not a matchmaker either," Riki hummed, "hmm... let's backtrack and see who got us together – huh?" he raised an eyebrow even though he knew Jake couldn't see him.

"I was the-"

"No, no – I was the one to confess, remember?" Riki sets down his folded uniform beside him when he took a seat on the bed, "Wait... what were we talking about again?" He scrunched his eyebrows together to which Jake hums in response, "Well we should probably get to matchmaking, this is the day where we finally put all of Heeseung's skills into action-"

"I'm still not sure if this is a good idea, I saw Minsong in Literature and-"

"Oh calm down Jake, you've helped this far and you should know better than anyone else that best friends always seem to work out," Riki hopped off his bed and waltzed over to the mirror, tousling his hair as he spoke, "and besides, it's too late to back out now."


And with that, stage two of the matchmaking had begun.

The sudden knocks at the door startled Heeseung out of his seat – he hadn't intended on them arriving so early. His fingers curled into his sweaty palm, the spike of nervousness causing falters in his step when he approached the door. Heeseung took in a deep breath and reached out for the handle, tugging it open to reveal none other than Riki and Jake.

"I don't know if I want to do this again." Was the first thing that came out of Heeseung's mouth when he let them inside.

"Exactly, I also don't think it's such a good-"

Riki furrowed his brows at Heeseung and set his hands on both his shoulders, shaking him slightly, "C'mon man, pull yourself together, you can't give up on your crush so soon. You don't want to let this opportunity slip again, you'll do great!" he exclaimed and pat his shoulder, "you trust me, right?" he cracked a smile at Heeseung who nodded.

"Now let's go, you can't bail on Minsong now." And before anyone could say anything to counter his statement they were out of the door.

Heeseung pulled at slender fingers, trying to calm himself down as his eyes batted around his surroundings. He glanced back at Riki and Jake before pursing his lips into a smile – everything would be just fine, "Is Minsong there already?" he suddenly blurted out.

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