Prepare Part 1 - Slide 9

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Faya's POV

I wake up my vision blurry and look around to see, "I-I'm upside down?!" I scream alerting the creatures I'm awake by accident. "H-holy fuck!" I scream out. The flying creature flies up to me and grabs me from the go mass that kept me from falling. "L-let me go!" I yelp. I notice something else, I'm not in the same place as before. "W-what the fuck?!" I scream. I try to break free from the creature's grasp but made the creature put its mouth on my neck threatening to kill me. "Ok, I'll stop..." I said even though I didn't know if it understood me. As soon as my foot touched the floor I headbutt the creature and try to run away only to get pounced on by a white creature. "W-what the fuck?!" I scream. It's a cat-looking creature but has all characteristics like the others. The other creatures surround me and hold me down and the white creature begins to cover my body with the liquid. "P-PLEASE DON'T!" I shout. It spreads the goo to my legs, I struggle out of all of their grasps and struggle to get the goo off. "N-NO WAY! I'M NOT TURNING INTO ONE OF THESE THINGS!" I take the last bit off and begin to run away in fear and hear all of them running after me. "SOMEONE HELP!" I scream. I find an entrance to the previous building everyone else was in and quickly run into the room with everyone else. "RUN GET EVERYONE AND RUN!" I scream. "O-Oh shit!" Bay shouts. Me, Bay, Boy, Blue, Culton, and Reddie run out and I hear Lollie scream. "LOLLIE!" I shout. I run back to see Lollie being Transfured into a creature. "LOLLIE'S ONE OF THEM! KEEP GOING!" I shout. Soon we reached the kitchen and blocked the door with all of the tables.

Reddie's POV

"H-holy shit..." I say out of breath from running. "How many?" I ask. "5. That means there are eight." Bay says. "Eight? I thought seven." I say confused. "Yeah, why eight.?" Faya asks. "Ashton never came back. He must've gotten turned." Bay says looking down. "Fuck..." I say. "We need to get weapons. We can't keep being defenseless like this. We're only letting them take us one by one." I say. "Agreed." Bay says. Right there we all decided to get weapons, luckily we all got bats while I gave everyone bottles from the kitchen then I went to go get a bat for myself. "I'm gonna get a bat!" I shouted. I walk over to finally getting a bat and while I grab it a creature appears out of nowhere and pulls the bat over to itself, "Woah!-" I shout making Boy come over to me seeing the creature and before he could do anything the creature grabbed me by my shoulder and bit into my neck, "A-Agh-" I try screaming but am interrupted by blood filling my throat. The creature bites my neck fully and twists decapitating me. "REDDIE! OH MY GOD, NO!" Boy screams in horror from seeing me die.

End of Reddie

Boy's POV

"REDDIE!" I scream falling to my knees in horror. The others come and see and go to kill the creature. I throw up from seeing his dead corpse. "O-oh my god...tell me this isn't real..." I beg. "I'm sorry..." Faya says. "WE ARE GOING TO KILL THOSE THINGS!" Bay screams. "Maybe we can save them, like me?" Blue Berry suggests. "Even if we could, we don't know how." Bay says. "Oh." Blue Berry says sadly. "We need to-" I was about to say something until I was cut off by radio static from the kitchen freezer. "What..?" Blue Berry says confused by the noise. I walk over to the static and open the freezer and grab the radio. "H-hello?" I say. "H-hello?! We've been trying to get in contact with you for days!" The person says through the radio. "What? I've only just heard this right now since I heard static in the freezer." I respond. "Oh, so that's where that vent lead." They respond. "Wait. So there's more of you?!" I respond excitedly. "Yeah, currently there is me the names, Lui, my friend Culton, and we have more people on the other radio station named, Maya, Julian, Charlie, and Kay." Lui says. "Oh." I say. "Who's with you?" Lui asks. "Currently, my name is Boy, Bay, Faya, Charles, and Blue Berry." I respond. "Where are you?" I ask. "Currently, we along with the others on the radios are all in a lab with these weird creatures. Normally we call them Latex beast or more suitably Gootraxians." They say. "Oh, we always called them creatures." I respond. "So what're you guys doing right now?" Lui asks. "We're about to fight our way out of this mess but the problem is that we don't even know where the exit is." I complain. "For us, the exit is on the roof of the crystal cave. Shit...the battery is about to die I'll talk to you in a bit, be safe!" Culton says. "You too." I respond.

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