Surviving - Slide 2

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Mike's POV

Holding my breath I hid in a closet. "S-someone...please..." I whispered. I looked outside of the closet and to my horror, the closet door snapped off its hinges which instantly attracted the creature. "Oh, shit-" I said. The creature leaped on top of me. In fear, I started trying to shove it off of me but its grip only got tighter. I could only cry in fear, but I looked behind my head and saw a broken pipe. I quickly grabbed it and hit it in its face. It whined in pain and I kept the pipe and ran away as I heard the creature growl and run at full speed after me. I turned around and tried to hit it but it grabbed the pipe and snapped it in half. "Oh, shit..." I backed up into a corner and it grabbed me, I felt a liquid climbing up my body. As I was about to give up someone came up behind the creature and hit it. "H-huh?" It was Blue Berry.

"FUCKING RUN!" Blue Berry shouted and he grabbed my hand and started running with me. With all that happened, I started crying from fear. "Thank you." I said. "No worries. Just keep-" Before he could finish the creature leaped on me pushing Blue Berry away from it and me. "Just go! It just wants me!" I shouted in desperation wanting him to live. "I-...please just escape." Blue Berry said before he ran off. I tried to push it off and it grabbed my hands and held it above my head. I punched it with my other hand and it backed off and I instantly ran away. As I'm running away I hear it running towards me again and hear its footsteps stop for and second and duck. It's leaped over my head and into a room in front of me. I quickly block the door with a counter and run away.

Blue Berry's POV

I reach the room where everyone else was and collapse from exhaustion. "W-what time is it..?" I asked dazed. "W-what? Where's the other guy?!" Bay asked. "He's...ok..." I say right before I fall asleep.


Mike's POV

I wake up after sleeping in a hidden spot in the room I'm in. "Ok. I need to go back to the others." I quickly walk over to the room but then the lights turn off and my eyes are flooded with darkness as they try to readjust to the darkness. I keep on walking feeling the walls to help guide me. I then feel something grab me and hold me. I look up and see the creature from before. "H-HELP! PLEASE" I shout. I try everything punching, kicking, shoving and none of it worked. I keep trying to get out of its grasp and before I could the liquid started to climb my body making the parts it touched feel numb.

"Someone help! Please!" I spoke and finally gave up. The strange liquid took over my body and my head felt lightheaded and numb. When the liquid settled I no longer had control of my body.

End of Mike

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