30;; I'm sorry

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30;; I'm sorry

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The next morning, Riki couldn't help but feel... awkward.

It was strange – he kept worrying about Jake catching onto his weird demeanour when usually he felt as if he could tell him anything. There was this sort of lingering weight, mimicking the time he had to matchmake by himself.

And just that comparison made his body shudder.

After the summer, Riki could finally go home since his dad would be arriving then so maybe it was best to resolve his little dilemma before he had an opportunity to ignore the growing tension between him and Jake.

He wasn't sure how Jake would react to the new matchmaking request since the wound from the last failed matchmaking was still fresh – Minsong and Jake hadn't even resolved their conflict before they broke it off. Jake hadn't outright told him it was like that, but he could tell they were clearly no longer kindling any sort of relationship.

Riki thought he might as well have rejected Heeseung's request but a part of him couldn't – couldn't risk hurting someone again as he did with Minsong, twice.

There was an unclear line of what was right and wrong and just wished he could've turned back time but there was no point in sulking anymore. Riki felt wrong keeping something like this from Jake, but he didn't know.

Didn't know what Jake would say if he found out how messy this request was and how it involved Minsong. Riki knew he had to get this out fast, faster than he wanted, faster than his body could process and faster than his brain could think of a plan.

Everything was so confusing and this time he couldn't chase the dwindling days with Jake to calm everything down.

Suddenly, he was on his own because he couldn't refuse to help someone. Riki hoped Jake hadn't noticed that he slept more on his own and didn't play along with his flirts as much.

Because to him, it all felt wrong while he was keeping this secret.

You see, Riki knew a little matchmaking request wasn't going to end the world and allow all hell to break loose – okay maybe he thought that for a second – but he started to question his own doubts after the last two fails and how much carnage had ensued.

That whole spring was a disaster – of course, it had finally ended well but that didn't diminish the fact that he was being irresponsible even if all he wanted to do was help.

At breakfast, Riki kept fiddling with his food, the simple bowl of cereal he decide to make himself that day wasn't as appetising to him anymore, sneaking glances at Jake who was washing the dishes – oblivious to the sea of thoughts eating him, and gnawing at any distractions.

He finally ate some of his cereal – this was ridiculous. He should probably just talk to Jake by now instead of leaving Heeseung hanging and lying straight to his boyfriend's face every single day.

Taking in a deep breath; It's okay, just tell him.

"Hey, Riki?" Jake turns around to look over at the younger. It seemed as if Jake had read his mind, calling out his name as if prompting him to look away from his food and at Jake.

"Yeah?" His voice slightly wavered, spooning up some cereal and chomping a mouthful down in case he would say something stupid or accidentally spill anything he would regret.

Jake finally left the kitchen and took a seat beside him, eyes meeting for a split second which startled the younger, gripping harder at the metal spoon while a sudden wave of heat washed over him. He forced a smile onto his lips and tried to seem confident.

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